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1. Christmas Cookies?
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Cinnomon Almond Butter Cookies (okay you can put sugar free sprinkles on it) Ingredients: ¼ cup blanched almonds (chopped) Directions: Chop the almonds finely and set aside. Cream together room temperature butter or almond butter and sweetener choice until smooth and light. Add sea salt, vanilla, cinnamon, and cardamom and blend until well mixed. Stir in chopped almonds and almond flour and mix together until completely incorporated. Place cookie dough on a sheet of parchment paper and pat into a circle. Fold parchment over dough and put in the refrigerator to chill for at least 1 hour. Once cookie dough is chilled, preheat oven to 300° F (150° C), and position the rack in the middle of the oven. Place another sheet of parchment paper on top of dough and roll out dough into a ¼-inch thick circle. Cut with a 2-inch cookie cutter and place around 1-inch apart on a cookie sheet pan. Bake cookies in the oven for around 15-18 minutes until light brown in color. Remove from oven and cool on cookie sheet for 5 minutes before removing. Enjoy. More Holiday Recipes
Uric Acid: The Hidden Key to Your Metabolic Health. Whenever I mention uric acid, most people only think of gout or kidney stones. Even doctors do the same. If you don’t have gout or kidney stones your doctor likely won’t even check your uric acid levels. As I said before, uric acid is a normal byproduct in your body. Your kidneys are supposed to filter it out. But here’s the catch when you have too much insulin, your kidneys can’t do their job. So, too much insulin means your body holds on to excess uric acid. So if you fix insulin resistance, you’ll likely fix your uric acid problem too. Now, here’s the thing, doctors often blame meat for high uric acid. They believe gout and high uric acid come from eating purine-rich foods. But that’s only a tiny part of the story. For many, purines only become an issue long after they develop insulin resistance. Dr Martin.
The Simple Truth about Oxidation and Metabolism The body is composed of cells. Each cell is surrounded by a cell membrane made primarily of fat (cholesterol). A healthy cell membrane is selectively permeable. Meaning it allows water and oxygen to flow freely into the cell. This keeps the cell hydrated, pH balanced and ready to produce energy. It also allows carbon dioxide and other waste products to flow freely out of the cell. There are proteins that are embedded into the cell membrane that regulate the transfer of minerals, hormones, vitamins, enzymes and other nutrients into and out of the cell. This process is referred to as cellular transport. Overall health is determined by the health of the cell membrane, without it the basic functions of the body cannot happen as healthy cells need healthy membranes and healthy cells equal healthy tissues, healthy organs and the health of the entire body. What does wrong with cellular health? Every day, each of the cells of the body is assaulted by damaging free radicals. Free radicals cause cellular damage. This damage has been linked to virtually every illness or disease, as shown in countless studies. The one thing all these studies agree on is that over time free radicals begin to damage otherwise healthy organs, tissues, and cells. It can even damage DNA. How do free radicals damage your health? A healthy cell membrane becomes damaged by free radical oxidation. As the damage from oxidation progresses the cell membrane actually changes. The oxidized fats (remember the cell membrane is made of fat) in the cell membrane are no longer fluid, flexible and permeable but instead become thick, sticky and impermeable. This is similar to the fat on your kitchen exhaust fan. The thick, sticky fats in the cell membrane are no longer able to allow the free passage of water and oxygen into the cell or allow the carbon dioxide and other waste products out of the cell. As cells become burdened with toxic waste and even more free radicals, a greater imbalance in the natural pH occur until these cells become hopelessly dehydrated. The accumulation of acids, waste products and free radicals leads to further oxidation of the cell membranes, and so the downward cycle of oxidation continues. The Basics of Free Radicals & Oxidation The cells – Cells are made up of atoms. All stable atoms contain an even number of paired electrons. Free radicals occur when stable atoms lose an electron, resulting in a single, unstable, unpaired electron. Once created, these free radicals set off a chain reaction that begins a cycle of oxidative damage. It all begins with the cell membrane. Good News from Dr. Parker Dr. Parker discovered this cycle can be reversed by delivering high levels of antioxidants to the cells. These antioxidants restore the cell membrane back to health. Healthy cell membranes once again allow oxygen and water to flow freely into the cell and wastes out of the cell. This re-activates the body’s self-healing cycle. In order to stop the oxidation cycle, the free radicals must become stable again. That single, unpaired electron must find a mate. Antioxidants have the unique ability to donate an electron, transforming the free radical back into a stable atom. Recommended: We like PureLife Care+ to deliver the needed oxidative vitamins that will enhance metabolism and deliver health. Also improving your health through a balanced diet is very important. Do you want to learn what to eat for your health and WHY you should eat that way? There is a “Eat Well Nutritional Course” what we recommend Read about it here – Eat Well Nutritional Educational Course – Understanding Nutrition
Metabolic Neuropathy (nerve damage) What is it? What can be done for relief? The term metabolic neuropathy refers to nerve disorders associated with systemic diseases of metabolic origin. Metabolism is a generic word for EVERY chemical process in your body from energy production to cellular reproduction and fighting off disease. This means that metabolically unhealthy people can have severe problems in every system of their body. If you have high blood pressure, high blood glucose, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, excess weight around the waist you have a metabolic disorder – an imbalance or deficiency – that negatively affects the way your body functions. Metabolic diseases include diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, uremia, hypothyroidism, hepatic failure, polycythemia, amyloidosis, acromegaly, porphyria, disorders of lipid/glycolipid metabolism, nutritional/vitamin deficiencies, and mitochondrial disorders, among others. The common factor of these diseases is damage to the nerves by alteration of the structure or function of the myelin sheath and axons due to metabolic pathway dysregulation. Dysregulation is defined as: impairment of a physiological regulatory mechanism (as that governing metabolism, immune response, or organ function) Diabetes is the most common cause of metabolic neuropathy, followed by uremia. Some of these disorders also affect muscles due to the fact that the conditions damage motor nerves which send incorrect signals to the muscles. For information about nerve damage read Neuropathy Do you want a Healthy Metabolism? Why do we recommend this product? Read Improving Metabolism & a Formula to help
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