Your Nutritional Education Site
The Calcium Supplement
2. 40% of US
Prescription Drugs Made Overseas
3. Denture Cream Poisoning Alert
4. How
Niacin Lowers Cholesterol
The Calcium Supplement Problem: As Serious As a Heart Attack by
Dr. Mercola
- Taking
elemental calcium supplements (with or without vitamin D) in amounts
of 500 mg or more may actually increase your relative risk of heart
attack by up to 27 percent, and may even increase your risk of
- Taking
the wrong type of calcium and in isolation, without complementary
nutrients like magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin K, which help keep
your body in balance, can have adverse effects, such as calcium
building up in coronary arteries and causing heart attacks
- Osteoporosis,
as defined by DXA bone screenings using the T-score, are highly
misleading, because they compare your bone density to a 25-year old
(and not your age group) as the standard of normality. Bone density
and bone strength are two different things, and having highly dense
bones may increase your risk of breast cancer as a woman by 300% or
- Evidence
that supplementing with calcium safely prevents fractures is
lacking, but plentiful research suggests calcium deposits are major
contributors and even causative factors in many health conditions
- In
order for calcium to do your body good, it must be in a biologically
appropriate form and balanced out with vitamins D and K and other
important trace minerals, as part of a total nutritional plan
Calcium is one of the most popular dietary supplements on the
market, largely because of the widely circulated mantra that
mega-doses of this mineral are essential for building and maintaining
healthy bones.
As a result, many people believe that taking a calcium supplement
is a simple way to prevent bone fractures associated with
What they have not been told is that while you can force increased
bone mineral density with calcium supplements, you cannot be sure that
this will result in greater bone strength.
For full story Calcium
40% of US Prescription Drugs Made Overseas
Prescription drugs are a mixed bag at best in regard to what’s safe, and what’s
not. Those who support big pharmaceutical companies often tout that the
FDA regulates everything so strictly in order to ensure and increase the
safety of every day consumers like you and I. This a classic case of
“good in theory, poor in execution” as it sounds good to say that
there’s an organization like the FDA to protect our safety. However,
you’d be surprised by a new report that suggests exactly the opposite
– unregulated ingredients and uninspected production facilities.
to a new report by the US Government Accountability Office up to 40% of
the pharmaceuticals sold in the US are actually manufactured abroad. In
fact, a 2007 report listed over 1,000 facilities throughout Canada,
India, and China. The real problem here is tat the FDA has only listed
368 official inspections, which means that over 600 of these facilities
have never been inspected at all. It’s actually shocking to know that
such a large percentage of drugs; both prescription and OTC are produced
overseas. Example, aspirin is produced nearly exclusively in China.
should have seen it coming, as major pharmaceutical companies have been
shutting down factories in the US and moving abroad. Each year the
number of people who are killed or severely hurt by prescription drugs
continues to grow. Likely in part to these tainted pills. The New York
Times reported back in 2009 that a majority of ingredients for important
medication like those for allergies, diabetes, high blood pressure, and
antibiotics are almost completely procured in China or India. Checks
and balances are important, but when it comes to your health who
regulates the regulators?
New York Times
Natural Health Newsletter Trusted
Health Products
Denture Cream Poisoning Alert: provides advice and solutions for
the ongoing threat of Zinc Poisoning and Neuropathy from Denture Cream
A suit filed in the Mississippi Southern District Court 3:2011cv00611
shows that J.D. Jackson, a denture wearer, revealed signs of neuropathy
that caused pain and misery every day. Later on, the University of Texas
published a groundbreaking study that created the connection between the
development of nerve damage and the use of denture creams. Now,, a recognized authority on law, provides helpful, proven
advice and simple solutions so anyone can easily and inexpensively deal
with what happened to J.D.Jackson.
For more information in handling this nerve damage from Dental Cream
go to Neuropathy
How Niacin Lowers Cholesterol
It has been known for years that increased levels of niacin in the blood
stream is a very effective way of reducing cholesterol levels without
the need of additional drugs. Numerous medical and university studies
have shown that niacin lowers overall cholesterol levels.
