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1. Protect Your Memories: The Gut-Brain Connection
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Protect Your Memories: The Gut-Brain Connection Earlier, I wrote about the direct connection between your gut and skin. How the trillions of bacteria living in and on your body all communicate with each other through your gut and if your gut isn’t healthy…then there’s a good chance that your skin won’t be as healthy as it should be. I also wrote that in all my years in practice I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone with skin issues have a healthy gut. Today, I want to talk about the gut-brain axis. Yes, the bacteria in your gut talks directly with the bacteria in your liver and brain! If you’re like most people, you’re concerned about the health of your brain as you age. Let’s face it what’s the point of living past 90 if our brain doesn’t reach 80. Now, the #1 symptom people associate with dementia and Alzheimer’s is MEMORY LOSS. That’s why a significant goal of anti-aging should be brain health and memory protection. Speaking of memory protection the part of your brain responsible for memory is the hippocampus. Dementia and Alzheimer’s destroy your hippocampus. That’s why a person with dementia or Alzheimer’s is often forgetful, confused, and lost. Here’s something you need to know: Not long ago, doctors argued that the brain was sterile. But they were wrong. (I’ve been called crazy a few times for saying things like “leaky gut means leaky brain). It turns out that your brain — like all organs — has its own microbiome. So, I wasn’t surprised when researchers published a study last year showing you also have a Gut-Hippocampus axis. Since the bacteria in your gut communicate directly with the bacteria in your hippocampus then it isn’t shocking to hear that your gut plays a critical role in the long-term health of your brain. Over the years, I’ve talked a lot about how metabolic issues like high blood pressure, obesity, Type-2 Diabetes, or chronic inflammation all put your brain at serious risk. I want to stress that you can’t ignore the importance of your gut when protecting your brain. That’s another reason why I love probiotics. P.S. There was a study published in June… RECOMMENDED MCVitamins recommends a good probiotic along with building a healthy metabolism can be achieved with Metabolic Boost
This Is Why You Should Sleep on Your Left Side (Backed by Science) The best sleep position for bowel movements is on your left side. This position allows your colon to work more efficiently and can help to relieve constipation. Can you have a better posture to reduce your IBS symptoms? See more and see why: This Is Why You Should Sleep on Your Left Side (Backed by Science) (We also found that Standing up straight or lying flat on the back, with straight legs, according to Eastern medicine, can help with digestion.)
Enjoy a Hearty Breakfast Even If You're Lactose Intolerant A hearty breakfast is one that is nutritious, makes you feel satisfied and provides you with good energy to start your day. There are so many health benefits to having a nutritious breakfast. The breakfast favored by many Americans includes foods with low nutritional value and foods containing cow milk products, which are high in lactose. There is a way for lactose intolerant people to enjoy a nutritious, satisfying breakfast without suffering afterwards. What is Lactose Intolerance? Lactose intolerance occurs when the body cannot properly digest lactose, a natural sugar found in cow milk. If you are lactose intolerant you can experience gas, bloating, stomach cramps, nausea, and sometimes vomiting, or diarrhea about 30 minutes to two hours after eating or drinking foods that contain lactose. So many common breakfast foods contain cow milk so they are "off limits" for lactose intolerant people. The Average American Breakfast is Not Very Hearty There is limited nutritional value in boxed cereal, breads, and pastries. High in carbohydrates, they are likely to boost your blood sugar and then let you down with a crash. 