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1. Dr Price’s Total Health Tips Tip #2: Apples
What is Muscle Testing? 
Forget Antibiotics, Steroids and Medication - Starve This Toxin out of Your Body

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away.  Why?  - by Dr. Stephen Price

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.  Three apples a day keeps you away from the doctor.  This is why: 

Apples have a large amount of antioxidants which aid in the prevention of all cancers.  They are low glycemic (don’t raise blood sugar), so they are the best kind of sweet to eat and you won’t get a low-blood sugar reaction.  They have good fiber to absorb and reduce cholesterol, as well as improving elimination, and they have pectin to absorb toxins from the blood.   

Reducing your calorie intake and losing weight! 

Hunger is stimulated by a lowering of blood sugar level, triggering a necessity to eat.  The greater the hunger, the more food a person tends to eat.  Eating an apple, one hour before each major meal of the day, reduces the hunger and naturally reducing the amount of food a person will eat.  This makes it easier to reduce your overall calories causing the body to take the fat from the skin and use that as for energy.   

Eating six times a day will reduce the low blood sugar between meals, so eat three meals a day plus three apples.  You can choose to eat the apples as a snack in between or just before the meals.  Whatever is best for you.   

Reducing risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke and more!

Recent studies have shown that a diet rich in apples and other vegetables reduces the risk of getting cancer (lung, breast, colon, stomach and others) and also lowers the risk for heart disease, stroke, and even Alzheimer’s disease. 

The best time to eat your apple is one hour before each of your major meals of the day – breakfast, lunch and dinner.  This can lower your cholesterol, reduce your hunger, clean your colon and give you more energy! 

Not only do apples reduce your risk of many diseases, they also slow down the aging process and extend your life.  So, apples add years to your life and life to your years. 

The Magic Pill: 

If there was ever a magic pill, an apple would be it!  


What is Muscle Testing? 

Muscle stress testing is different from muscle strength testing. Muscle strength testing is checking for neurological damage or muscle damage which is usually the result of a trauma. Chiropractors use this kind of testing most commonly on patients following an automobile accident.

Muscle stress testing is a test concerning control and distraction. A muscle is found that when "stressed", the patient has precise control over it (usually a shoulder or leg muscle). This muscle is used to compare the standard of control to loss of control (distraction). 

An area of the body is then "stressed" by putting a bit of pressure on it and the test muscle is stressed to see if the patient maintains precise control of the test muscle or not. If the patient loses control of the test muscle, then the area stressed caused a "distraction" to the test muscle.

Is the distraction from a fixed bone, a muscle in spasm or from an organ that has its nerve supply from the area of the spine being stressed? Furthermore, there can be other stressors to the area such as: a viral or other type of infection, a food sensitivity or even a scar on the skin. Any combination of these could be correct. Therefore, when something is found there are several possible fixes. Doctors call this variety of possible answers "differential diagnosis".

Using muscle stress testing and other chiropractic analysis or diagnostic procedures, an area of the body that is in a lowered functional state can be spotted and corrected.

It is true that all forms of testing have their strengths and weaknesses. The primary strength of muscle testing is that, performed well, it is very sensitive to spotting situations that could be missed. As early as the 1930's, Henry Harrower, MD and his associates noticed that there were about twenty symptoms of a low thyroid even when blood tests were completely normal, showing that blood tests are often not sensitive enough.

Dr. Harrower gave a thyroid product containing the thyroid hormone which reduced symptoms. There are even better ways to improve the function of the thyroid with specific nutritional supplements, even for people with low thyroid on blood test results.

Iodine sometimes helps. Preparations containing thyroid tissue free of hormones helps, but there are other supplements that are usually more important. The sensitivity of muscle testing makes this thorough testing possible.

I have printed success stories of people who came in with clinically (by blood test) low thyroid. In a few months, these people were doing great and through their medical doctors, off medication!

Any area or condition of the body can be improved a little or a lot, even resolved, with musculo-skeletal chiropractic adjustments and or the right supplements. Competent muscle stress testing is a proven way to find those areas and restore health to them. 

Dr. Mike Spearman
Spearman Better Health Center, Los Angeles

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Forget Antibiotics, Steroids and Medication - Starve This Toxin out of Your Body

For full story go to  Mold Exposure


To Your Health,
