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1. 6 Ways You Can Teach Your Kids About Living a Healthy Lifestyle
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6 Ways You Can Teach Your Kids About Living a Healthy Lifestyle
Part of being a parent is helping your children understand the importance of living a full and healthy life. Starting with leading by example, you can help them make their own choices to nurture their physical health and wellness. As you start your journey to teach your kids about wellness, consider these tips. 1. Make Healthy Choices for Yourself..... continue
How Low Should Your Cholesterol Really Be? When doing a lipid profile blood test, current conventional wisdom says that total serum cholesterol should be below 200 mg/dL. The guidelines also say that LDL cholesterol should be less than 100 mg/dL. However, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, who has worked with thousands of people in the prevention and reversal of heart disease says, “Even if all Americans kept their total cholesterol below 200 mg/dL, as recommended by the American Heart Association, millions would develop coronary artery disease.” So, we are taking a closer look at the question of how low should cholesterol really be? What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is part lipid (fat-like molecule) and part protein. Cholesterol is essential and helps the body in a number of ways, including building and maintaining cell membranes and converting sunshine to Vitamin D in the body. Cholesterol also insulates nerves. The body uses cholesterol to make the lining of the nerves (called the myelin sheath), which is similar to a protective coating around an electrical wire. While cholesterol is necessary, too much cholesterol in your blood is harmful for you. It can enter your artery walls and lead to the formation of plaque (hardened deposits.) This plaque buildup is called atherosclerosis and can end up blocking the blood flow to your heart (coronary artery disease), blocking the blood flow to your legs and arms (peripheral artery disease), and blocking the blood flow to your brain (carotid artery disease.) Why is LDL Cholesterol Considered “Bad” Cholesterol? LDL is often referred to as “bad” cholesterol. LDL stands for Low-Density Lipoprotein. A lipoprotein is any of a group of soluble proteins that combine with and transport fat or other lipids in the blood plasma (fluid). Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) carry cholesterol throughout the body, delivering it to the different organs and tissues for use by the body’s cells. If your body has more cholesterol than it needs, the excess keeps circulating in your blood. This can cause a build-up of cholesterol on the vessel linings (plaque.) This is why it’s called “bad” cholesterol. What are Ideal Total Cholesterol and LDL Cholesterol Levels? Dr. Esselstyn says that “Strong evidence from a wide variety of sources shows that total serum cholesterol levels must be kept below 150 mg/dL to stem America’s epidemic of coronary artery disease.” He goes on to say the closer LDL cholesterol can be to 80-85 or lower, the better. What’s the most efficient way to naturally lower cholesterol? This is one of the most frequently asked questions when people discover their cholesterol is too high. The good news is there a natural way to lower cholesterol in a relatively short period of time. The Cholesterol Lowering Power of a Plant-based Diet Plants are very low in saturated fat and free of cholesterol. Plants are also rich in soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. Soluble fiber slows the absorption of cholesterol and reduces the amount of cholesterol the liver produces. Basically, the more vegetables, and other naturally-fiber-rich plant foods you eat, the better. Dr. Esselstyn recommends adopting a plant-based diet with fats making up less than 10% of calories. The idea of a plant-based diet is supported a University of Toronto study that found that people eating a plant-based diet rich in special cholesterol-lowering foods lowered their LDL cholesterol by nearly 30 percent in just four weeks. These foods included: Oats, beans, barley, and other foods high in soluble fiber. Plant-Based Nutritional Supplement to Support Lower Cholesterol Naturally Nutritional supplements are valuable if you are trying to achieve better health naturally. A supplement, such as Cardio Advance, is formulated to specifically support better cardiovascular health. Cardio Advance contains plant-based ingredients to help lower cholesterol, such as: Rice bran to reduce total plasma cholesterol. Chromium Picolinate improves carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) has the potential to improve heart health by controlling the cholesterol levels in the heart. Grape Seed Extract (GSE) may support normal cholesterol levels. Malic acid may improve high cholesterol. Resveratrol may help lower LDL cholesterol because of its antioxidant properties. Vitamin B12 can help normalize cholesterol levels. Vitamin E can help regulate cholesterol. Qgenics’ formulations have been tested over time and developed based on clinical results. Every ingredient is backed by scientific research and evidence and has been clinically tested. Try natural, plant-based Cardio Advance to lower your cholesterol naturally. Click here for more information about Cardio Advance. Please note: We recommend you consult with your healthcare provider before making any major dietary or lifestyle changes.
