1. 5 Deceptive
"Healthy Labels"
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5 Deceptive "Healthy Labels"
Why Ditching
Antibacterial Soap is a Good Idea
Not only does it promote the development of drug-resistant bacteria, but antibacterial compounds such as triclosan have also been linked to a number or harmful health effects, especially in young children. For complete article on Antibacterial Soap
Yes, this is yet another myth. Oh my, lots of women take calcium (esp. the carbonate form) thinking that they are doing good for their bones. When if fact, it could be making their arteries calcified - check out this vital video.
Organic Food is Relatively Cheap
Whenever someone tells me that they have some health issue going on, my first question is What is your Diet Like? That comes up with not only clues to their health, but includes cravings which tells me more about what is going on with their health.
The next thought which usually presents itself is should they buy organic. I usually feel it should be Organic & non-GMO, but that's another conversation.
I often get - well, I'd like to buy Organic, but its so expensive. Is it?
When a person buys processed or non-organic foods, they are buying a lot of chemicals to either make the animal fatter or to preserve the food, etc. etc. It has a lot less nutritional value.
Value for your money? You should buy organic for its nutritional value. You get a lot more nutrition for your buck. Add that fact into your evaluation of you decision to buy organic or non-organic.
Read: What is Organically Grown Foods? Read: Is Organically Grown Foods Overpriced?
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