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1. The Basis of Disease:  Louis Pasteur vs. Antoine Bechamp:  Know the True Causes of Disease
Improve Your Health Without Drugs
3. What to eat for dental health?
4. Strategies to Prevent Influenza

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The Basis of Disease:  Louis Pasteur vs. Antoine Bechamp:  Know the True Causes of Disease

Mainstream medicine believes that virtually all illness is caused by germs or genetic hereditary weakness, as well as deformities and trauma injuries. Their solution and strategy is to have us believe that there are over 10,000 different diseases and that each of these diseases requires outside intervention from drugs and surgery. The truth is that most illness is due to cellular malfunction caused by cellular toxicities and cellular malnutrition, both of which can be avoided and overcome naturally.

Learn more: Basis of Disease



Improve Your Health Without Drugs

People today are being put on drugs to handle neuropathy, diabetes, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and high cholesterol and many other health conditions. Are drugs the answer to these health challenges or do they just make things worse? 

Factually, medical drugs are not the answer to the above health challenges. Doctors and researchers are now realizing that drugs can be destructive by creating nutritinal deficiencies. Here is what a medical expert has to say. : 

"A type of therapy used by the majority of physicians in our country for the past fifty years is the administration of drugs at sublethal levels [sublethal: not quite enough to cause death]. Drugs of course, are alien chemicals that are not normally present in the cellular environment of the human body. They radically alter man’s internal environment and often create very severe and dangerous side effects." 

"Drugs do not halt or prevent the disease process, especially degenerative diseases. At best they offer only relief of symptoms, while the basic, underlying disease process continues uninterrupted." 

"Nature’s biological nutrients [gotten from food] have been used as a defense system for millions of years in the battle against all forms of disease. They are far more reliable and more time-proven than the relatively recent drug-therapy fads that have swept the modern world." 

"When our body cells are ailing, as they do in disease, the chances are excellent that it is because they are being given inadequate nutrition. The list of things that these cells may need includes not only all amino acids and all the minerals, plus trace elements [trace elements: simple chemical substances in very tiny amounts], but about fifteen vitamins and probably many other nutrients." 

"Drugs at best are only a palliative [palliative: treating only the symptoms of a disease, alleviating pain and symptoms without providing a cure] form of treatment. The basic fault of drugs is that they have no known connection with the disease process itself. Drugs are wholly unlike nature’s nutrients. They tend to mask the difficulty, not do away with it. They contaminate the body’s internal environment, create dependence on the part of the patient, and often complicate the physician’s job by erasing valuable clues as to the real source of the trouble." 

"Statistics tell us that as much as 5 percent of all hospital admissions – 1.5 million people – are now the result of negative reactions to legally gotten prescription drugs. Once a patient is in the hospital, his chances of getting a drug-created sickness more than doubles. This means that over three and a half million people experience drug-created internal contamination and dependence." 

"Many physicians are beginning to insist that the primary reliance in the battle against infectious disease – all forms of disease – should always be on weapons that are most similar to nature’s own biological weapons." 

"Nutrient therapy [using the vitamin, minerals and herbs found in nature], is a safe, economical, prevention oriented, and effective alternative to our current medical crisis." 

"The simple truth is that our country needs physicians who are interested in curing and preventing the causes of disease rather than merely treating symptoms." 

excerpted from "Brain Allergies"
by William H. Philpott, M.D. and Dwight K. Kalita, Ph.D

More people in the medical profession are now realizing that drugs are not the great solution they once thought them to be. In fact, the dangers of taking drugs have become headline news, with drug companies being found to have hidden previously known side effects to many of their "wonder drugs."

There are safe ways to reduce neuropathy, lower blood sugar levels, lower triglycerides, lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. It all starts with diet, proper nutrition (by supplementing with vitamins and minerals, as our food today has far less of them than 50 years ago), and putting a little exercise into your life. And, within weeks or a few months, health can be yours again. 



What to do for the Flu Season?

Almost everyone needs immune support because almost everyone today has a weakened immune system.

Find out what you can do to boast your Immune System



What to eat for dental health?

I've had trouble with my teeth since a child - lot of "cavities" and gum problems. Muddled through somehow but also lost teeth due to the solution being given was to just pull the tooth.

