MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Are your Vitamins doing you any good?
2. Lowering Blood Pressure: The Medications and the Natural Treatments 
What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health
Colon polyp found in Dr Oz appeared there spontaneously and without cause?

Health Myths and Legends – Issue #1 - Are your vitamins doing you any good?

There are many myths and misconceptions that have been floating around for years and years.   People unknowingly spread this false information because they’ve heard others saying the same thing.   They have heard it in commercials and in other advertisements. It really get confusing because sometimes the so-called authorities are the ones spreading these untruths.   McVitamins is issuing a health issue “Health Myths and Legends” to help you understand.

Let’s clean up the myths.  

Myth #1 – Synthetic Vitamins will make you healthy

In an effort to protect themselves and their families from frightening and serious health problems, people are changing their diets and are taking herbs and supplements.  Why do they need vitamin supplements?  Due to the depletion and demineralization of topsoil, the contaminations of produce from pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, the over processing, enriching and preservation – foods just don’t have the same nutritional value they once had.  To get the same amount of iron that was available to Popeye in one can of spinach, today he would have to consume 65 cans.    An orange that once contained 50 mg of natural Vitamin C complex in 1950, now contains 5 mg.

We’ve all have gotten used to reading literature proclaiming the benefits of vitamins, deciding what is wrong with us and heading to the health food store to buy what we’ve decided we need   We often end up buying all kinds of supplements - but are we any healthier?   People are still fatigued, still overweight, still fighting the cholesterol battle, etc. etc. etc.

The body runs on vitamins, minerals, nutrients and oxygen just like your car runs on gas, water and oxygen.  But what happens if you put the wrong gas, or worse some other liquid, into your car?  Not only will it not work, it may damage the engine.  The same thing can happen when you put the wrong vitamins in your body.

We can get healthier if we understand what most vitamins today really are – they’re synthetic.  Let’s talk about synthetic vitamins

What are synthetic vitamins made of?   Let’s define some words:

Natural:  These are vitamins not tapered with and are the way they are in nature, not tapered with in any way that might change their molecular structure or biochemical actions.   This can also be called whole food supplements.

Crystalline – these are vitamins originally from food but treated with heat, caustic, high-powered solvents (such a s benzene or toluene) chemicals, and distillations to reduce them to a specific vitamin.

Synthetic – These are vitamins made in a laboratory that are chemically reconstructed versions of the crystalline vitamins from other known sources. Thiamine mononitrate (a synthetic vitamin labeled as B1), is made from coal.  It’s not “organic” just because it has carbon in its molecular structure.

One of the most perilous deceptions is the passing off of these phony, synthetic vitamins and saying that the body does not know the difference.   In the long run, we will compound our health problems by taking them.

Keep in mind that synthetic vitamins are not the vitamin available in foods, but synthesized (made in a laboratory) fractions (parts) of a vitamin complex, The analogy here is essentially the same as an automobile salesman handing you a wheel from a car and telling you the wheel is an automobile. 

In an example we look at vitamin C.  You can buy “vitamin C” that is called
”Ascorbic Acid”.  Ascorbic acid is only one small part of the vitamin C complex.  Vitamin C has enzymes, co-enzymes, antioxidants, trace elements, activators, and other unknown factors that enable the vitamin to go into the biochemical operation.  

In turn, the human physiology cannot properly utilize these synthetic fractions in the way that natural complexes work in the body and are essential to tissue repair and the sustenance of life.   

When a person starts taking a fraction of a vitamin – and has sufficient reserves in his body of all the other components of the vitamin to recombine and process, the person may experience some improvement for a time.  However when those reserves are drained, the vitamin will no longer benefit the person.  Thus, a person may feel an increase in energy for a short period of time, but if taken for an extended period of time, the effects will reverse.

When vitamins were first discovered, they were discovered in foods.  When foods were studied a lot was learned.  Studies that show that vitamins work use a food source nutrient.  In studies showing that vitamins don’t work, a synthetic was always used. 

Additionally, the body actually has to recognize what you are putting into your body as food.   Like the finicky cat, that looks at some new food offered it and says “what is that?”  You’re body does the same thing.  It doesn’t recognize the synthetic vitamins and often just sends it right back out of the body.

