MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. What does Magnesium do for you?
2. How to Prevent the Flu... as  easy as 1, 2, 3....
3. Chemo-Brain, or Chemo Fog, now called................
4. The Healing Power of Vitamin C
5. What are the Signs & Symptoms of Neuropathy (nerve damage)


What about Magnesium?

This is a vital nutrient.  Find out in our latest addition to the McVitamins website. 

How to Prevent the Flu... as easy as 1, 2, 3... 

Chemo-Brain/Chemo Fog or Post-Chemotherapy Cognitive Impairment, or cancer-therapy-associated cognitive change

After years of denying there was such a thing as Chemo-Brain, the medical establishment has dubbed it Post Chemotherapy Cognitive Impairment, or Cancer Therapy Associated Cognitive Change. It will probably be shortened PCCI or CTACD??   Anyway, despite the research showing the exact damage, there is still some question about it and wanting to name it officially. 

Here is some medical opinion about it

But what does the physical research say.   Note the published research on Chemo Brain is at the end of the page that  we posted on the site on this phenomena.   Yes, there is something you can do about it and its also there. 


The Healing Power of Vitamin C

Vitamin C was intensively studied for over 70 years by the medical profession. Most of what was found in terms of the healing power of this vitamin has never been broadly published.

If the general public were made aware of what proper supplementing with vitamin C could do, and people took the correct amounts to meet their individual needs, the sales of many drugs and medications would drop like a stone and the overall health and well-being of the population would skyrocket.

Over the next couple of issues I will cover some of the wonderful benefits you can realize by supplementing with the correct amount of vitamin C. Here are the first few:


In a double-blind study of elderly patients hospitalized with severe bronchitis, those given 200 mg a day of vitamin C improved to a significantly greater extent than those who were given a placebo [Definition: a substance containing no active drug.].


When bruises (where skin turns blue to purple-colored that may turn yellow to dark brown over a few days) occur often and from minor, often unnoticed impacts, supplementing with 100 mg to 3,000 mg a day has shown to reduce bruising.


Vitamin C levels in the eye decrease with age. People who supplement with vitamin C develop far fewer cataracts, with doctors often recommending 500 to 1,000 mg a day as part of a cataract prevention program.


As a result of 21 closely monitored trials it was found that using 1,000 to 8,000 mg of vitamin C a day reduced how long the common cold persisted and the severity of symptoms by an average of 23%.


Sorbitol is a type of sugar that can collect in the body and damage the eyes, nerves and kidneys of people with diabetes. People who are diabetic appear to have low vitamin C levels. 2,000 mg of vitamin C a day lowers sorbitol in people with diabetes.


Glaucoma is an eye condition where there is additional pressure within the eye. It leads to loss of side vision, blurred vision, blind spots, seeing halos around lights, poor night vision, and if untreated, blindness. Supplementation with 2,000 mg a day can significantly reduce pressure within the eye. Much larger amounts are sometimes given.


23 controlled trials showed that vitamin C supplementation produces greater benefit for children than for adults. The review also found that a daily amount of 2,000 mg or more was better that 1,000 mg at reducing how long cold symptoms remained in children.


The finest and most effective vitamin C that will nourish the cells of your body is a food, not man made chemicals.

The WSNŽ Vitamin C is 100 PERCENT Whole Food C.

Use the link below to find out more:


What are the Signs & Symptoms of Neuropathy (Nerve Damage)?

Here is some information 


A Neuropathy Success - My Holistic Doctor Now Recommends the WSN Nerve Support Formula

Getting along with pain in life caused by neuropathy can be quite challenging to say the least, especially when one has to live with the pain on a daily basis.

Fortunately the body can get rid of the pain if given the correct nutrients which will also speed up the healing process.

Here's what some of our customers have experienced as a result of taking the Nerve Support Formula for their neuropathy pain:


"I became a diabetic type II about 8 years ago. My neuropathy started after I pinched a sciatic nerve about four years ago. I tried everything under the sun to relieve the pain. I experienced numbness, heat, burning pain running up and down my legs and eventually spreading into my feet and later in my hands. I was at a loss for what I could do. Then I saw a holistic doctor who explained to me how to treat diabetes through diet and exercise and what vitamins I should take along with the appropriate exercise to control diabetes. 

"The holistic doctor also recommended that I start learning how to cope with complications of diabetes. At first he put me on alpha-lipoic acid which relieved the neuropathy and left me without pain for about 3 months. The relief ended and the pain returned with a vengeance.

"Upon researching neuropathy online, I stumbled onto your site.
I am glad I tried your product. I have been taking the WSN Nerve Support Formula for about 9 months now. I started taking 10 capsules daily for about three months and then was able to reduce my intake to three capsules a day. 

"Within the first three months I experienced 80 percent less pain. On my days off from work I have no pain. The days that I work now are bearable. As long as I follow my diet and reduce or stay away from sugar and carb intake, I don't experience pain. I am able to walk further and exercise regularly each week.

"My own Doctor was shocked that I actually went back to normal for my toe sensitivity test in 9 of my 10 toes. The tenth toe showed remarkable improvement. My holistic doctor now recommends the WSN Nerve Support Formula as a method of treatment for neuropathy. My podiatrist now sells the WSN Nerve Support Formula to her patients." 

From John Tickner in the United States 


"I did have a neuropathy problem several years ago. I used your Nerve Support Formula, and my pain went away. I haven't had a problem with my feet in months." 

From Denis Nuccio in Illinois


"One day in April 2008 I was standing in my living room and all of a sudden I had this excruciating pain in my right outer thigh. It was like someone was shocking me there with high voltage. Then I experienced numbness and tingling. The pain was so bad I had to sit down. 

"I went through two months of trying to find what the problem was by getting various treatment for it, but to no avail, nothing relieved the pain. I finally went to an orthopedic doctor and he diagnosed me with nerve damage. He prescribed medication and I did not like the side effects so started doing some research and found the Nerve Support Formula.

"I've been taking it now for 13 or 14 months and most of the symptoms are gone and I no longer have to take the prescribed medication. I highly recommend Nerve Support Formula for good results and no side effects." 

From Emma Jeffers in Virginia


The WSN Nerve Support Formula is a medical food that is specifically formulated for the dietary management of neuropathy, and it works extremely well.

You can order the WSN Nerve Support Formula by using our secure link:

Or you can call me at
(888) 758-5590

You can call or email us anytime you have a question because we want to make sure you get the results that you are after.