MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. The Best Cleaners for Mold
2. Compression of a Nerve and Neuropathy (Nerve Damage)
(also called a pinched nerve)
3. The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food
4. Healthy Bodies for People on the Go! - HEALTH TIP

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"We need to shift our focus from treating disease to generating health..."  Hippocrates (AMA"The Father of Medicine")


The Best Cleaners for Mold


Household mold is a common problem; mold is a ubiquitous organism, and it has little trouble finding quiet corners of our homes to colonize in. Many times, a little mold here or there is more or less harmless. But left unattended, molds will go on to produce spores, and certain species of mold can produce mycotoxins under the right conditions. These spores and mycotoxins can eventually go airborne, getting pushed through your home via the ducting and wind up in the air you breathe.


For complete article Cleaning Mold




Compression of a Nerve and Nerve Damage (neuropathy)
(also called a Pinched Nerve)

When there is pressure on various parts of the body either from a bone being out of place, or pressure from repetitive actions, etc. etc. a nerve can get compressed. Another term used for a compressed nerve is a pinched nerve.

Compression (or pinched nerves) can come from herniated discs in the spine, osteoarthritis, bone spurs, severe muscle injuries, and even prolonged use of tight clothing such as shoes or “skinny jeans”. It can even happen when you hold your body in one position for long periods of time, such as sleeping. And this is one of the reasons that surgeries can cause compression of a nerve and nerve damage, the body is sometimes held in an unnatural position for long periods of time, even for several hours.

Read entire article Nerve Damage and the Pinched Nerve



The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food


Poor will power is NOT necessarily what drives you to overeat on junk food. An in-depth investigation into the processed-food industry reveals there’s a conscious effort on behalf of food manufacturers to get you hooked on foods that are convenient and inexpensive to make

Sugar, salt and fat are the top three substances making processed foods so addictive. Sugar alone has been shown to be more addictive than cocaine, and food manufacturers use sophisticated taste science to determine the “bliss point” that makes you crave more

Recent research confirms that processed meat consumption is strongly associated with premature death. According to the researchers, reducing daily processed meat consumption to less than 20 grams a day could reduce mortality rates across Europe by three percent annually

According to a new report from the American Diabetes Association, an estimated 22.3 million people were living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes in 2012, up from 17.5 million in 2007

To protect your health, I advise spending 90 percent of your food budget on whole foods, and only 10 percent on processed foods

For the complete article:  Junk Food



Healthy Bodies for People on the Go! - HEALTH TIP

Most vegetarians and meat eaters have a common problem. They are almost always deficient in RAW PROTEINS. That’s right! When protein is cooked, key nutrients are destroyed. When people consume cooked proteins in excess, the liver and kidneys become overloaded with waste products. This leads to fatigue, acidosis (body too acid) and gallbladder problems. Raw proteins are much more easily digested; they contain amino acids that help to break them down.

Now the next question you may have is: WHAT’S A RAW PROTEIN?

Raw fish (sushi)
Raw milk
Poached Eggs
Raw nuts
Rare Steak
Raw milk cheese
Raw seeds
Raw mushrooms
Sesame Seed butter (Tahini)

By Cindy Clayton-Sudalnik, D. C.
Life Wellness Group, 
9921 NW Engleman St, 
Portland, OR 97229, 
(323) 394-0194


To Your Health