These studies show that niacin reduces the bad
cholesterol (LDL) by 10-20%, reduces triglycerides (fat in the blood) by
20-50% and raises the good cholesterol (HDL) by 15 to 35%.
Niacin accomplishes these changes naturally in the
following ways:
It reduces the breakdown of fat from fat cells which is the
source of raw material used by the liver to create excess triglyceriedes.
It inhibits the liver from converting sugar to triglycerides.
It inhibits the liver from creating the building blocks of the
bad cholesterol (VLDL) and thus as a result the bad cholesterol drops
Virtually every study done on niacin has shown it to increase
good cholesterol and which then picks up the excess bad cholesterol in
your blood and takes it back to your liver for disposal. The higher the good cholesterol, the less bad
cholesterol you’ll have in your blood.
In a study called the “Coronary Drug Project”
which ran for 6 years and included 3908 patients to study the effects of
niacin besides lowering both triglycerides and cholesterol levels there
were other astonishing results:
The study found that the use of niacin led to a 14% reduction in non
fatal heart attack, a 26% reduction in damage to blood vessels in the
brain (stroke or blockage) and a 47% reduction in the need for coronary
artery bypass surgery.
Unfortunately, the use of niacin to bring down
cholesterol levels never became popular due to the high amounts of
niacin needed, which created side effects due to “niacin flush”.
(Niacin cannot be confused with niacinaide or nictoinamide which does
not cause flushing and does not lower cholesterol levels).
For more information about Cholesterol
To Your Health,
Neuropathy Success - The Nerve Support Formula Has Done Wonders for Me
Many people are told that there is no
solution for their neuropathy. The truth is, like most health
conditions, neuropathy can be reversed by providing the exact
nutrition the body needs in order to repair itself.
The Nerve Support Formula is a safe and effective solution
which helps one address the real cause of neuropathy at a
nutritional level.
Here is what some of our customers have to say about using it:
"My neuropathy is improving!
"When I started taking the
capsules I had tingling in my feet and legs and sometimes my feet
would feel like they were on fire. The capsules have done away with
those symptoms.
"Thank you so much for the Nerve Support Formula capsules. They
have done wonders for me."
From John Loftin in Texas
"My Nerve Support Formula is working just fine and I
feel that I am improving every day.
"Since starting the routine I am now
taking 4 capsules a meal and I am 75 percent improved. You
have a really great product and I have shared it with numerous
From R. Eugene Ragan in Georgia
"I am eighty eight years of age; went shopping to a store and
after I got in my car, had a funny feeling on the bottom of my feet.
Thought nothing of it until I tried to enter traffic, nearly hitting
another car, for I could not stop my car; and the reason was that I
could not feel the break peddle.
"Saw a doctor and he checked the bottom of my feet for feeling,
and that was the end of the subject. He did not give me anything
to repair the problem. Later when backing out of a driveway and
again not being able to feel the peddle I hit a mail box and a fire hydrant
causing 2,000 dollars in damages to a new car that I just purchased.
"Saw a chiropractor who worked on
my back and scanned the bottom of my feet showing the problem. I
also purchased an instrument to stimulate the nerves. Wasn't
satisfied with the results, went on the internet and found the WSN
Nerve Support Formula, of which I ordered. Checked with my
cardiologist to make sure that it did not interfere with my other
"Have been taking the WSN
Nerve Support Formula for about three weeks and have experienced an
improvement to a point where I can now drive without any
From Joseph D. Horwitz in New Jersey
The WSN Nerve Support Formula is a medical food that is specifically
formulated for the dietary management of neuropathy, and it works
extremely well.
You can learn more and order the WSN
Nerve Support Formula by using our secure link:
Or you can call 888 758-5590
You can call or email us anytime you have a question because we want
to make sure you get the results that you seek.