MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. How to Make Your Own Natural Sports Drink
2. Cranial Neuropathy - What is it? what can be done? 
3. Herbal First Aid Kit
4. The Real Cause of Headaches


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"We need to shift our focus from treating disease to generating health..."  Hippocrates (AMA"The Father of Medicine")



How to Make Your Own Natural Sports Drink

Sports drinks are great to replenish your body and give you the energy to continue, however, sugar and caffeine in most drinks are not the thing that is going to keep you going.   What do you take?   Here is an article on making your own Sports Drink.



Cranial Neuropathy

This is a type of nerve damage that affects the 12 pair of nerves in the head.   These are the nerve that connect to your face, eyes, and some internal organs, etc. 

You can read about it Cranial Neuropathy



Herbal First Aid Kit

Now this is a good thing to have and goes way beyond antiseptics and pain killers.

You can find a good list here  Herbal First Aid 


The Real Cause of Headaches

The annual cost of headaches - $30 Billion Dollars.  When you get headaches finding the root cause leads to what can be done about them.  Dr. Berg goes over the causes -- #1 cause is gallbladder.

Helps to read to figure out what it could be.  Watch the video The Real Cause of Headaches 



To Your Health
