MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. 1 in 4 Chance You'll Be Harmed in a Hospital 
2. How to Make Your Groceries Last as Long as Possible
3. Nutrition and Depression
4. Do Not Eat Eggs Unless You Watch This

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"We need to shift our focus from treating disease to generating health..."  Hippocrates (AMA"The Father of Medicine")



1 in 4 Chance You'll Be Harmed in a Hospital 

One in four patients in a hospital is harmed in some way from a medical mistake

An estimated 30 percent of all medical procedures, tests and medications may be unnecessary – at a cost of at least $750 billion a year

For the past two years, the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation, one of the largest physician organizations in the US, has released reports on the most overused tests and treatments that provide limited or no benefit to the patient, or worse, causes more harm than good. The list currently includes a total of 135 different tests, procedures and treatments

Once you’re hospitalized, you’re immediately at risk for medical errors, so one of the best safeguards is to have someone there with you. This is particularly important for pediatric patients, and the elderly. Helpful tips and questions to ask to help prevent avoidable medical errors are discussed.

Read the entire article What Hospitals Won't Tell You 



How to Make Your Groceries Last as Long as Possible


The average American wastes more than 20 pounds of food every month.

Purchasing fresh food is a must if you wish to eat healthily, and there are many tricks you can use to extend the “shelf-life” of your fresh foods.

Tips are included for how to properly store fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy products and more to significantly extend their lifespan.

Planning your meals will also help you avoid food waste; you'll only buy what you need each time you visit the store, and you’ll have a plan in place to use it all up once you get home.

For the complete article Groceries 


Nutrition and Depression

Vast numbers of people have suffered through depression at some point in their lives.   Depression takes a huge toll on individuals, and has significant social and economic costs.

What if foods could be a key to helping people lift out of depression and reduce anxiety?

Watch Dr. Saul's Video about Nutritional Deficiencies



Do Not Eat Eggs Unless You Watch This

by Dr. Eric Berg

Eggs can be the one of the healthiest things you can eat IF you get them from the right place. Factory farmed eggs may claim to allow their chickens to roam around outside, yet in reality they're stuck in the barn and rarely go outside because there only a few small doors are available in a massive large barn, not to mention the food stays inside, so there is no reason to go outside. 

When eggs claim to be "hormone-free", they are because ALL eggs are hormone free - this is just a marketing gimmick. Since 1949, a law was passed to make all eggs hormone-free  - it's illegal to add hormones. 

So how do you know that your eggs are really healthy? I would only buy eggs from farmers, small farms like you would see at the farmers market. Chemicals and medications are also being discovered in large commercial farmed eggs like anti-histamines, Tylenol and even Prozac, See Report

But if you can buy get your eggs from the farmers market, you'll be okay and get a high quality nutrition product. I would also recommend consuming the WHOLE egg, especially the yolk. The yolk is where most of the nutrition is and if you are trying to keep your cholesterol in a good range, realize that the antidote to cholesterol is lecithin, which is present in the yolk, not the white.

I have been consuming eggs (4/day) for the past 20+ years. So don't buy in to the marketing tactics of large factory farms!

See his Video Eggs


To Your Health
