from Your Nutritional Education Site
1. Fungus Mimics Everything
Fungus Mimics Everything by Doug Kaufman (
Arizona is called “Valley Fever Corridor” because its vast expanse is home to a soil and sand borne fungus called Coccidioides immitis. About 10,000 Arizonians discover just how dangerous this fungus is. According to a local physician, however, it is “vastly under-diagnosed.” Dr. John Galgiani, who is the Director of Valley Fever Excellence at the University of Arizona feels that the actual number of Coccidioides fungal infections is probably closer to 30,000 cases, not 10,000. In an effort to raise awareness in Tucson, Arizona, spokesperson Diana Wilkerson is hosting an upcoming event that she hopes will make her case a rarity in the near future. Diana was diagnosed with pneumonia and stage-three lung cancer two years ago (1). She missed one month of work and racked up about $50,000 in medical bills. Then a surgery was scheduled to remove a part of her cancerous lung. During that surgery, doctors discovered that their diagnosis was wrong. Diana has a fungal infection instead. Although her pneumonia and cancer had already been diagnosed with certainty, she discovered that “this happens a lot: People are misdiagnosed and treated with the wrong medications.” Of course, I’ve been teaching this for over 30 years, and I believe that these statistics may well represent a microcosm of mismanagement and misdiagnoses in medicine today. It would be my guess that 30% of the time, perhaps the correct bacterial pneumonia or cancer diagnosis is achieved. Remember, this is just my opinion, but I believe that 70% of the time (as is represented in this one article), fungus is the cause and physicians simply are not trained to understand or accurately diagnose the etiologies of these 2 diseases. I’ve attached the link to this article. I’d love your thoughts and will drop by often to comment! Doug REFERENCES & SOURCES 2. Related Articles A Cancer Called Fungus! Coccidioides Infection Mimicking Metastatic Lung Cancer
Are virus variants more transmissionable? “What matters is the impact the changes have on the virus itself. So, some viruses might have a few differences – a few mutations – but there are no noticeable changes to the virus. Sometimes viruses can have mutations that give the virus an advantage, whether that’s a better attachment to cells or the ability to replicate faster." Mutations can also result in disadvantages for the virus, lowering the ability to attach to cells or taking longer to reproduce,” Dr. Best says. Variants keep appearing. But, what are variants? Divya Shah, Epidemics Research Lead, explains how variants happen, The influenza virus, which causes flu, is known to be a frequently mutating virus. Every flu season, we see several different influenza variants in circulation. Viruses are not technically living things—they invade living cells and hijack their machinery to get energy and replicate, and find ways to infect other living organisms and start the process over again. To spread, a virus needs to infect a host, replicate and produce lots of copies of itself. The virus needs a living cell in order to replicate as it uses the cells reproduction system, it cannot replicate by itself. When a virus replicates it doesn't always manage to produce an exact copy of itself. This means that, over time, the virus may start to differ slightly in terms of its genetic sequence. Any changes to the viral genetic sequence during this process is known as a mutation and viruses with new mutations are sometimes called variants. Variants can differ by one or multiple mutations. The virus is trying to survive and since it needs a host, it is changing to be better able to replicate - however, it can also mean it is now weaker. Variants are often more communicable and weaker than the original. When a new variant has different functional properties to the original virus and becomes established in a population, it is sometimes referred to as a new strain of the virus. In short, all strains are variants, but not all variants are strains. Are variants more dangerous than the original virus? Mutations which have a selective advantage could be ones which result in greater viral shedding—the release of infectious virus particles into the environment, for example when we talk, cough or sneeze—or they enable the virus to evade the body's immune responses. All viruses mutate. Most mutations are harmless and do not affect the properties of the virus. However, some mutations give the virus a selective advantage, increasing the likelihood that it will go on to infect another person. Hope this helps you understand. Read Immunity
What are the reasons you can't sleep? Okay, not getting enough sleep seems to be very common. Ad after ad for pills (both natural and chemical) to help you sleep are advertised on the TV, in social media, emails, etc. etc. There are many reasons you can't sleep, a lot of people think they need melatonin and others want to knock themselves out with natural herbs such as valerian root or kava kava. A much better solution is to figure out what is going on and address that. First, it may be due to what you are eating or drinking that has too much caffeine. That is easily handled by not drinking or eating too much (chocolate has caffeine) and if you do make sure it is early in the day. Don't over exercise. It creates sleeping problems, try low stress exercise and taking long walks late in the day - walking is low stress & you are getting lots of oxygen. Get out and look around and look into the distance. A high pulse rate can interrupt your sleep. It can be that your pH is too acidic. It can be due to a potassium deficiency - potassium lowers your pulse rate and calms the nervous system down. And don't eat too many refined carbohydrates that deplete the body of potassium. You can get a lot of potassium & magnesium from vegetables, if you can digest it. If you can digest, eat 7-10 cups of veggies and salads. Recommended Electrolyes. Meat, fish and eggs are high in phosphates. This will excelarate the nervous system - don't eat too much protein especially late at night. Don't eat fat at night, as that can irritate the gallbladder and digestion. Eat fats earlier in the day. Prevent upsets such as watching the news - watch a comedy or read a book. It may be your adrenals Overactive adrenals will stop you from sleeping. If you are waking up at 2 AM it is adrenal. Too low or two high cortisol - bumps you out of sleep. Improve the Adrenals. Meanwhile you can take the Sleep Aid which is made for the Adrenals. See Adrenal Exhaustion Hope this helps. MORE tips to come. Here's to better sleep!
Are you hopeless about ever getting your quality of life back due to Neuropathy? I know that people with neuropathy are always looking for something to relieve their pain and other symptoms. They might not want to take some medication that just covers up the symptoms, and also has side effects and the herbs that try to cover up the symptoms can have their own bad effects. But it seems that if you don't do anything about it, it will only get worse. I'm sure the fear of worsening pushes people to find anything that might help. I've worked with people with neuropathy for almost 17 years; I know what they go through. I even have some understanding about it from the time I badly hurt my knee and leg. When I felt the tingling sharp pain and burning, I knew it was damaged nerves. I can only imagine what a lot of peoples neuropathy is like after my bout. But, I jumped right in and started taking the supplements that would restore health to my left leg's nerves. My leg got better pretty fast, well it was a new injury and I didn't wait for it to get worse. Nerves will do that if the damage isn't addressed - it gets worse. I'm writing this to tell you that building healthy nerves works. Here is my solution Nerve Support with Benfotiamine. If you have any questions contact me. MCVitamins will work with you on an individual-by-individual basis to help you get the best possible results you. And don’t be surprised if we contact you so we can check up on how you’re doing and to see if we can help you to get things moving faster! STILL HAVE QUESTIONS? EMAIL AND GET YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED
To Your Health