MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site

Genetically Engineered Food Alters Our Digestive Systems
Your Body's Acidity - pH - and Heart Disease
Chiropractic - What is it? Lifelong Problems - Others Wouldn't Even Dare to Tackle
Neuropathy, A Diabetic Side Effect: How to Decrease or Eliminate This Problem


Genetically Engineered Food Alters Our Digestive Systems!

GE organisms actually become part of the bacteria in our digestive tracts and reproduce continuously inside us. But the USDA now wants to to remove all controls from GE corn and cotton!

Read More on Genetically Engineered Foods and our Digestion


Your Body's Acidity - pH - and Heart Disease

“As a country, we need to change our focus to prevention of dis-ease and disease by increasing research funding for how lifestyle and diet is the true cause of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart and other disease symptomologies," states Dr. Robert O. Young, of the pH Miracle Living Research Center.

“Advances in heart research and changes in the way physicians manage heart disease have turned it into a chronic illness. Modern acidic therapies, such as statin drugs and acidic aspirin, have increased not decreased the risk for atherosclerosis, stroke and acidic heart attacks, ” states Dr. Young

That includes beloved journalist Tim Russert, who passed in 2008. He was being treated for heart disease. He would have wanted us to debate heart disease, to bring it out into the open for full disclosure, to go on record, and then to go back and vote for change. “Did Russert work too much? Yes. Did he have an acidic diet? Yes. Could anything have been done to prevent his fatal acidic heart attack? Absolutely! A cucumber a day instead of statin drugs and aspirin, would have been the right choice. Maintaining the alkaline design of the body is the only treatment for preventing atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attacks," states Dr. Young

George Carlin, who had multiple acidic heart attacks and certainly would have benefited from an alkaline lifestyle and diet, once said “death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time.”

"Unfortunately Carlin was dead wrong about what causes death. The problem is not swallowing saliva. The problem is swallowing acidic saliva at a pH less then 6.8 caused by an acidic lifestyle and diet. A person does not die from a stroke or a heart attack. A person dies from acidic lifestyle and dietary choices that lead up to the stroke or the heart attack. The truth is the stroke or the heart attack is a consequence of daily lifestyle and dietary choice! You don't get a heart attack - you have to do it with your thoughts, your words and your deeds." states Dr. Young.

Some of us were dealt a genetic hand with weak hearts in spades. Family history or should we say family acidic lifestyles and diets, in fact, is the largest risk factor for heart dis-ease and disease.

Even then, we can live longer, healthier lives by adjusting to an alkaline lifestyle and diet which can prevent ALL sickness and dis-ease or disease.

Here are seven dirty words about acidic heart disease:

1) Diet — acidic dairy, acidic animal proteins, coffee, tea, vinegar, soy sauce, soft drinks, alcohol, all sugar, including high sugar fruits and sugar substitutes are all acid forming in the body and are known to contribute to weaken blood vessels and the heart muscle that leads to stroke and heart dis-ease.

2) Genetics — African Americans, Hispanics, native Americans all have higher rates of high blood pressure and heart disease. Most genetic weakness is triggered by an acidic lifestyle and diet. Get off your acidic lifestyle and diet and the genetics is no longer a factor!

3) Stress — working too much, dramatic personal lives, worrying, depression are all acidic contributing lifestyle factors, also feeding acid forming stress with too much alcohol and other acidic drugs.

4) Smoking — the acids in smoke are sugar and nicotine which constricts blood vessels and strains the heart and lungs leading to stroke and heart dis-ease.

5) Inactivity — the heart is a muscle that needs to be exercised to move out metabolic acids that break it down; even moderate activity is helpful, and losing 10 pounds of acid can reduce your cardiac risk. My best advise is get off your pHat acid and go to health with one hour of daily exercise.

6) High blood pressure (over 160/90 - ideal is less then 140/80) with a high pulse rate (over 80 beats a minute - ideal is less then 70 beats per minute) — leads to undue acidic stress on a variety of organs, including the heart; combined with other acidic risk factors it increases the chance of an acidic stroke or heart attack by over 300%.

7) Denial — saying “it won’t happen to me,” without changing your acidic lifestyle and diet to an alkaline lifestyle and diet guarantees you won’t see a decrease in your risk for a stroke or heart attack.

"I can debate it all day, but there’s nothing funny about a stroke or a heart disease caused by an acidic lifestyle and diet. We have had two perfect examples this week," states Dr. Young.

“If these seven dirty words about stroke or heart dis-ease and disease ring true for you, then read the pH Miracle for Weight Loss. It’s not too late to do something that will decrease your risk of dying prematurely from an acidic stroke or heart attack, and improve and prolong your life with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. In fact, these seven dirty words of advise also apply to ALL sickness, dis-ease and disease including cancer, diabetes, MS, Parkinson's, osteoporosis, just to name few," states Dr. Young

Chiropractic, What is it?

