MCVitamins News

From Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Stuck Joints and Your Health - by Dr. Mike Spearman
2. Aging
3. Factory Farmed Meats

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"We need to shift our focus from treating disease to generating health..."  Hippocrates (AMA"The Father of Medicine")



Stuck Joints and Your Health


I always go in for chiropractic adjustments.  I feel so much better when I don't let this drop out.   Here is an article by Dr. Mike Spearman about this called

Stuck Joints




Growing older is not an illness, but the passing years do make the body more vulnerable to disease. Why? A significant number of problems faced by people over the age of sixty may also be attributable to nutritional deficiencies. 

Read more at Aging


Factory Farmed Meats

We brought his up before since it is not healthy for humans nor humane to farm animals.  If everyone was aware of what really goes on I know that they would stop purchasing factory farmed meat.

At the very least take a moment to get educated and be aware of what you're eating. Find out where it really comes from. If you can't live without it find farms and products with good farming practices. 


Wholefoods has a new rating scale for farm raised animals. It's worth the extra dollar you'll spend.

Read more about Factory Farming



To Your Health




A Simple Fix for Heartburn

"Heartburn" (sometimes called acid indigestion or acid reflux) is a burning sensation, usually centered in the middle of the chest near or above the breastbone (the bone in the center of the chest). If you find you are experiencing heartburn, there may be a remedy that is as simple as changing what foods you eat together at the same meal.

Many people experience the discomfort of heartburn after eating a meal where animal protein and carbs are eaten together.

Protein is digested by stomach acid, carbohydrates begin digestion with the saliva in the mouth, which is alkaline [Definition: the opposite of acid], and continues the digestive process in the intestines, which are also alkaline.

When you combine alkaline and acid in your stomach, they neutralize each other. This slows the digestion, the food sits in your stomach decomposing and gives off gas that pushes back up your esophagus [Definition: the tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach] and creates a burning sensation.

So, if you are experiencing this type of pain, try not mixing protein and carbs. Avoid eating bread, potatoes, rice, etc., with meat. Eat salad and non-starchy vegetables with meat, or salad and non-starchy vegetables with carbs.

Try eating food this way for a while and see if it helps reduce or get rid of these painful symptoms.

If you need my assistance please let us know so that I can help you with improving your health. You can email us and get your questions answered.