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1. Effects of Stress on the Immune System, what you can do.
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Effects of Stress on the Immune System, what you can do.
Stress has emotional and physical consequences. Most of us are familiar with feeling some degree of anxiety when we face a stressful situation. However, the physical effects of stress are not as well known. As we need to rise to meet a challenge, a little stress in life can be inspiring, but if life or a life event exceeds our capacity to cope, it can cause emotional and physical problems. Stress prompts the body to release cortisol, the primary hormone of tension in the body. Increased blood cortisol levels change how our body's immune system reacts to infections. Long-term and chronic stress leads to persistently elevated cortisol levels. The presence of cortisol in the bloodstream for a prolonged period reduces the effectiveness of the immune system by reducing the white blood cell count. These effects result in chronic infections, chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases, cancers, and other physiological disorders. As the pandemic continues, many individuals have encountered more stress than usual. Nearly 8 in 10 adults suggest a significant cause of stress in their lives is the coronavirus pandemic. Why does bad news often precede illnesses, coughs, and common colds? Bad news causes us to feel stressed, which in turn weakens the immune system. So, we are even more vulnerable to germs we are exposed to at that moment and we often become sick. Health conditions due to long-term exposure to stress The National Institutes of Health says that continued stress on your body from everyday triggers is often the most difficult to identify but could lead to serious health issues such as: ● Heart disease ● Diabetes ● High Blood Pressure ● Cancer. Studies also uncovered many other stress-related health concerns, such as the risk of obesity, Alzheimer's disease, stomach disorders, and asthma, which tends to worsen or increase due to stress. What Can You Do? For a long and healthy life, it's vital to focus on supporting your immune system on an ongoing basis. One of the best ways to do this is with natural, powerful immune system boosters contained in camel milk. In the serum of camel milk, a completely new class of immunoglobulin has been discovered, which is fundamentally different from all other previously known antibody classes. Cameloid Immunoglobulins (only found in camels, llamas, alpacas, vicunas, and guanacos) are used by the immune system for easy and quick targeting of foreign substances. This is one of the ways camel milk strengthens and supports the gastrointestinal immune system. Learn more about Camel Milk
Preventive Medicine by Doug Kaufman ("Know the") Nothing in the world of medicine surprises me anymore since January 2020. As I see it, the rules have changed as big medicine makes inroads to convincing more of us that chemicals, be they injectable or swallowed, provide the answers to what may one day ail us. It’s all about prevention. A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, entitled Polypill with or without Aspirin in Persons Without Cardiovascular Diseases, teaches our brightest and best of the importance of prescribing (this is the key word) preventive medicine. All the doctor must do is write a prescription for this brand new “wonderpill,” containing not one, but three blood pressure medications, and a statin medication. This combo, when also taking an aspirin, was called “a transformational approach to preventing heart disease.” As you might imagine, many of the authors had strong ties to drug manufacturers. Shocking, I know. The paper stated, “we could save millions of people…” I’ve always loved medical research papers using words like “might,” “may,” or “could.” It seems as though medical statisticians and physicians have figured out that millions of people “might” die without this highly promoted “polypill.” Of course, they may not die without it, but the article doesn’t mention that. I am 71 years old and have a dear father who had a pacemaker and was on many medications for heart problems. According to medical statisticians, because of my father’s heart problems and my age, I’m at a high risk for heart disease. Would I take a polypill? No. How do you define “preventive medicine?” Most importantly, I eat a diet that I believe minimizes the risk of any disease. I believe and I teach that a multifaceted health approach like mine, although much harder than swallowing a polypill, enables me to govern my own health. If I continuously eat sugar or drink alcohol, I’d expect symptoms, so I just don’t do that. But with a polypill, I’d likely hush those, the overt symptoms that I might otherwise experience, perhaps until they became full blown diseases. THEIR DEFINITION OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE: To these authors and most doctors, a flu shot, taking medications daily, routine screened for diseases, eating whole grains and moderate drinking (5.6 gallons of beer monthly) is preventive medicine. We live until we die, so live well my friends, choose your prevention wisely! ******************** Start Spreading the Way to Happiness right in your own Home, Workplace and Community
