MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. More information on you're Body's Acidity - a food chart and an acidity test. 
2. Deadly Medicine
3. Eat Right, Fight Disease
4. Food Matters
5. Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness?


Is Your Body Too Acid?

Much has been said about a body that is too acid.  Here are two tools for you which are found on our site. 

Alkaline food chart - Contains the alkaline pH rating for all food. Found on this page:   

Acidity test - quiz that tests people on their acidity of their diet and lifestyle. It rates you and offers more info on improving your alkalinity
Found on 

Deadly Medicine

Some medical researchers question whether the results of clinical trials conducted in certain other countries are relevant to Americans in the first place.

Read More

15 Superfoods that won't break Your Budget

We believe that once you fixed what deficiencies you have - 'heart _____", "nerve _____", "liver_______", etc. etc.  (fill in the blanks on what that condition is called by the medical profession, you need to eat right so that you don't fall into any other deficiencies.  Here is some good information on what and why to eat certain things. 


Food Matters

"Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medicine be thy Food" - Hippocrates. That is the message from the founding father of modern medicine echoed in the controversial new documentary film Food Matters from Producer-Directors James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.

With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and our tendency to rely upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what's wrong with our malnourished bodies, it's no wonder that modern society is getting sicker. Food Matters sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide 'sickness industry' and gives people some scientifically verifiable solutions for overcoming illness naturally.

In what promises to be the most contentious idea put forward, the filmmakers have interviewed several world leaders in nutrition and natural healing who claim that not only are we harming our bodies with improper nutrition, but that the right kind of foods, supplements and detoxification can be used to help with chronic illnesses as fatal as terminally diagnosed cancer.

The focus of the film is in helping us rethink the belief systems fed to us by our modern medical and health care establishments. The interviewees point out that not every problem requires costly, major medical attention and reveal many alternative therapies that can be more effective, more economical, less harmful and less invasive than conventional medical treatments.

Or you can buy the video here: Food Matters


Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness?

Neuropathy has many symptoms. It may start with a tingling feeling and end up with numbness. It can be a pricking, or burning sensation, loss of reflexes and muscle shrinkage, abnormal sensations, or sensitivity to touch. Its worse symptom is pain, sometimes so excruciating that a person would amputate rather than continue the pain.  

It is called many names such as paresthesia, neuritis, neuralgia, dysesthensia, hypoesthesia, hypesthesia, hypalgesia, hypealgesia and hyperesthesia due to its many different kinds of symptoms. 

But, what underlies all these symptoms?

They are created by a specific type of nerve damage. This nerve damage can come from too much sugar in the blood (the reason it is a side effect of diabetes). It can be caused by exposure to chemicals such as cancer treatments, poisons, alcoholism, or a side effect of some medications. It can be the result of kidney or liver failure, infectious disease or nutritional deficiencies especially B vitamins. The reasons are many; the damage they produce is the same.

What creates the problem is damage done to the outer lining of the nerve cell.  Cells have coverings much like an electrical wire has an insulation of plastic. Have you ever seen a wire whose insulation is damaged – the electrical current doesn’t flow correctly. It can send electricity out from the area where it is damaged, it can stop the flow of electricity or it can damage what it's supposed to be supplying electricity to.

A damaged nerve covering does the same thing. It can send out “sparks” that cause tingling, it can stop the flow resulting in numbness. It can create feelings of hot or cold or sensitivity due to crossed signals. It can definitely cause pain especially as the damage gets worse.

The idea is to fix this outer covering. This is called the myelin sheath. What is needed are specific B vitamins. The only question is how to get these B vitamins in sufficient amounts so that the body can actually build healthy nerves. Isolated B vitamins that are sold at the health food stores or local drug stores get washed out of the system too quickly to fix the damage. It would be hard to take enough of this type of nutrients to make a difference. You can’t get it from vitamins made in a laboratory.

What is needed is a whole food supplement with methylcobalamine and benfotiamine and other B vitamins that the body can use to build healthy nerve cells. That is one of the functions of the body, to build health. But it does need specific nutrients to do its job.  

Nutrients are what a body runs on. A car runs on gas. If you drive the car down the road, it uses up a steady amount of that gas. If you take that same car and speed down the freeway, you will use up a lot of gas. When you take a body “out on the freeway”, or put it under physical stress, it uses up a lot more nutrients. Thus, getting the right supplements in the right amount is important.

Just as a car won’t drive without giving it gas a body can’t or function correctly or build health without the proper nutrients it needs to “drive”. In the case of neuropathy, it needs these B vitamins.

Neuropathy can be a side effect of many things.  Although most often it is caused by too much sugar in the blood - Diabetes - there are many factors. Chemotherapy and some drugs have neuropathy as a side effect and it can be caused by surgery damaging the nerves - there are others.

For more information about neuropathy.

Success in Handling the Nerve Damage of Neuropathy

We got lots of different people who got nerve damage from many different reasons who have written up what happened to them.

Go here for their stories   

Read about getting relief by building healthy nerves.



How to Avoid Colds and Flu this Winter

Winter often sees far more instances of colds and flu. Now is the time to start building up your body’s defenses and nutritionally enhancing your immune system.

"The position with vitamin C and the common cold is becoming clear. 

"Frequent, large nutritional doses can reduce the incidence of colds, their
severity and duration. 

"Once a cold has taken hold, treatment is much more demanding."

Excerpted from ASCORBATE The Science of Vitamin C
by Dr. Steve Hickey & Dr. Hillary Roberts 

Wellness Support Network provides absolutely the finest and most effective vitamin C available anywhere at any price! 

WSN Vitamin C is a concentrated whole food that your body recognizes and uses! 

Use the link below to find out more: 

Or you can call us at (888) 758-5590  or email us anytime if you have a question.