MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. An Apple a Day keeps the Doctor Away.  Why?
2. Should you use an antibiotic to treat acne?
3. What is Glutathione?  Why is it important to your health?
4. How to Maintain Normal Blood Sugar 


An Apple a Day keeps the Doctor Away.  Why?

Apples have a large amount of antioxidants which aid in the prevention of all cancers.

They are low glycemic (don't raise blood sugar), so they are the best kind of sweet to eat and you won't get a low-blood sugar reaction.  They have good fiber to absorb and reduce cholesterol, as well as improving elimination, and they have pectin to absorb toxins from the blood.  

For the full article:  An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away 



Should you use an antibiotic to treat acne?

In persistent cases of acne that do not respond to topical treatment, an antibiotic alternative is usually exercised by doctors. An antibiotic is a drug, synthetic or natural, that kills bacterial proteins while inhibiting bacterial growth alongside.

If it was limited to this action, antibiotics would be the most preferred treatment for numerous bacterial disorders including acne. However, antibiotics cannot differentiate between bacterial proteins and cellular proteins that are part of the body cells. And this is what causes the negative effects of antibiotics, commonly known as side effects.

Tetracycline is the most common and the first-use antibiotic for acne. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic and also the least expensive. Tetracycline and its derivative, Doxycycline, are taken on an empty stomach or at least two to three hours after meals as food restricts absorption of the drug. Minocycline, another tetracycline derivative, on the other hand is easily absorbed and can be taken with food.

Tetracycline has the least side effects. But over time, there has been an increased antibiotic resistance towards the drug and it does not seem to work as well these days. This necessitated the development of its derivatives. Doxycycline makes the skin sensitive to sun requiring sun protection every time you go out. Both the derivatives also tend to cause gastrointestinal problems.

Erythromycin is a microlide antibiotic with an antimicrobial spectrum that is wider than that of penicillin. It acts on the protein synthesis of bacteria and slows bacterial growth. The gastrointestinal upsets like diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain that it can cause are extremely disturbing.

Taken over long periods some antibiotics may cause toxicity including liver toxicity. These antibiotics should also not be ingested during pregnancy. Some antihistamines and antacids may interact with other antibiotics making it imperative to consult a doctor. On the other hand, herbal antibiotics such as garlic, aloe and fruit based mild acids do not have any side effects.

Acne affects two third of all adolescents one time or the other and a considerable proportion of adults as well. An oily skin or a bacterial invasion on a sensitive area is the main causes behind the outbreak. Topical creams do not have the same effect on every one due to difference in types of skin. The urgency for seeking treatment is obvious since if not capped immediately, the infection can spread over a larger area.

Acne is an inflammatory disorder of the skin. The approach to acne treatment may either be direct or indirect. Topical ointments and drugs form the major part of the direct treatment modalities. There is a strong belief that the hormonal changes that occur at puberty are responsible for occurrence of acne.

When the level of testosterone increases the body secretes hormone like substances to fight the inflammation caused by it. Immune system health and acne are thus interrelated and a strong immune system can effectively prevent acne. A healthy lifestyle that avoids junk food, regular exercise and herbs for strengthening immune system are natural means of preventing and fighting acne.

For more info MediAc - Homeopathic remedy temporarily treats symptoms of acne vulgaris including blackheads on the face and body



What is Glutathione?  Why is it important to your health? 

It also goes by GSH.  It is a protein molecule composed of three amino acids.  These acids are called gluatione precursors. 

Glutathione sources include foods that contain one or more of its raw materials or precusors.  These precursors are the three amino acids glutamate, cystein and glycine. 

Our bodies obtain glutathione by manufacturing it within the cell.

It is the called the master antioxidant because it is very critical to cellular function.  Without this molecule in our body, our body will not function well.

We found a great website called   It is worth looking through.  It tells you what foods to eat and why you can't take as a supplement.

Read about Glutathione



How to Maintain Normal Blood Sugar 

Trouble maintaining your blood sugar?  Learn why and what you can do about it! 

Diabetics are often given contrary information on what is the correct diet or even what types of food are best for the diabetic condition. Here is an article that clearly shows the reason and need for a low carbohydrate diet: 

"All carbohydrates are basically sugar. Various sugar molecules - primarily glucose - hooked together chemically ["bonded"] compose the entire family of carbohydrates. Your body has digestive enzymes that break these chemical bonds and release the sugar molecules into the blood, where they stimulate insulin."

"This means that if you follow a 2,200-calorie diet that is 60 percent carbohydrates - the very one most nutritionists recommend - your body will end up having to contend with almost 2 cups of pure sugar per day."

excerpted from Protein Power by Doctors Michael and Mary Eades 

Based on this astounding information, the question is not whether or not a diabetic should be on a low carbohydrate diet, but just what are the foods for a low carbohydrate diet? 

Without attempting to list every kind and type of food, and for simplicity, I have grouped foods into three general categories below; those that are high carbohydrate content which should be avoided, medium carbohydrate content which can be eaten only in modest or extremely small portions, and low carbohydrate content that can be eaten as much as one likes: 

High Carbohydrate Content: 
All kinds of potato and potato products (including yams and sweet potatoes). Any products made from grain such as wheat, rye, oats, rice and corn. This includes any type of bread, pasta, chips or cereals. Any type of hard beans such as navy beans, pinto beans, black eyed peas, kidney beans, soy beans, lima beans, red beans, black beans, etc., as well as peas and peanuts. Most fruits and any fruit juices. 

Medium Carbohydrate Content:
All root vegetables such as beets, carrots, turnips, parsnips and rutabagas. Summer and zucchini squashes. Most kinds of nuts, avocado, onions, apricots, strawberries, peaches, plums, tangerines (not oranges), and honeydew or casaba melons.

Low Carbohydrate Content:
Any kind of meat including beef, pork, lamb, turkey, chicken, any kind of fish, seafood or shellfish, eggs, or cheese. Vegetables such as broccoli, green beans, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celery, asparagus, any kind of greens such as spinach, beet greens, kale, Swiss chard, mustard greens and turnip greens. Salad materials such as any kind of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, etc., and any kind of oil such as corn, olive, peanut, etc., and butter.

Follow the above guidelines, get in a low carbohydrate diet and add the vital supplements needed for a Diabetic.

By learning more about the diabetic condition, what causes it and how it can be changed, you can make informed decisions and take actions on your own, which will improve your diabetic condition. 

You can use this information to decrease or eliminate your dependency on drugs, medications and insulin, while at the same time reducing your blood sugar levels.

The most important actions you can take to improve your diabetic condition are correct diet combined with effective nutritional supplements and exercise.

For more information, go to Diabetes

For more about a Diabetic Diet




To Your Health
