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Protection from the Flu
It seems that almost all the stores have signs about Flu Shots. Well, not everywhere, but its not only pharmacies but the grocery store that has a pharmacy. I even ran into someone in a white jacket promoting to anyone in the store to get a flu shot. Elderberry Offers Powerful Protection Against Influenza
Is It Possible to Improve Blood Circulation? One question we often hear is "How can I improve my circulation?" The good news is that there is a simple way to improve circulation in the body. It's called Contrast Showers. Here's how it's done: 1. You stand in the shower and turn the water on as hot as you are able to stand it. Run the hot water over your body for a minute or two. 2. Then change the temperature of the water to as cold as you are able to stand it. Continue running the cold water on your body for about a minute or so. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 about 4 to 8 times. 4. End off with the cold water. Do this several times a day for the most benefit. When you begin, you may only be able to tolerate warm water then slightly cool water. This is okay because you don't want to scald yourself. As you do it more often, you'll gradually be able to withstand hotter as well as colder water and this will make it even more effective. The hot water causes the blood to flow towards the surface of the body. The cold water makes the blood flow towards the center of the body. Here are some reported benefits of Contrast Showers in addition to better blood circulation: *Boosts the immune system Poor circulation can also reduce the absorption of nutrients that you're taking. Improving your circulation can help your body to get better results from the nutrients that you're taking. It's not recommended that you take a Contrast Shower if: *You are asthmatic Consult your physician if you have any questions about the safety of this procedure.
What is Peppermint Oil? Why is it so popular? Peppermint has wealth of therapeutic uses. But this amazing herb has a multitude of medicinal applications. Here are some: Irritable Bowel Syndrome Peppermint oil has been described as the "drug" of first choice in IBS patients as it safely helps alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. Research has shown that it is effective in children and adults alike, with one study showing a 50 percent reduction in total irritable bowel syndrome score among 75 percent of patients who tried it. Allergies Peppermint is a natural antihistamine, inhibiting the release of histamine and reducing allergy symptoms. Shingles-Associated Pain A topical treatment of peppermint oil results in near-immediate improvement in shingles-associated pain. Memory Problems The aroma of peppermint has been shown to enhance memory and increase alertness. Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea Peppermint oil effectively reduces chemotherapy-induced nausea, and at a reduced cost compared to standard drug-based treatments. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Peppermint has been shown to help inhibit drug-resistant herpes simplex virus type 1. Dental Cavities and Bad Breath Peppermint oil has been shown to be far better then mouthwash chemicals in inhibiting the formation of biofilm formations linked to dental cavities. Respiratory Benefits Peppermint oil acts as an expectorant and decongestant, and may help clear your respiratory tract. Use peppermint oil as a cold rub on your chest or inhale it through a vaporizer to help clear nasal congestion and relieve cough and cold symptoms. Headaches Peppermint oil relieves tension headache pain. For headache pain, try dabbing a few drops on your wrist or sprinkling a few drops on a cloth, then inhaling the aroma. You can also massage the oil directly onto your temples and forehead. Asthma Peppermint contains rosmarinic acid (also found in rosemary), which helps to reduce inflammation-causing chemicals in people with asthma. Infantile Colic Peppermint is at least as effective as simethicone in the treatment of colic in infants. Click Here to Learn More about Essential Oils, a type of Plant therapy or Plant Medicine
Neuralgia or Nerve Pain, what is it and what can you do Nerve pain (often called “neuralgia”) is defined as pain that follows the path of a nerve. Nerve damage is defined as a condition that can cause nerve pain. This pain can be located anywhere, but is usually on or near the surface of the body. Neuralgia is frequently caused by nerve damage as a result of the side effect of drugs and medications, chemicals and chemotherapy, medical conditions such as diabetes, as well as damage caused during surgery and physical injury. Touch or pressure is felt as pain, movement may also be painful. There is increased sensitivity of the skin or numbness. There can be sharp, stabbing pain that comes and goes, or it can be a constant burning pain. Trigeminal neuralgia is the most common form of neuralgia. A related but uncommon neuralgia affects the glossopharyngeal nerve, which provides feeling to the throat. There can be an impaired function of the part of the body affected due to pain, and muscle weakness. This is due to motor nerve damage. Other symptoms include loss of deep tendon reflexes, loss of muscle mass, lack of sweating (sweating is controlled by nerves), tenderness along a nerve, and trigger points where even a slight touch triggers pain. Causes of neuralgia:
Another name for Neuralgia: Neuropathic pain, also known as neuralgia, is a disease that affects the nervous system. ‘Neuro’ means nerves and ‘pathy’ means disease. It thus affects the nerve pathways running between the central nervous system – the brain and spinal cord – and the peripheral nervous system – motor and sensory neurons. Neuralgia is dissimilar from the common type of pain that one might experience when bring struck by something as neuropathic pain is steady and constant, characterized by a burning or pricking sensation, which does not result from an obvious stimulus. Whereas common pain influences only the pain nerves, neuropathy triggers both pain and non-pain sensory nerves. Treatments for Neuralgia: Medical treatment: is to reverse or control the cause of the nerve problem (if found) and to provide pain relief. If the cause is a tumor or some structure pressing on the nerve, surgery is done to remove whatever is pressing on the nerve. This can be done for some cases of carpel tunnel syndrome and trigeminal neuralgia. Strict control of blood sugar may speed recovery in people with diabetes who develop neuralgia. Medications are given to cover up the pain and may include:
Unfortunately, these procedures do not guarantee improvement and can cause loss of feeling or abnormal sensations. When other treatment methods fail, medical doctors may try motor cortex stimulation (MCS). An electrode is placed over the sensory cortex of the brain and is hooked to a pulse generator under the skin. Physical therapy may be helpful for some types of neuralgia. Natural Neuralgia Pain Treatment:Fish Oil and Nerve Pain Relief Restoring Nerve Health: *The many medications given for this problem only attempts to cover up the pain. Sometimes the medications actually make the problem worse due to side effects of the drug given. This can cause more problems instead of correcting the problem. The body will build healthy nerves if it is given the correct tools to do so. The correct tools are specific nutrition needed. What are they? Read about Building Healthy Nerves Take a Quiz: Am I doing everything I can to daily help my neuropathy? Find out what lifestyle changes will help, take the quiz and get our suggestions and get our assistance on what you can do. Take Our Quiz *Studies & Research on Nerve Health
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