MCVitamins News

From Your Nutritional Education Site



1. Pharmacist Confession-These Drugs Can Harm You by Suzy Cohen, R.PH.
2. For anyone whose ever had trouble weaning off of antidepressant drugs
3. Nutritional Supplements: Signs and Symptoms of Deficiencies
4. The Links Between Sugar and Mental Health


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My Pharmacist Confession-These Drugs Can Harm You


"I’m Going to Ruffle Feathers but I’ll Tell You Anyway"

by Suzy Cohen on November 22, 2014 in Drug Muggers, General

Harmful Drugs



For anyone whose ever had trouble weaning off of antidepressant drugs.

Have you taken Antidepressants (perhaps for neuropathy) had trouble stopping them and been told its all in your head.?  

We have always maintained it is very difficult and have even worked with people using supplements to make it easier.   However, now the AMA has agreed that it difficult and put it on their website.    Read about it here.   

Antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs also cause deficiencies and getting off of them is sometimes a real problem. If you are having trouble, please email and we can give you some help. Email



Nutritional Supplements: Signs and Symptoms (of Deficiencies)
Author: Andrew Stratton

Yes, the best way to get all the nutrients your body needs is through whole foods. That should be easy right? Our culture of fast and convenient foods means that we are eating a lot of processed foods that don't contain enough of the nutrients we need. As a result, nutritional supplements are big business because we know we aren't eating right. Even in developed countries like the United States it is still possible to become deficient in important nutrients. Illness, poor diet and environment can all create deficiencies. Here are the signs and symptoms associated with a deficiency in specific vitamins:

A - A lack of this can create problems with vision, particularly night-time sight. It can also cause the conjunctivitis of the eye to thicken or form milky white spots. If you take a nutritional supplement for A, be aware that it is fat soluble which means it stays in the body longer making it easier to take too much.

Thiamine (B1) - This is an example of how poor diet and illness can create deficiencies. Alcoholics commonly lack enough thiamine. Beriberi is the disease that results and it attacks the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the body. Memory acuity and muscle control are greatly compromised. Edema and congestive heart failure are also a risk. B vitamins are water-soluble so they pass through the body faster than fat-soluble ones. It also means that you don't have to take these nutritional supplements with food. However, you may have to take more of it throughout the day as opposed to one dose with a meal.

D- Sunlight helps the body produce its own D, but dangers of skin cancer have more and more people covering up. Luckily, most dairy foods have D added to it. But, if there is a deficiency, osteoporosis is an increased risk. Vitamin D facilitates the absorption of the calcium in the body and without it; bones lose out on the calcium they need. There is also a correlation to depression and fatigue. Research has shown that a D nutritional supplement works to alleviate the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder or SAD. Vitamin D is fat-soluble so, again, it stays in the body longer making it more possible to take too much.

C- Not enough C affects collagen production in the body. Collagen is a major building block for bones and tissue to it is essential. Because it facilitates the absorption of iron, a lack of C may cause you to become iron deficient anemic. C is water-soluble, so like the B vitamins, it passes through the body rather quickly and may require you to stagger your nutritional supplement dosing throughout the day to maintain good levels.

B12- B12 is essential to red blood cell production and proper functioning of the nervous system. It is found in the liver. Vegetarians and people with autoimmune diseases are at risk of a deficiency. Anemia is the result when the body is low on red blood cells. Fatigue, weakness, numbness and reduced mental acuity are all symptoms of a deficiency. Because it is water-soluble, regular dosing may be necessary to maintain proper levels, particularly if you fall into the at-risk categories above.

Before taking any nutritional supplements, it is a good idea to talk with your doctor. If you are concerned about deficiencies, he can test you and then prescribe a proper dosing schedule. It is possible to take much of a good thing, so read the dosing instructions on the bottle and follow your doctor's recommendations.

There are signs and symptoms associated with a deficiency in specific vitamins. Fatigue, weakness, numbness and reduced mental acuity are all symptoms of a deficiency of vitamin B12. 

Author: Andrew Stratton

Taking a herbal nutrition supplement can help avoid such symptoms.

For a good whole food Vitamin & Mineral Formula 



The Links Between Sugar and Mental Health

Noted British psychiatric researcher Malcolm Peet conducted a provocative cross-cultural analysis of the relationship between diet and mental illness. His primary finding was a strong link between high sugar consumption and the risk of both depression and schizophrenia.

There are at least two potential mechanisms through which refined sugar intake could exert a toxic effect on mental health. First, sugar actually suppresses activity of a key growth hormone in the brain called BDNF. BDNF levels are critically low in both depression and schizophrenia.

Second, sugar consumption triggers a cascade of chemical reactions in your body that promote chronic inflammation. In the long term, inflammation disrupts the normal functioning of your immune system, and wreaks havoc on your brain. Once again, it’s linked to a greater risk of depression and schizophrenia.

Read Full Article 





To Your Health






Nerve Support Success - I am Very Pleased

The Nerve Support Formula has helped thousands of people to build and support healthy nerves and give them a higher quality of life.

Healthy nerves don't cause tingling, numbness or pain in your fingers, toes, hands or feet. They don't experience pain or burning or cold sensations. Healthy nerves provide proper balance and coordination.

Here is what some of our customers have to say about using it:


"I don't know exactly how long ago I started taking your product but I have much improved since that time. The Nerve Support Formula is a highly effective product."

From Alex Palmer in New Jersey


"I thought you may be interested in my experiences with switching to regular B12 vitamins for three weeks and then back to the Nerve Support Formula.

"I was very happy with the results after being on the Nerve Support Formula for several years, so I thought I could save some money by switching to regular B12.

"The B12 was 10 percent of the cost for a 30 day supply compared to Nerve Support Formula. After two weeks on regular B12, the results I was getting when using the Nerve Support Formula went away.

"I called you to order my usual supply of Nerve Support Formula. I got the supply a week or so later. Within a week, I started experiencing the results I was happy with again. I am very pleased to say the least. Actually thrilled would be a better description. Thank you!"

From Donald Ogaard in Minnesota


"The Nerve Support product has been very effective for me.

"Using my second bottle provided total support and it continues to do so. I was so happy to receive my current supply and have seen great results.

"Thank you for all your help."

From Beth Augee in Oregon


The Nerve Support Formula is a nutritional supplement that is specifically formulated to help build healthy nerves, and it works extremely well.

To learn more or order the Nerve Support Formula

If you have any questions, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590