MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. 72 and Getting Younger
2. HCG:  The Controversial Trick for Blasting Away Up to a Pound of Flab a Day
3. Cancer & Chemotherapy - An inconvenient truth
4. Dehydration - It will soon be  summer.   This article is about hydration, why it is crucial to a healthy body. 


72 and Getting Younger

You have been taught that by the time you are 70 or 75 you are very, very old. Certainly in the late 1800s, this was very true. Fortunately for you and I a tremendous amount of technology was developed throughout the 20th century in the realm of nutrition and the benefits it could bestow on people. There was also plenty of inferior technology developed during the 20th century of a nutritional nature as well.

The fact that this worthwhile technology exists and can have such extraordinary benefits has escaped the view of most people. Often it takes a considerable amount of time to rejuvenate a person physically even with good technology. This is due to the plethora of poor technology throughout the that you are probably, at least, slightly aware of and have been subjected to right down to the baby food you started out on. Such people often give up and think that nutrition does not really work.

The real truth is that their estimation of the order of magnitude that it will take to make the necessary changes is vastly under predicted. Nonetheless, numerous people experience dramatic improvements in a short period. This is probably due to getting just the right mix of supplements, having a stronger underlying constitution along with an underlying enthusiasm inherent in the person being treated.

Here is an example of one of those enthusiastic people. This person received eight supplements and in a short period originated the following success.

"Two days from now I will be 72 years old. For the last 20 years I noticed, little by little, a downward spiral physically. 'The old gray mare is not what she used to be' - type of thing.

Six weeks ago, I came to Spearman Better Health. Got with Dr. Spearman, who checked out various things on my body, and based on his findings, he put me on a Standard Process program of eight Standard Process nutrients.

After a couple of weeks, I noticed a little improvement. My thought at the time was - 'Looks like this is worth while. I'm actually getting something for the money I spent.'

Then, at the end of 3 weeks, I hit a day that was astoundingly wonderful body-wise. That day I took a hard look, and realized that I had not felt this good in 20 years, that all the negative stuff that had been going on over the years that I had 'labeled' as 'the body is getting old,' the vast majority of these negative factors had evaporated-and continues to be the case! 

I am a very happy camper!

Thanks Doc Spearman."
Cliff B.

If you are taking drugs for your physical condition, perhaps you should consider doing a nutritional program that actually provides the necessary nutrients so that your body can start to recover its normal metabolism and sense of well being.


Dr. Mike Spearman
Spearman Better Health Center
Los Angeles, CA. 90029


The Controversial Trick for Blasting Away Up to a Pound of Flab a Day

HCG stands for "human chorionic gonadotropin," which is a large glycoprotein, consisting of 244 amino acids, produced in huge amounts by the placenta during pregnancy.

It's not technically a hormone, although you will often hear it called one.

What is it and does it work, should you try it? 

The HCG diet 


Cancer & Chemotherapy - An Inconvenient Truth

Natural Health Examiner Article


Dehydration, Balanced hydration is crucial to a healthy body

What is dehydration?

Dehydration is simply a lack of enough water and electrolytes in the body. 

Causes of Dehydration 

It can be caused by water loss or by an inadequate water intake. 

Water loss can be due to excessive physical activity, sweating due to heat, vomiting, or even diarrhea.  

Dehydration can also occur due to alcohol consumption and caffeine consumption both of which cause water as well as vital nutrients and salts to be flushed from the system. 

Another cause of dehydration is due to some  prescriptions.. When taking prescription medications, necessary care needs to be taken to make sure that this is prevented.

Any sport or exercise that causes one to sweat can cause dehydration if it lasts long enough, is strenuous enough or is accompanied by either hot weather or too much clothing.    Dehydration is even present when its cold out and you are involved in sport like skiing, snowboarding or  running.  Due to the cold you don't notice how much fluids your body is losing. 

Symptoms of Dehydration

The usual first symptom on dehydration is thirst.  When the body is dehydrated it can give the perception of hunger, when in fact, it is actually in need of hydration.   

As a person  becomes more dehydrated - irrespective of the cause - symptoms include dry mouth, weakness, dry skin, nausea,  headaches, dizziness and tiredness.  

Dehydration and Electolytes:   What are electrolytes?

Electrolytes are minerals, such as potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium.  They are dissolved  in the body’s fluids Electrolytes affect the movement of substances between body fluids and tissues, and are crucial for normal function and metabolism. ...Electrolytes can also help regulate your body’s acid-base balance

Dehydration and Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is the commonest form of dehydration.

Heat exhaustion occurs when your body gets too hot. . Its symptoms are profuse sweating, dizziness and weakness, nausea and vomiting, rapid heartbeat, flushing of the skin, headaches, muscle cramps and extreme fatigue. 

An example of a warning sign is: when you have been working in your garden, stand up, are woozy and almost pass out. Another example is the “oh, I’m so tired, I just have to lie down and take a nap” feeling that comes over you after a morning on the Little League bleachers. It could be as subtle as a slight headache after a day at the beach.

The problem with dehydration and heat exhaustion is caused by the depletion of fluid, salt, potassium and electrolytes in the body - the electrolytes. 

When you sweat, you’re losing water, salt (sodium), potassium and other minerals from your body.

Water & Electrolytes 

So what is “enough water”? You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water a day, For example, if you weight 160 pounds, drink 80 ounces of water, or 10-8 oz. Glasses.

The cells need to be hydrated and you need to drink water. If you want to drink an “energy” drink, then stay away from the drinks that are high in sugar content. There are some “better” energy drinks that can be found in your local health food store, but that’s not a substitute for good water.

Along with the water, you need to have, salt, potassium and cell salts. These are the components that are necessary to drive the water into the cells instead of straight into the toilet.

Electrolyte drinks are useful in overcoming dehydration and is effective for body re-hydration after exercise. It helps promote a healthy lifestyle – at any age.   

Dr. Berg’s Electrolytes has the most potassium of any electrolyte power mix!

Dr. Berg’s Electrolyte Powder is the perfect combination of electrically conducting minerals and trace minerals. Electrolytes when dissolved in water create charged elements ready to hydrate the body cells and energize the body. These active minerals assist in nerve conduction as well as muscle contraction and relaxation.

You can learn more about this supplement at Dr. Berg's Electolytes. This page includes 4 educational videos about electrolytes and their need for your health.

Electrolyes: Rehydrate & Rejuvenate! as well as Energize & Recharge Your Cells!

Learn more at Dr. Berg's Electrolytes