MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site

1. Dr. Furhman's Eat to Live Diet
2. The problem of side effects while getting off of Psychotropic medications
3. Know the Cause
4. Butter or Margarine. Which is Better


Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live Diet

We came across this Diet, and found really good information that you might be interested in.  Both eating right and weight loss.
Talks about why we overeat and has solutions.  You can read about it here 

The Problems with getting off of Psychiatric Drugs

While some people may be able to quickly stop taking psychiatric medications without serious withdrawal symptoms, others cannot   Many people have tried in the past to come off of psychotropic medications only to find it too overwhelming to cope with the anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, brain zaps, headaches or flu like symptoms. These side effects from withdrawing off of medications can be truly debilitating.

Many people may be on a medication and simply don’t like the weight gain or the way it makes you feel. You may have anxiety and insomnia even though you are taking an anti-anxiety or sleep medication.

There is something you can do.    TRB Health has supplements that will alleviate the side effects while allowing a person to gradually taper off the medication.  You can see the supplements here 

They have video testimonials about the products  and am eBook about the program. 

The supplements are also excellent for handling everyday stress and anxiety.  Check them out. 

Know the Cause

We recently saw a commercial for a "gout remedy".   The commercial said that gout was "caused" by high uric acid.  It then promoted a drug to artifically lower your uric acid, never questioning what was causing the high uric acid in the blood.    

We found this website    It says 

"Does it seem like the list of diseases plaguing humanity gets longer every day? At Know the Cause, we know the subjects Doug discusses on air are important to you."  You can read the website for answers as well as watch his TV show in your area.  The site tells you when and is full of good information.

He has some interesting theories about the link of fungus link to health problems.   

Imagine, this show has commercials - for nutritional supplements to build your health. 


Butter or Margarine. Which is Better

Use butter in your recipes rather than margarine

Here's the reason why. Organic butter is in no way harmful to your body. In fact, it is one of the best sources of Vitamin A and is just as important for your immune system as Vitamin C. Butter also contains lecithin, which is the antagonist for cholesterol. Lecithin helps dissolve cholesterol so by avoiding butter you avoid the antidote (Lecithin), the very thing that will keep your cholesterol in a normal range.
Margarine, on the other hand, is made from cheap corn, cottonseed and soy oils. The oils are heated to very high temperatures, which destroy any nutritional value and the oils are also hydrogenated (added hydrogens to make a liquid into a solid). What is left is a gray colored, artificial plastic, which doesn't smell good and then it has to be bleached to remove color and smell. Lastly, food coloring and artificial flavoring are added.

Contrary to popular advertising, butter is the healthy choice so use it in your recipes!


To Your Health,