Gum Disease is no joke Eliminate the harmful bacteria in your mouth that are the primary cause of the problem. Take the right supplements protect your teeth. Do you want to know what to do about Gum Disease?
Anxiety - what can you do naturally Definition: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. There is much that can be done about anxiety by handling nutritional deficiencies. Stress can rob your body of essential vitamins. We always recommend you take the approach of building health, remember..... “We need to shift our focus from treating disease to generating health…” Hippocrates “The Father of Medicine” 460 BC – 380 BC) B Vitamins are essential, mostly B1 But you need other B vitamins – taking isolated B vitamins will not help. (Suggested is Natural Bs – Nutritional Yeast) Vitamin C – a real whole food natural vitamin can be found in the Dr. Berg’s Vitamin C. This is not ascorbic acid (which is really just on part of the vitamins C complex) It is a food product that your body recognizes as food and assimilates. Read about this superior form of Vitamin C Complex Stress Nervous energy and low tolerance to stress. What is needed to turn this around? Do you frequently get irritated and agitated? Do people often get on your nerves? Do you feel like there’s this energy buildup that can’t come out? Do you excessively worry? Have you been overthinking lately? If your answer to all of these is yes, then you might just have some adrenal issues. Lecture by Dr. Berg = Chronic Stress Adrenals and Anxiety Anti-Stress Kit by Dr. Berg Combination of the Adrenal & Cortisol Relief, the Dr. Berg’s Sleep Aid (Regular) and the Self Massage Tool, Read on.... Learn how to do acupressure on yourself using Dr. Berg’s specially designed device. This invention makes it easy to reduce stress and get into the best sleep of your life. Use it as a tripod to address different stress points on your body. This is the complete program which comes with an additional step-by-step video tutorial showing you how to reduce your stress, sleep soundly and feel great. The basic program comes with step-by-step instructions in a PDF document. This Complete Program Includes online video tutorials. Read more about the Anti-Stress Kit RECOMMENDED For handling Anxiety in your life: If you frequently find yourself feeling anxious or panicked, Dr. Berg can help you learn to stay calm and steer away from stress and high cortisol Cortisol and adrenaline are the primary stress hormones that your adrenal glands produce. The adrenal glands have an outside and an inside. The inside part of the adrenals is made up of neurological tissue—this is the part that releases adrenaline. The outside is made up of glandular tissue—this is the part that releases cortisol. Both of these hormones help adapt your body to stress. The more stress you experience, the more your adrenal glands are activated and release stress hormones. Your body does not handle prolonged stress well; it’s meant to handle short bursts of stress, not chronic stress. The sympathetic nervous system is the part of your nervous system that handles your fight-or-flight mode. Your parasympathetic nervous system is the part of your nervous system that handles rest and digest mode. Stress isn’t always a bad thing—it’s what helps you progress and adapt to life. However, getting stuck in chronic stress can cause many issues throughout the body. The effects of stress can include: • Poor sleep • High heart rate • High blood pressure • Arterial inflammation • Cortisol resistance • Lowers immune function and inactivates the natural killer T-cells • Increased cancer risk • Poor memory • Brain fog • Increased risk of nutrient deficiencies (K+, B1, H+) (See Dr Berg’s Health Formulas) • Alkalosis • Breathing problems • Catabolic effects (breakdown of muscle) • Bone loss • Poor kidney filtration • Increased blood sugar • High insulin • Digestive issues, including ulcers • Increased belly fat • Low vitamin D How to stay calm: 1. Do physical work or exercise 2. Stay in action 3. Take vitamin B1, vitamin D, magnesium, and potassium (See Dr Berg’s Health Formulas) 4. Get on a Healthy Keto and intermittent fasting plan 5. Take herbal adaptogens 6. Do breathing exercises 7. Try acupressure stress extraction techniques (See Anti-Stress Kit) *********** Overview of Healthy Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting ********* Watch Dr. Berg lecture about Being Calm
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