
from Your Nutritional Education Site
"Get Educated and Take Control of Your Health"


1. The Carb Mistake: Why Diabetics Need to Pay Attention
2. How Sun Exposure Improves Your Immune Function
3. Importances in using Nutritional Supplements to address a Health Condition

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The Carb Mistake: Why Diabetics Need to Pay Attention

Hey, It’s Dr. Martin here…

During a live webinar one of the questions we got was:

“Why, even after being off sugar for a year, do some people still have high blood sugar levels?”

Now, you would think that if a diabetic cut sugar out of their diet then they should see a drastic change in their blood sugar levels. But sadly that often isn’t the case. In fact, many diabetics who cut out sugar still struggle with high blood sugar levels.

In my experience, most diabetics who cut out sugar but still struggle with high blood sugar levels for years are still eating way too many carbs.

While cutting out sugar is a great start a diabetic has to come to grips with the following truth. Once you have type-2 diabetes, you are ALLERGIC to carbs.

Your body needs very little blood sugar to function. Here’s what I mean by that:

You may not realize this but you have a lot of blood vessels in your body — so many that if you laid them all out end to end, they would add up to almost 100,000 miles! Your blood vessels could wrap around the world FOUR times!

Also, those 100,000 miles of blood vessels are filled with 5.5 liters (1.5 gallons) of blood and EVERY MINUTE, your heart pumps around 5 liters (which is ALL the blood in your body) through all those blood vessels.

If you were to drain all the blood out of the 100,000 miles of blood vessels in your body, how much glucose (blood sugar) would you find?

One teaspoon. that’s it.

So, the FIRST foundation of metabolic health is this: Your body needs very little blood sugar to function. This brings me to another important fact about blood sugar.

I guarantee you that what you’re about to read is different from anything you’ve heard before and that includes from doctors.

Since you don’t need much sugar in your blood, your body has to tightly regulate your blood sugar levels at all times because if you have too much sugar in your blood, then your life is at risk.

That’s how dangerous it is.

High blood sugar levels are so toxic that your body is willing to do almost anything and everything to keep your blood sugar levels stable and that includes stuffing your liver full of fat and making a lot of triglycerides.

Now that you know how little sugar your body needs and how tightly regulated your blood sugar levels are and that high blood sugar levels are toxic, then what I’m going to say next shouldn’t surprise you.

Everything you eat gets broken down into glucose.

Now, some foods break down into glucose fast. Think sugars, carbs, and fatty crappy carbs…and for some foods, it takes a lot longer. Think proteins and fats.

The faster a food breaks down into glucose — the faster your blood sugar spikes. The slower a food breaks down into glucose — the slower your blood sugar levels spike. One way to think of glucose is as energy.

When your blood sugar levels get too high you essentially have too much energy in your blood and if you can’t use that energy RIGHT now then you have to get it out of your blood ASAP. The faster food breaks down into glucose and spikes your blood sugar levels the faster your body has to jump into action to lower your blood sugar levels.

This is where insulin steps in.

Insulin helps remove glucose from your blood and send it into storage.

The faster and higher your blood sugars rise — the more insulin you need to lower your blood sugar levels. The slower your blood sugar levels go up — the less insulin you need.

Once your pancreas secretes insulin to help lower your blood sugar levels there are three places where insulin can send glucose to be stored:

1. Muscles
2. Liver and organs
3. Fat cells

Your body will make fat cells and will pack your muscles, heart, lungs, pancreas, gallbladder, and liver with as much fat as it can for as long as it can to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

Here’s where it gets interesting.

Some people have a better ability to make fat cells to store glucose than others. That's why they can store a lot of glucose and still have somewhat normal blood sugar levels while others can’t make as many fat cells and run out of room to store glucose so their blood sugar levels rise faster.

Here's the point of all of this…

If your blood sugar levels are high, it means that all the ways your body tries to protect itself by storing glucose wherever it can has failed.

High blood sugar levels are the LAST resort for your body.

If your blood sugar levels are high then, your organs are already packed with fat. Your muscles are already packed with fat and, if you can make fat cells then they're full as well.

So…when I say that diabetics are allergic to carbs this is what I mean.

A diabetic doesn’t have any more place to store glucose and their insulin isn’t working as it should this is why eating carbs will keep their blood sugar levels higher even if they’re cutting out sugar!

Here’s the bottom line:

Most diabetics will struggle with blood sugar levels their whole lives because they eat too many carbs. Most diabetics will get progressively worse over time because they’re eating too many carbs.

The solution is simple when a diabetic realizes they’re allergic to carbs, and that they have run out of storage and decide to eat a low-carb diet they better control their blood sugar levels, empty the storage containers, strip the fat off their liver and get back on the path to better metabolic health.

Talk soon,
Dr. Martin


MCVitamins wants to remind you....

Insulin Reistance is also called Pre-Diabetes. Eat low carb now before it becomes diabetes. See Insulin Resistance or Pre-Diabetes.


How Sun Exposure Improves Your Immune Function

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola January 26, 2024

Sensible sun exposure has many health benefits. Many are the result of vitamin D production, which occurs when your skin is exposed to UV light, but many others are unrelated to vitamin D

Research shows both blue light and UVA light boosts the activity of T lymphocytes. As little as five to 10 minutes of sun exposure was needed to boost immune cell activity

The healthiest blue light is from the sun, as it is balanced by near-infrared radiation, which activates cytochrome C oxidase in your mitochondria and helps optimize ATP production

Mounting research confirms that sun avoidance may be at the heart of a large number of health problems. Not only does your body produce vitamin D in response to sun exposure on bare skin, but sunlight also produces a number of other health benefits thatm are unrelated to vitamin D production.

In fact, humans appear to have a lot in common with plants in this regard — we both need direct sun exposure in order to optimally thrive, and while artificial lighting sources offering specific light spectrums may be helpful for various problems, ideally we need the full spectrum of light that natural sunlight offers.

More recently, researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) published a laboratory study using cells in petri dishes, showing that exposure to blue and ultraviolet (UV) light increases T cell activity — white blood cells involved in immune function and fighting infections.

Next week: How Sun Exposure Improves Your Immune Function


The Importances in using Nutritional Supplements to address a Health Condition

It is important to find out what the actual problem really is. Not a symptom but the cause of the symptoms (Get Educated on your Health Condition) So, what steps do you need to do:


  1. Finding out what nutrition and nutritional supplements are needed to address the condition.

  2. Finding a quality product that is natural and not made in the lab and does not use poor quality ingredients. A product that has the correct amounts of different ingredients that are needed. There is nothing in the supplement that is trying to just cover up the symptoms.

  3. Working with someone who knows that when the right nutrition is being taken you get results and when you aren't getting results, what the reason would be and what to do to get a good result.

MCVitamins will work with you on an individual-by-individual basis to help you get the results you seek. We can help you to get things moving faster!



To Your Health 


Need Help Lowering Your Cholesterol Levels?

If you are concerned about your cholesterol levels, then you should add the RHP Cholesterol Support Formula to your daily routine. It is not a drug and doesn't have any known side effects. (Or maybe you need to look into this for your loved ones or friends.)

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If you have any questions, please email or call us.

We want to make sure you get the results you are looking for.