MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. What could be the cause of lack of coordination or lack of balance?   
2. Things That Slow Down Nerve Damage Repair
3. An overlooked "nutrient"
4. New Test for Neuropathy?


Coming Soon - Solution to Cholesterol & Osteoporosis

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What could be the cause of lack of coordination or lack of balance?

Do you know what motor nerves are?   Do you know what damage to a motor nerve can cause?

Read:  Motor Nerve Damage - Motor Neuropathy



Things That Slow Down Nerve Damage Repair

There are some things that can lengthen the time it takes to see an improvement in one's neuropathy symptoms.

Heavy drinking of coffee, tea and soft drinks (including de-caffeinated coffee, tea and soft drinks) cause the loss of both water and water-soluble B vitamins from the body.

B vitamins are needed to repair damaged nerves.

Heavy smoking or drinking of alcohol, use of antibiotics, as well as stress can all burn up B vitamins. And of course, there are many prescription medications that are associated with neuropathy as a side effect.

If you are taking one or more of the medications listed below, it can greatly add to the amount of time it will take for you to see results in repairing and reversing your neuropathy.

Blood pressure medications that can cause neuropathy:

Aceon, Altace, Avapro, Bumetanide, Bumex, Coreg, Corgard, Cozaar, Diovan, Enalapril, Ethacrynic Acid, Edecrin, Felodipine, Hydrochlorothiazide (HCT), Hydrodiuril, Hyzaar, Lasix (Furosemide), Lisinopril, Lopressor (Metoprolol), Micardis, Norvasc (Amlodpine), Perindopril, Prinivil, Ramipril, Univasc, Zestril.

Cholesterol medications that can cause neuropathy:

Advicor, Altocor, Altoprev, Atorvastatin, Baycol, Caduet, Cerivastatin, Crestor, Fluvastatin, Lescol, Lescol XL, Lipex, Lipitor, Lipobay, Lovastatin, Mevacor, Pravachol, Pravastatin, Pravigard Pac, Rosuvastatin, Simvastatin, Vytorin, Zocor.


An overlooked "nutrient"

Did you know you have probably never been told the straight truth about one of the most potent, yet overlooked, healing nutrients in the world? In fact, medical groups have actually spent the past three decades convincing you to avoid this "nutrient" by scaring you into thinking it causes cancer.

But the truth is far different. Strong clinical evidence proves this "nutrient" actually prevents and helps REVERSE an astounding number of serious diseases (and I'll tell you all about it right here), including:

* Prostate cancer
* Breast cancer
* Osteoporosis
* Depression
* Gum disease
* Schizophrenia
* Diabetes

Curious what this "nutrient" really is? Let me give you some hints It moves at the speed of light. You can feel it (it feels warm), but you can't touch it. Without it, there would be no life whatsoever on planet Earth. And it can't be patented or sold for profit.

What is it? Sunlight.

I'm talking about natural, healthy sunshine, which enables your body to make its own lifesaving vitamin D. Today, I want to share with you the secrets of its health benefits in a fascinating special report called, "The Healing Power of Sunshine and Vitamin D." 

This special report contains information you probably won't hear from your doctor or dermatologist, because it goes against everything they believe about sunlight. But recent research is proving that not getting enough sunlight is extremely dangerous to your health because it causes vitamin D deficiencies that promote chronic disease.

Seeking out sunlight in safe, reasonable doses, on the other hand, does wonders for your health and may, in fact, render all sorts of conventional medical therapies irrelevant. Again, you can get the full story in this fascinating special report right now:

This special report features an interview with Dr. Michael Holick, one of the world's leading experts on vitamin D and sunlight. In "The Healing Power of Sunlight," he discusses his fascinating research. You'll learn things like:

* How vitamin D deficiencies have been directly linked to several
types of cancer.

* In a study of African-American, Latino, and Caucasian women who had just given birth, 76% were deficient in vitamin D and 81% of the infants were deficient.

* A study in Finland showed that infants who were deficient in vitamin D had an 80% increased risk of developing Type-2 diabetes as an adult.

* 32% of students and doctors in Boston are deficient in vitamin D by the end of winter.

* 40% to 60% of elderly people are at risk for vitamin D deficiency.

In "The Healing Power of Sunshine and Vitamin D," Dr. Holick also explains little-known facts about sunshine and vitamin D. In this special report, you'll learn:

* How proper nutrition helps you avoid sunburn without using chemical sunscreens

* What the right amount of sunlight is for your body * How vitamin D deficiencies cause prostate cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis and other diseases

* The true cause of asthma and why antihistamines only conceal the symptoms of the disease rather than treating its cause

* How to calculate how much sunlight you need based on your ancestry and current geographical location

* Seasonal Affective Disorder: how to treat it with sunlight exposure 

* Why you can't get enough vitamin D from diet alone

* Why U.K. dermatologists support more sun exposure, but the U.S.dermatology association refuses to change its stance

* How a lack of vitamin D may contribute to schizophrenia 

* Why it is harder to absorb adequate amounts of calcium without sufficient vitamin D

Take advantage of this information right now at:

Natural News 

New Test for Neuropathy?

We found  article this week  - Triglycerides. Blood Fats tied to  Nerve Loss and a blood test to reveal if you have a problem.

Since the nerve insulation called the myelin sheath is made of fat and if that myelin sheath was breaking down, blood tests could reveal that, it makes sense that a blood test might reveal that.  However, beware of the solution -  what does it say to do abut  triglyerides? use cholesterol lowering drugs?    See our article,  Medications Known to have Neuropathy as a Side Effect  


To Your Health





Need More Energy?

Do you get tired during the day?

Many energy drinks aren't very effective because they depend on sugar to give you that false burst of energy, and they just don't last very long.

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Let us know if you have any questions or if there is anything else we can help you with.

I look forward to hearing from you!