A synthetic vitamin fraction can only be utilized for a drug or pharmacological effect.   The effect of a drug is palliative - meaning a making or covering over of symptoms - it isn't curative.  The disease process remains unchanged or progressively gets worse for lack of proper attention.  

What is needed is vitamins that come from whole food, which comes along with all the co-factors present when you eat a food. 

Tissue and cell repair, or replacement, require the following to restore the approximately 24 billion cells that break down each day in the human body.   

·        A constant, uninterrupted nerve impulse supply

·        A constant, uninterrupted blood supply

·        All of the VITAMINS in a natural, complex form.

·        All of the minerals in an organic form in most instances

·        All of the trace elements essential to metabolism

·        All of the enzymes, coenzymes, and apoenzymes

·        All of the 22 or more amino acids from protein hydrolysis

·        A discontinuance of organic or inorganic poisons either inhaled or ingested in bad air, bad food and/or bad water.

This doesn’t happen using fractionated vitamins.

What is a natural vitamin or supplement?   It is a whole food supplement, made from food, not made in the laboratory.

For more information about the right type of vitamins go to 


Lowering Blood Pressure: The Medications and the
Natural Treatments

The Medications

If you take blood pressure medications to address hypertension, you will need to take a blood pressure lowering drug for the rest of your life. These medications do not change the underlying reason that the blood pressure is high and so you have to take the medications continuously for them to work.

These drugs are attempting to address the reason for hypertension, which is the small smooth muscles inside your arteries that tense up. When these muscles tense up, the arteries become narrower, more rigid and less flexible. These medications will lower pressure by slowing your heart beat, interfering with nerve impulses to your arteries, removing water from your body, blocking biochemical reactions, or preventing calcium from entering the cells that make up the walls of your arteries.

Blood Pressure medications alter basic body functions not only in the blood vessels but other parts of the body as well.   Because all of the body’s systems work together, these drugs can create a wide array of side effects. 

There are different types of blood pressure medications.  

Beta-blockers:  are used to control irregular heartbeats. These drugs limit the ability of the heart to beat faster and as a result they reduce the ability of the person to or to physically respond to fight or flight during an emergency.  Fatigue is a side effect.  Beta Blockers can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. 

ACE Inhibitors:  Lowers blood pressure by decreasing certain substances in the blood that tighten the blood vessels.   It will dilate the blood vessels so the blood will flow more smoothly and the heart can pump blood more effectively using less pressure.  Common side effects are violent cough, dizziness, fatigue and flu like symptoms.  It can also produce a pounding or uneven heart beat.

Diuretics:  Stimulates the kidneys to flush excess fluid and sodium out of the body.  Less blood volume allows the heart to move the blood easier.  Side effects are loss of potassium, dry mouth, and dehydration.

Calcium Channel blockers:  Keeps the blood vessels and heart from absorbing calcium, which causes the blood vessels to relax.  Common side effects are headache, nausea, constipation, rash, dizziness and fluid retention.

Alpha Blockers:  stops certain nerve impulses to the blood vessels causing the vessels to relax.  Common side effects are low blood pressure, dizziness, headache, pounding heartbeat, nausea, fatigue, fluid retention and an increase of the cholesterol levels in the blood. 

Vasodilators:  Cause the muscles in the blood vessels to relax, preventing the muscles from tightening and the walls of the blood vessels from narrowing.   Side effects are headache, nasal congestion, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, pounding heartbeat, fluid retention, fluid retention and dizziness.

Sometimes taking two or three of these drugs is recommended to be used at the same time, which creates even more side effects as a result of the chemical interactions between the medications.

Natural Treatments:  Addressing the underlying cause of the high blood pressure

Since blood pressure is affected by the small smooth muscles that line the inside walls of your blood vessels, the reason that these muscles tense up needs to be addressed.

The Reason:  The loss of vital minerals by poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, being overweight, alcohol and caffeine in excess, emotional and physical stress and being diabetic results in these small muscles tensing up.

It is the replacement of vital minerals to your body that is essential to the natural and effective control of blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels and making them supple again.

Taking the vitamins and minerals your body is deficient in will naturally relax the muscles, relax the blood vessels and lower the blood pressure. 

Magnesium is a key mineral.  The body needs a proper balance of potassium, sodium and calcium.  When the body is deficient in magnesium, the balance is disrupted.

