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1. Fungus Mimics Everything Socialize with us - Facebook Twitter
Fungus Mimics Everything by Doug Kaufman ( Fungus Mimics everything; I told you so a decade ago! I first published this blog 10-years ago. I do not know the doctor mentioned but I just reached out to him and hope that he responds. Nine years after my blog, in 2021, still in the business of differentiating between “fungus” and “cancer,” Dr Galgiani stated “Coccidioidomycosis is frequently mistaken not only for cancer, but also for rheumatic conditions and bacterial infections…” (2). Can you even imagine how often fungal infections are misdiagnosed as bacterial infections? Or how over-diagnosed “arthritis” really is? Fungus mimics everything! See article by Doug Kaufman REFERENCES & SOURCES 1. 2. Related Articles A Cancer Called Fungus! Coccidioides Infection Mimicking Metastatic Lung Cancer
The first question I asked every patient…by Dr. Martin
UNFORTUNATELY… that’s not the case for most people.
Many suffer from MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION. This means they have fewer mitochondria…
And the ones they do have are smaller and inefficient.
It’s why they’re tired. It’s why they’re dragging their feet all day. And it’s why their energy isn’t what it used to be.
(It’s also why they have brain fog…and even pain!). • Free Radical Damage We call them the 3 SEEDS of DISEASE…because any of them will cause inflammation…
And that inflammation will lead you down a path toward disease. When it comes to gut health, or metabolic health, we found Metabolic Boost to work really well. It addresses: • Free Radical Damage Learn more Metabolic Boost
More Sleep Tips, as Promised More things to figure out what is going on when you can't sleep and address that. Dim Lights - Darkness stimulates the melatonin in your body which is the sleep hormone. Bright lights or TV can stop you from goign to sleep. EMF - ElectroMagneticFields - don't put electrical devices near your head a night (such as an alarm clock) or have your phone near your head. The EMF can interrupt your sleep. Breathing - slow down inhalation to 5 seconds and 5 seconds exhalation. Balance those out. Calms down nervous system. Sleep on Your Right Side Recommend sleeping on the right side as heart will be little more confortable sitting on the liver, then sleeping on the left side as the heart can become compressed by the liver if it is fatty. the liver will be sitting on top of the heart. This makes it more uncomfortable to sleep. Cicadian Rhythm - 10:30 PM is the best time to go to sleep - you can miss this rhythm wave or hormone wave. If you go past this time, it is harder to go to sleep Excessive Thinking - If you have excess thinking at night and are not sleeping - Vitamin B1 will help with this. Nutrtional yeast is best, it is natural and contains all the B vitamins. Cramps - Potassium and Magnesium or low sea salt causes cramps. Take electrolytes or pickle juice works to get rid of cramps. Digestion - add veggies to your diet - make sure you can digest the salad or veggie. If you have gas preventing you from sleeping build up the amount you eat. Sugar alcohols make be creating disruption and sometimes MCT oil. Start small. You have to get used to it and take small amounts until you body can digest properly. Need to Improve your Digestion Waking up at 2 AM - support your adrenals and the massage tool. Overactive adrenals will stop you from sleeping. Waking up at 2 AM - it is classic adrenal symptom. Too low or two high cortisol - will bump you out of sleep. Improve Adrenals also start with Sleep Aid which is made for adrenal sleep problems Restless Legs - B1 and stop eating sugar Muscle spasm - the body is revved up. Extract stress with accupressure and stetching. The page accupressure has a tool at the bottom for extracting stress. Pain or Inflammation keeping you from sleep - All natural Inflammation Relief Bladder walking you up. Usually it is Insulin Resistance - thirsty and pee a lot. Fix by doing Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting. Enlarged Prostate keeping the bladder from holding uring. Avoid all dairy - milk, butter, cheese etc. Prostate will not be as enlarged. Menopause - Estrogen goes down, progestrogen will go down even more. giving you a relative ratio of higher estrogen - loss of estrogen equals frequent urination - take Progestrogen Cream Figure out which of the above is what is happening with you. I'd like to find out what was successful for you or if you have questions. Please email me.
Metabolic Neuropathy (nerve damage) What is it? What can be done for relief? The term metabolic neuropathy refers to nerve disorders associated with systemic diseases of metabolic origin. Metabolic: relating to or deriving from the metabolism of a living organism. Coming from the Greek: μεταβολή metabolē, “change”. It is the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of living organisms. The term “metabolic” is often used to refer specifically to the breakdown of food and its transformation into energy. If you have high blood pressure, high blood glucose, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, excess weight around the waist you have a metabolic disorder – an imbalance or deficiency – that negatively affects the way your body functions. Metabolic diseases include diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, uremia, hypothyroidism, hepatic failure, polycythemia, amyloidosis, acromegaly, porphyria, disorders of lipid/glycolipid metabolism, nutritional/vitamin deficiencies, and mitochondrial disorders, among others. The common factor of these diseases is damage to the nerves by alteration of the structure or function of the myelin sheath and axons due to metabolic pathway dysregulation. Dystregulation is defined as: impairment of a physiological regulatory mechanism (as that governing metabolism, immune response, or organ function) Diabetes is the most common cause of metabolic neuropathy, followed by uremia. Some of these disorders also affect muscles due to the fact that the conditions damage motor nerves which send incorrect signals to the muscles. For information about nerve damage read Neuropathy RELIEF? Treatment for Neuropathy There are many medications, and other remedies that can bring you relief, you can read about them in this article Neuropathy Treatment RECOMMMENDED: What can you do? Take a Quiz: Am I doing everything I can to daily help my neuropathy? Find out what lifestyle changes will help, take the quiz and get our suggestions and get our assistance on what you can do. Lasting Relief: None of the various neuropathy treatments will build healthy nerves. You can cover up the symptoms and you can increase circulation and you can make a person feel less pain, etc., but if you build healthy nerves, there will not be any symptoms (healthy nerves don’t hurt, tingle, burn, are not numb, etc.) and the relief will be lasting. Building Healthy Nerves* Healthy sensory nerves mean that they are not painful. Healthy nerves mean that they communicate and don’t send wrong signals such as burning, hot and cold, tingling when there is no reason for it. Healthy motor nerves mean that they relay messages from the brain to the muscle so that they move correctly. Nerves need to be healthy to function properly. The body needs specific nutrients (vitamins) to be able to build healthy nerves. It may not give immediate relief (although many do feel changes in the first week) as the vitamins are working at a cellular level, but it does address the actual problem, builds healthy nerves and brings lasting relief. (For temporary relief while building healthy nerves, go to Pain Relief Formula) What can be done for lasting relief? Relief from Neuropathy The healthier the nerve the less symptoms you will feel Do you want a Healthier Metabolism?
To Your Health
If you have any questions about our Nerve Support Formula, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590 (US & Canada) or (818) 252-1038. We want to make sure you get the results you are looking for.