MCVitamins News

From Your Nutritional Education Site



1. A Simple Yet Effective Way To Lower Blood Sugar & Insulin Spikes After Eating High Carbohydrate Meal
Is there any difference between Diabetic Neuropathy and other forms of Neuropathy
The Basis of Disease:  Louis Pasteur vs. Antoine Bechamp:  Know the True Causes of Disease
4. Why "Low Fat" Diets are Incorrect and Dangerous to Your Health


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A Simple Yet Effective Way To Lower Blood Sugar & Insulin Spikes After Eating High Carbohydrate Meal

This information is offered as a solution for those times when a diabetic, because of social reasons, a party, or special occasion, will be eating more carbohydrates than would normally be eaten.

A study done in Sweden in 2001 showed that blood sugar spikes were held in check when pickles preserved in vinegar were consumed immediately after a high-carbohydrate breakfast. Earlier Swedish research indicated that vinegar might help control blood sugar spikes.

In his book The Diabetes Improvement Program, Patrick Quillin, Ph.D., states the following:

“Real vinegar has not been filtered or pasteurized, and is rich in organic acids, pectin (soluble fiber), and acetic acid, all of which help to slow down the emptying of the stomach. This simple ‘detour’ for the digestion of food creates a slowdown in dumping glucose into the bloodstream. A meal with 2 tablespoons of vinegar can slow gastric emptying rate by 30% and drop blood glucose peaks by 30%.”

“Recipes for salad dressing with flax oil and vinegar not only taste great but can dramatically improve overall health by lowering rises in blood glucose. Red wine vinegar works best at this.”

As a result of the earlier research, Carol S. Johnston, Ph.D., from the Department of Nutrition at Arizona State University, created a study to put vinegar to the test on three groups of subjects: ten type 2 diabetics, 11 subjects who showed symptoms of pre-diabetic insulin resistance, and eight subjects with normal insulin sensitivity. None of the subjects were taking any diabetes medications.

Subjects were randomly assigned to consume the apple cider vinegar or a placebo drink. Two minutes later, each subject ate a meal consisting of a white bagel with butter and a glass of orange juice, containing approximately 90 grams of total carbohydrates. Blood samples were collected before the meal, and 30 minutes and 60 minutes after the meal.

Dr. Johnston and her team reported several significant results:

  • Each of the three groups had improved glucose and insulin profiles following meals that started with the vinegar drink
  • In subjects with type 2 diabetes who drank vinegar, blood glucose levels were cut by about 25 percent compared to diabetics who drank placebo
  • In subjects with pre-diabetic conditions (insulin resistant) who drank vinegar, blood glucose levels were cut by nearly HALF compared to pre-diabetics who drank placebo

And here's the most surprising result: Pre-diabetic subjects (insulin resistant) who drank vinegar actually had lower blood glucose levels than subjects with normal insulin sensitivity who also drank vinegar.

Dr. Johnston notes that vinegar dietary supplements may not be useful for managing glucose and insulin spikes associated with meals as they don't contain acetic acid [ acetic acid: a colorless acid with a pungent odor that is the main component of vinegar ] — the key ingredient she feels is responsible for vinegar's effectiveness.

Apple cider vinegar is another vinegar that works well. It is recommended that the typical apple cider vinegar product carried by large grocery chains carry be avoided. Instead, look for raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, usually available at many health food stores.

To make a quantity of your own salad dressing just mix one part oil (or water) to two parts vinegar. Condiments such as garlic and/or onion powder, salt and pepper, should be added to taste.

Three tablespoons of this type of salad dressing will supply you with the two tablespoons of vinegar needed for the above results.

For more information about Diabetes


Is there any difference between Diabetic Neuropathy or Diabetic Nerve Pain and other forms of Neuropathy?

What is neuropathy?

Nerve Damage.  It is a condition of the nerves where enough damage has been done that it causes numbness, tingling, pain or pins and needles sensations in the hands, feet, arms or legs.  It occurs differently for different people, but is always caused by nerve damage of some sort. 

What causes the nerve damage? 

Breakdown of the myelin sheath around the nerves.   Without this protection the electrical impluses are not transferred properly just like if you stripped the covering off the electrical wires in your house. 

This nerve damage can be caused by many things - medications such as statins, toxins, alcohol, trauma (accidents, surgeries), different diseases (crohn's disease, cancer, bell's palsy, Lyme disease, shingles, etc.) chemotherapy drugs,  and much more. 

In each case, what the body needs is certain B vitamins so that the body has the tools it needs to repair the nerves.    Getting special forms of B1 and B12 along with other nutrients that enhance their efficacy is what is needed.

How do you build Healthy Nerves?  



The Basis of Disease:  Louis Pasteur vs. Antoine Bechamp:  Know the True Causes of Disease

Is it the germ or the environment? 