5 Reasons It’s Important to have a Really Nutritious Breakfast Eating a breakfast with enough nutrition to satisfy and power-up your body will help: - Manage your appetite so you can make it to lunchtime without needing snacks. - Improve your concentration and focus. - Weight management. If you feel satisfied, you are less likely to crave unhealthy, weight-gaining snacks. - Make you feel happier. When your body lacks energy, you almost always feel more "down." - Better overall health. If you skip breakfast, you are more likely to eat snack foods high in cholesterol, sugar and saturated fat, increasing your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and inflammation. How to Enjoy a Hearty Breakfast even if You’re Lactose Intolerant If you are lactose intolerant, you can still enjoy some favorite breakfast foods, such as oatmeal, omelets, scrambled eggs, pancakes, waffles, or smoothies without using cow milk. There’s a milk you can use in all your recipes, as well as your morning coffee or tea, that is more nutritious than cow milk and less allergenic – it’s camel milk! Camel milk is becoming more and more popular in the US because it’s packed with vitamins and minerals and contains high proportions of anti-bacterial and anti-viral substances, antioxidants, and immune system boosters. In fact, camel milk is considered a superfood because of its high nutritional value. Camel milk has more calcium than other milks and beneficial levels of bioavailable minerals – selenium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, and other minerals. It also has 3 to 5 times more Vitamin C. Camels are unique animals, and they produce a unique milk, one that has a different nutritional profile to cow milk. While camel milk does contain some lactose, it’s usually very well tolerated by lactose intolerant people. Camel milk is a light, pleasant tasting milk so can be used to replace cow milk in all your recipes. Camelicious camel milk powder is 100% whole camel milk from grass-fed camels. It’s non-GMO, gluten free and does not contain any added antibiotics or hormones. So, try using nutritious Camelicious camel milk in all your breakfast favorites!
With Nerve Damage, you Need More than an Antioxidant
In the last several years, the number of articles written about neuropathy has grown and with this number the different “natural” remedies have grown. A lot of talk about what herb to take is predictable. Herbs are used as medicines way before the pharmaceutical companies started creating laboratory drugs (using petrochemicals) to address the symptoms of disease. And like the drugs, they will cover up the symptoms of disease. They don’t particularly address the problem, but make your feel better. They like the drugs have side effects, and interactions. Taking away the herbs and drugs, what is the prevalent natural solution to neuropathy? It is anti-oxidants. Some proponents have latched onto the circulation problems of diabetics to propose that it is all circulation and all you have to do is somehow increase the blood flow and the neuropathy will go away. Yes, anti-oxidants will help. In fact, the combination of alpha lipoic acid and acetyl l-carnitine will help the repair of the nerves which is neuropathy as it increases the body’s ability to produce energy in the cells. But don’t let the confusions about neuropathy confuse you. In order to address an unhealthy nerve the body needs nutrients. The body needs to build healthy nerves. In order to function and repair itself the body needs not only protein carbohydrates and fats, but it needs enzymes, vitamins and minerals. It needs them to build healthy cells from as early as conception. And the right nutrients are especially important when the body needs to replace injured or damaged cells. If it isn’t getting the right tools it can’t do that. In order to build healthy nerve cells, the body needs B vitamins. B vitamins nourish the nerve cells. It addresses the unhealthy nerves and lets the nerves go about their job of communicating. The right tools for Building Healthy Nerves* *Studies & Research on Nerve Health
To Your Health Nerve Damage - Why R-Alpha Lipoic and Acetyl L-Carnitine? If you have nerve damage, R-Alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine are two key supplements that you should add to your daily routine. Evidence indicates that alpha lipoic acid has an ability to kill free-radicals which may help provide added nutritional support to people who have nerve damage in the arms and legs, such as: Alpha lipioc acid comes in two forms. R and S. Alpha lipoic acid is a combination of these two forms. Most supplements have alpha lipoic acid with both forms, not just the R form. The R form of alpha lipoic acid is the form normally found in the body. Studies indicate the R-alpha lipoic acid form appears to be better absorbed than the combination of R and S alpha lipoic acid. The Nerve & Energy Booster is a nutritional supplement which contains acetyl L-carnitine and R-alpha lipoic acid (the better, more absorbable form of R-alpha lipoic acid). Find out more and order the Nerve & Energy Booster Or you can call us at (888) 758-5590 or (818) 252-1038 If you have questions, you can always call or email. We're here to help you get the results you want.