I no longer have a great smile and the only solutions I get is to pull my teeth and put some plastic teeth in my mouth or putting titanium screws in my mouth for "implants". Both are not something that I would want to do.

But now I don't have any trouble with my teeth. I guess too late but I found all sorts of information about how to have healthy teeth and gums.

As I should have known, diet is the answer to healthy teeth and gums. The reason for decay - demineralization of the teeth". That sounds like something that would need proper nutrition. How many people get enough proper minerals in their diet.

My answer is proper diet. Here is the research I did and a diet for dental health. This page also goes to links that talks about reversing tooth decay and Dental Health.

What I noticed is that the diet I am now on - Healthy Keto - fits right into this regime. Well, I don't eat grains, but actually, I haven't eaten grains for a long time even before I found Healthy Keto.

And if you first need to help infection around your teeth (periodontal means "around the tooth"), or you have bleeding gums, I recommend what I use Dental Pro 7.




Strategies to Prevent Influenza

Flu season is here. The flu will most likely spread. What can you do to prevent influenza besides get a flu shot? You may be intrigued to learn how humidity fights the flu.

There are theories on why the flu is more prevalent in the winter. Is it less Vitamin D from the sun? More time inside? Bad air theory about closed windows? These all don't really work as people spend time inside in AC in the summer just like the are indoors in the winter. And you can supplement with Vitamin D.

Low Humidity Theory

A less common theory involves humidity and heating systems. Forced hot air is usually low in humidity. Mouse research shows that dry air reduces resistance to influenza infection (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, May 28, 2019).

An intriguing study found that low humidity, which is very common in heated buildings during the winter months, makes it easier for viruses to spread (PLOS One, Sept. 25, 2018). The scientists raised the humidity in half the classrooms of a community preschool.

In humidified rooms, the investigators found fewer influenza A viruses on toys and markers. Children in the non-humidified rooms had twice as many cases of influenza-like illness as those in the humidified classrooms.

Can Higher Humidity Prevent Influenza?

One place where infection control is critical is the hospital. A study conducted at the University of Chicago monitored microbes in a new hospital building starting two months before it opened and continuing for a year. Indoor conditions were monitored in both patient rooms and nursing stations.

The researchers suspected that hand washing, room cleaning technique or patient susceptibility would be major factors in the spread of infection. Instead, they discovered that relative humidity was a dominant contributor. When it fell below 40 percent, viruses and other pathogens were more likely to float around in the air successfully and find a target.

Since dry air also impairs the ability of the nose and skin to withstand viral invasion, there may be a double whammy. Patients in rooms with low relative humidity were more likely to develop healthcare-associated infections.

If viruses survive and travel more easily in dry air, however, it may be helpful to humidify the air in hospitals, schools and nursing homes. This might help protect vulnerable people from respiratory illnesses that spread so easily in winter’s dry air.


One person's mother grew up on a farm with a wood stove. There was always a kettle full of water sitting on the stove emitting steam and increasing humidity. Cod liver oil was a winter thing in those days. Perhaps the omega 3 fatty acids plus the extra vitamin D were helpful in improving immunity.





To Your Health 


Nerve Damage - Why R-Alpha Lipoic and Acetyl L-Carnitine?

If you have nerve damage, R-Alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine are two key supplements that you should add to your daily routine.

Evidence indicates that alpha lipoic acid has an ability to kill free-radicals which may help provide added nutritional support to people who have nerve damage in the arms and legs, such as:

- pain
- burning
- itching
- tingling
- numbness

Alpha lipioc acid comes in two forms. R and S. Alpha lipoic acid is a combination of these two forms. Most supplements have alpha lipoic acid with both forms, not just the R form.

The R form of alpha lipoic acid is the form normally found in the body. Studies indicate the R-alpha lipoic acid form appears to be better absorbed than the combination of R and S alpha lipoic acid.

Additionally, some small preliminary studies suggest acetyl L-carnitine may help provide nutritional support to people with pain and who want to improve feeling in affected nerves. It is also possible that acetyl L-carnitine can help nerves regenerate.

The Nerve & Energy Booster is a nutritional supplement which contains acetyl L-carnitine and R-alpha lipoic acid (the better, more absorbable form of R-alpha lipoic acid).

Find out more and order the Nerve & Energy Booster

Or you can call us at (888) 758-5590 or (818) 252-1038

If you have questions, you can always call or email.

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