An example of this Basis of Disease is explained in Natural Antibiotics 




Why "Low Fat" Diets are Incorrect and Dangerous to Your Health!

Many individuals when first diagnosed with diabetes are directed by their physician onto a "low fat" diet and warned about the dangers of eating foods that contain fat or cholesterol.

The overwhelming evidence now shows that this is totally opposite of what they should be doing. Low fat diets result in the diabetic condition getting worse along with declining health levels. Below is what Dr. Diana Schwarzbein, M.D. states regarding cholesterol and fat in the diet:

"The medical profession and the media has so frightened the public about cholesterol and fat that people firmly believe they must be avoided at all costs. For many people today, eggs, butter and red meat represent the fear of cholesterol, and meats, nuts and oils represent the fear of fat. But this fear of cholesterol and fat is not grounded in scientific fact. On the contrary, cholesterol and fat are essential to life."

"Cholesterol and fat are used by the body as building materials for constant replenishment and are supposed to come from dietary sources. Eating cholesterol and fat do not cause heart disease and accelerated death. In fact, you must eat them to avoid heart disease."

"Cholesterol is a type of fat that has many functions in the body. Cholesterol is an important structure in cell membranes [cell membrane: the thin layer of tissue that forms the outer surface of the cell and regulates the passage of materials in and out of the cell], keeping the cell membrane permeable [permeable: allowing liquids to pass through] so that material can pass easily through the cell. The inside of the cell is also filled with various cholesterol-containing membranes that must be maintained so that the cell can function well."

"When your body is comprised of cells that are cholesterol depleted, and thereby less efficient, all the biochemical processes of your metabolism are affected, which means your metabolism cannot function as it should."

"When you deprive your body of cholesterol, an essential building material, membrane structure is altered. When membrane structure is altered, cell growth is disrupted. As a result, there is a potential increase in cancer because cancer arises from abnormal cell division."

"In addition, cholesterol is important to maintain normal functioning of various hormone systems and the immune system. Cholesterol is also the structural material from which many important hormones are made."

"Cholesterol is essential for brain function and the stabilization of neurotransmitters [neurotransmitters: a substance that transmits impulses between nerve cells]. Mood problems such as depression, agitation and irritability can occur when your body does not get sufficient cholesterol."

"Cholesterol also forms insulation around the nerves to keep electrical impulses moving. Without this insulation there is an increase in the potential for diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis."

"Cholesterol can be obtained directly from cholesterol-laden foods, such as butter, meat, eggs and shellfish. You should eat these foods and other types of fats every day."

excerpted from The Schwarzbein Principle
by Dr. Diana Schwarzbein, M.D.

Not only is it possible that the "low fat" diet will damage your body, studies have shown that it will occur, as can be seen in the following excerpt:

"Low-fat high-carbohydrate diets eaten by patients with diabetes [non-insulin dependant] have been shown to lead to higher day-long plasma glucose [higher blood sugar levels], insulin, triglycerides, and very low density lipoproteins [bad cholesterol], among other negative effects. In general, study has demonstrated that multiple risk factors for coronary heart disease are worsened for diabetics who consume the low-fat high-carbohydrate diet so often recommended to reduce these risks."

excerpted from Diabetes Care, January 1995 Issue
by Dr. Y. D. Chen

Again, if you have not yet done so, you can turn your diabetic condition around and improve your overall health by getting onto a high protein/low carbohydrate diet, taking the correct nutritional supplements, and putting a little exercise into your life!





To Your Health






Nerve Support Success - A Lot of Relief


Healthy nerves don't cause tingling, numbness or pain in your fingers, toes, hands or feet. They don't experience pain or burning or cold sensations. Healthy nerves provide proper balance and coordination.

The Nerve Support Formula provides the correct nutritional help needed in order to build and support healthy nerves.

Here is what some of our customers have to say about using it:


"I can tell you that my nerves in my feet are much better than when I first started to use your formula. I have healthy feet that are not a problem. I started taking the Nerve Support in May (I think) of 2013. I wish I had found it a lot sooner.

"I think it might be useful for people to see that it can provide a lot of relief in a natural way."

From Arleen Watkins in Arizona


"I was skeptical about your Nerve Support actually making a difference. I had to do something, and bought your Nerve Support. The first thing I noticed was a noticeable improvement. My feet feel so much healthier. You have a great product."

From Wayne Hockmeyer in Florida


"I am glad to provide you with a testimonial to use, I tell all my friends about your wonderful product in hopes that it will help someone as well as it has helped me.

"The Nerve Support has given me healthy feet and hands. Thanks again for this great product!"

From Stephen Colburn in New Hampshire


The Nerve Support Formula is a nutritional supplement that is specifically formulated to help build healthy nerves, and it works extremely well.

To learn more about the Nerve Support Formula

RHP  Nerve Support Formula

If you have any questions, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590