A lot of people may use and know what Chiropractors can achieve for you health - but for those that don't, here is an article about

Here is a success from a patient on a Chiropractor here in Los Angeles, CA

Lifelong Problems 
Others Wouldn't Even Dare to Tackle

Dr. Spearman is the most helpful doctor I've ever dealt with. For most of my life I've had bad posture and a shorter leg. Other chiropractors, which I considered pretty good, had told me that those problems could not be fixed at my age (I am over 50) or they didn't give me a solution for them. Dr. Spearman just looked at me quickly and told me that the leg was shorter because the body was misaligned and said that he could fix that and my posture as well in a certain amount of visits. I decided to trust him, even though I was a little skeptical, and he actually did! I was very surprised at how he aligned my hips in a matter of seconds, and with no pain. 

Another amazing thing he did for me is he got rid of my chronic insomnia, which I had on and off most of the time for about 16 years. I had tried all kinds of solutions for it, but would always come back. He fixed it by adjusting my neck a few times and with some special supplements. This was a life saver for me.

I used to get headaches almost every weekend, and I could not figure out why or how to get rid of them. This was also fixed by adjusting my neck and he helped my understand that they were happening because on the weekends, I was walking or standing up more than usual, in a very "crooked" way.

He also helped me to lose 18 lbs. in just 40 days and effortlessly just by using nutrition (HCG and other supplements I needed during the program).

One thing that I really appreciate about Dr. Spearman is how he really takes care of making his patients understand their physical situation, what he does to fix it and what they should do about it. He can handle lifelong problems that others wouldn't even dare to tackle.

I am super grateful for all his help and I will definitely refer as many people as I can to his practice.


End Note: Nico received nutritional handlings, chiropractic adjustments as well as our special "Structural Stability Technique" (SST). I have found that some people who have chronic hip and back problems need the SST program. Most patients need only four to eight visits to remedy this condition. Come in for a free check.


Dr. Mike Spearman
Spearman Better Health Center
1279 N. Berendo St.
Los Angeles, CA. 90029
(323) 663-1066 

Neuropathy, A Diabetic Side Effect: How to Decrease or Eliminate This Problem

One diabetic side effect is neuropathy. This is a condition where the nerves of the body are damaged. It is called “Diabetic Peripheral (referring to the outer part of the body) Neuropathy”. This type of neuropathy affects the feet and legs, hands and arms, and it can occur on both sides of the body. In fact, 40 percent of type 2 diabetics experience Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy.

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy shows up as one or more of the following symptoms:|


* Tingling and numbness in the toes, fingers, or legs.
* Feeling cold, pain or burning feet, hands or legs.
* Extreme sensitivity to touch, even a light touch.
* Sharp pains or cramps.
* Loss of balance and coordination.


These symptoms are often worse at night.


Causes of nerve damage

Higher than normal sugar levels in the body cause the outer sheathing (protective covering) of nerve cells to degenerate. This is similar to an electrical wire that is covered with insulation, and the insulation is beginning to crumble. Without insulation the unprotected wire will start short-circuiting.

In the same way, when the sheathing of nerve cells degenerate, the signals being transmitted are scrambled, resulting in your body receiving signals that are interpreted as numbness, heat, cold, tingling, pain, etc.


What can be done about it?

It has been known for some time that increased levels of Tiamine (vitamin B1) in the blood stream are very effective in reducing and reversing diabetic neuropathy. Unfortunately, the oral intake of vitamin B1 does not greatly increase the levels of B1 in the blood stream. Previously, the way that blood stream levels of B1 were increased was through periodic intravenous feeding or through injections every few weeks.

The reason that methods like this had to be used is that Tiamine (sometimes spelled Thiamine), like all of the B vitamins, is water-soluble. It cannot be stored in the body and flushes out within 4 to 5 hours. Oral intake of Tiamine over 5 mg results in greatly reduced bioavailability and immediate flushing from the body (this is why urine frequently turns yellow when taking larger doses of B vitamins).


Now, a new type of vitamin B1 has been produced, called Benfotiamine. It is a fat-soluble version of vitamin B1. What this means is that this new form of vitamin B1 can be taken orally in large dosages and it will not flush out of the body the way ordinary Tiamine (vitamin B1) does.

The result is that the blood stream levels of vitamin B1 can now be greatly increased, enabling a rapid and effective decrease or elimination of the symptoms of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy.

Many of our diabetics now using Benfotiamine report a lessening of their neuropathy symptoms within 4 to 7 days, and Benfotiamine has been shown to be non-toxic and without any side effects even in very high dosages.

You can start using Benfotiamine and decrease or eliminate these problems!

For more information about Benfotiamine go to 

To Your Health,
