MCVitamins News 
Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Exercise Tip
2. Is there really a right and wrong way to walk?
3. Another Cause of neuropathy.
4. Do you know what medications have a side effect of Neuropathy?

Exercise Tip

An interesting fact that is not usually understood about exercise is that a person burns very few calories while exercising. However, the delayed fat-burning effects from exercise can be quite a lot. 

Most fat burning occurs 14 to 48 hours after, but only under specific conditions. 

Burning fat during this time depends on what you are eating during this time, how much stress you are experiencing, whether or not you have pain, how much you sleep and if you are avoiding sugar/carbs. 

Eating carbohydrates before, during or after you exercise will prevent fat from burning off. This includes sugar. 

Eat protein at least an hour and 15 minutes before exercising but don't fill yourself with protein. 

Intense anaerobic exercise triggers fat burning hormones but if the adrenals are fatigued then intense exercise will prevent weight loss because the stress glands are being overused. If the latter is the issue than engage in light aerobic exercise until your energy and sleep improves. 

by Dr. Cindy Clayton  

Cindy Clayton-Sudalnik, D. C.
Life Wellness Group, 
9921 NW Engleman St, 
Portland, OR 97229, 
(323) 394-0194

Read:  Exercise - 

Is there really a right and wrong way to walk?

How many steps does a person take in an average day?  Is there a right and wrong way to walk and stand ?    These can be signs of walking and standing the wrong way:

Did you know there’s a correct and incorrect way to walk, stand and squat?

Well there is.  Just like a car, if your body mechanics are incorrect or out of alignment there will be wear and tear of the moving parts.

How do the muscles work together?

There are three types of muscle function. There are muscles that are the main movers of the joint, there are muscles that assist and guide and balance (synergistic muscles) and there are muscles that are stabilizers that stabilize the joints so that they are able to move in the correct directions.

At some point in a person's life, one of the muscles may fail (any of the three types) and the body will automatically shift the work to other muscles. This can be seen if you sprain your ankle, you limp and walk in a totally different pattern than you did before you sprained your ankle

This pattern now becomes somewhat permanent because the nerves have been retrained to use the wrong kind of muscle at the wrong time. This then becomes the new way you walk even after the limp is gone the foot position will remain. In order to prevent chronic stress on the joints of the lower extremities it is necessary to retrain the nerves, rehabilitate those muscles and retrain the lower extremities to move properly. 

What is the test?

A simple test would be to st and comfortably, with your feet about shoulder-width apart.  Look down and if your feet are pointing outward and NOT straight ahead, you may have this condition.

How can I tell if I am doing it right?

The foot has to be straight ahead when you walk and the knee must pass directly over the second toe when you walk.  You can check that by squatting to see if the knee caves in toward the middle or goes straight out over the toe. 

How does Dr. Price treat this problem?

Dr. Price does a full evaluation in his office correcting the problem with muscle work and an adjustment.  Then the patient works at home with the exact exercise for each muscle involved.  

By Dr. Stephen Price, D.C.


Another Cause of Neuropathy - Important to know.

It is a good thing to know what could be contributing to your neuropathy as it can often be more than one cause.  Some people are also taking supplements to repair the nerve damage, but hidden causes can result in slowed or no gain - sort of like trying to put out a fire while pouring gas on the fire.  Thus,  we look for any contributing factors. 

There is now evidence pointing to the use of denture cream which contains zinc creates nerve damage.  


Do you know what medications have a side effect of neuropathy (nerve damage)???

We have made a list.   You can read about it - What drugs list neuropathy as a side effect.   You can side check this with which is the literature of the drugs database.    You may see it listed as neuropathy, but sometimes it has different words, such as numbness and pain, parasthesia, etc. etc. etc. 

If you currently have neuropathy and are taking any of these drugs.  See your doctor and get him/her to prescribe something that is not contributing to your problem.

For more information on neuropathy, go to