We can’t get enough magnesium in our food supply as the soil is depleted of magnesium, and other vital vitamins and minerals.  Thus, supplementing our diet with whole food nutrients that will nourish the cells of your arteries will naturally lower blood.

For the needed supplements we found the Blood Vessel Support Formula


What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health?    

A deficiency is basically a nutrient that your body does not have enough of to function properly.  

What if you forgot to put enough oil in you car?   Despite the fact that it was getting the air, gas, functioning spark plugs and good combustion, the car wouldn’t work properly.  Sure the piston would go up and down and the car would move forward – just like normal.  But soon the engine might run a little hot.  Down in the engine different things might start happening.  The rings around the piston that stopped oil from getting up into the combustion area might be giving way.  The normal straight camshaft might start to bend a little.   The engine just won’t work right. Perhaps the car will need a small repair, or maybe a major overhaul – or ignored the engine will just seize up and “die”. 

It’s the same with your body – except that you can’t just buy another engine and repairs made to a damaged body might not put things back together again.

Let’s look at some of the many varied things that can happen when you don’t put the needed nutrients into the body, and wind up with a deficiency.

Gingivitis is created when plague (sticky deposits of bacteria, mucus and food particles) adheres to the teeth, hardens and irritates the gum. The accumulation causes the gums to become infected and swollen. As the gums swell, pockets form between the gums and the teeth and act as a trap for more plague.  Irritated gums bleed and eventually start to recede.

This irritation can be fought by introducing Vitamin C, which fights the formation of plaque.  Now gingivitis, untreated, can progress to periodontal disease, which means loose teeth and false teeth.   Seems like it would be easier just to get enough C.   C would have fought the formation of plaque to begin with.

Does that sound too easy?  Remember in the fast food lifestyle that we live in, we need a Vitamin C to fight the many problems in that lifestyle – processed foods, polluted air, etc.  You need enough so that your gums get enough.  

Vitamin B12 comes from meat, eggs, fish and milk, but not everyone eats these and they do not eat enough to fight the depletion that happens from day to day living.   Alcohol, coffee, tobacco to name a few can also deplete the body of vitamin B12.

What happens when you have a deficiency of Vitamin B12?  It can bring about nerve degeneration.  Vitamin B12 supports the sheathing that protects nerve cells. Damage to the nerve sheathing can produce numbness, tingling and the pain. It’s called neuropathy.  Neuropathy can be a side effect of cancer treatments, certain medications, toxins, diabetes, and many other things.    And the funny part about it is that all reasons one can get neuropathy could have been prevented in the first place with the proper nutrients.   

We have all heard the problems from someone smoking, but even if you smoke, you can still take vitamins to compensate for the depletion of vitamins that it causes. 

There are a lot of problems that deficiency causes.  One of the reasons for the website is to help you understand those deficiencies and allow you to fix nutritional deficiencies and build good health. 

Remember when you build good health, disease tends to fade away.

See our Health Conditions Index and what you can do for relief


Colon polyp found in Dr Oz appeared there spontaneously and without cause?

Do you believe that disease is caused by bad luck? Dr Oz's physician seems to think so: The recent colon polyp found in Dr Oz appeared there spontaneously and without cause, we are being told.

It's a strange thing to hear physicians talking like they believe in voodoo, magic and "spontaneous" anything. Don't they understand the cause-effect nature of the universe?

Read more in my intriguing look into the colon health of Dr Oz and why every disease has a cause:


Side Bar:


How to Avoid Colds and Flu this Autumn

Thursday September 23rd was the first day of Autumn. As we enter the fall, this change of season often brings on instances of colds and flu. It's important to build up and maintain your body’s defenses and nutritionally enhance your immune system.

"The position with vitamin C and the common cold is becoming clear. 

"Frequent, large nutritional doses can reduce the incidence of colds, their severity and duration. 

"Once a cold has taken hold, treatment is much more demanding."

Excerpted from ASCORBATE The Science of Vitamin C
by Dr. Steve Hickey & Dr. Hillary Roberts 

Wellness Support Network provides absolutely the finest and most effective vitamin C available anywhere at any price! 

WSN Vitamin C is a concentrated whole food that your body recognizes and uses! 

Use this link to find out more: 

Or you can call us at (888) 758-5590 or email me anytime if you have a question.