Getting to the Bottom of Memory Loss by Sorting Out Risk Factors Including Mold Exposure More health and lifestyle risk factors have recently been identified as catalysts for memory loss, all of which are modifiable. These are in addition to the 9 previously identified by the Lancet Commission which included depression, hypertension (uncontrolled), smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes, low social contact, and lower education. The new additions to this list consist of traumatic brain injury, excessive alcohol consumption, and exposure to air pollution. According to the Commission, these factors account for a staggering 40% of dementia cases worldwide. That is almost half of all cases! Thus, addressing these risks alone on a personal level could possibly delay or help you to avoid dementia altogether, including Alzheimer’s disease. Protecting and Healing Our Brains What follows is a list of simple and straightforward interventions and actions you can take–starting today–to make sure you are actively decreasing your chances of developing dementia later in life. 1. Limit or completely eliminate exposure to toxins. This includes screening your home air for mold and taking the steps to clean it up. The use of mold plates to check for spores and correcting the source of mold are the first steps. Testing kit 2. Use an air purifier. While an air purifier does NOT constitute mold remediation, it can filter indoor air and blow fresher, cleaner air into crucial living spaces like your bedrooms. 3. Reduce consumption of toxin-contaminated foods and always wash your fruits and vegetables, eating organic when possible. Choose dairy and meat that is antibiotic and hormone-free. 4. Drink enough water. 5. Quit smoking, limit alcohol to 2-4 glasses per week. 6. Do not use chemicals or scented products in your home or car. 7. Get physical exercise daily. Include methods for balance as well, such as yoga or tai chi 8. Treat brain injuries/concussions promptly. Make sure any head injuries are checked and are treated with seriousness. It is often the knocks to the head that we dismiss and allow to go untreated that lead to later problems. 9. Avoid sugar as much as possible. It is almost inevitable to get some sugar in your diet. If you try to eliminate known sources and extra sources, you can decrease sugar consumption drastically. [Note: sugar also lowers you immunity] 10. Treat diabetes and hypertension as if your life depended on it, because it truly does. 11. Learn new skills. Delve into the unknown! Get out of your comfort zone. 12. Practice memory and mind games, such as Sudoku or Word games. 13. Quiet the stress in your mind. 14. Treat infections and inflammation-causing conditions. Infections that go untreated have the potential to impact the brain. Common culprits are fungal infections from inhaled molds and mycotoxins, chronic strep, or Lyme disease. 15. Use oxygen therapy which may be prescribed by your health care provider to enhance blood oxygen to the brain. 16. Get full and restful sleep. Sleep is the time for brain repair! 17. Address hormone imbalances, particularly thyroid disorders, as these are also associated with cognitive deficits. 18. Engage in social interaction and community. These activities help keep the brain active. Even if you are an introvert, push yourself to communicate with the outside world. Contribute to society, volunteer, anything that gets you outside of your head and yourself for a bit! 29. Go for walks and extrovert. Supplements That May Help With Memory and Cognition Acetyl l-carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid For complete article with explanations of the science, by Dr. Susan Tanner, M.D.
Tingling in Fingers, Hands, Feet, Arms or Legs and Toes
Tingling is an abnormal sensation that can occur anywhere in the body. It is most often felt in the fingers, hands, feet, arms or legs. It can be defined as a prickling, stinging sensation. It is more often called "pins and needles" or of a limb "falling asleep". It is also referred to as paresthesias by the medical profession.
For the complete article Tingling Nerves
To Your Health Need Help Sleeping? Neuropathy keeping you awake? Sometimes the sensation (burning, coldness, numbness, tingling or pain) from your nerves can keep you up at night. If you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, there is a safe and effective way to help your body get the sleep you need on a daily basis, and it's not a drug. The RHP Sleep Support Formula is specifically designed to support physical relaxation and calmness, to help you get a restful night's sleep, and it can be safely used as often as needed. You can learn more and order the RHP Sleep Support Or you can find out more here: Sleep Support Information You can always call us at (888) 748-5590 or (818) 252-1038. We're here for you. If you have any questions about our Nerve Support Formula, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590 (US & Canada) or (818) 252-1038. We want to make sure you get the results you are looking for.