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1. Vascular and Systemic Calcification
with us - Facebook Twitter Vascular and Systemic Calcification Calcification can occur in almost any part of the body. Calcium is a significant cause of disease when it gets out of hand. Calcification happens when calcium builds up in body tissue, blood vessels, or organs. This buildup can harden and disrupt our body’s normal processes. It is one of the very few natural nutritional elements that can poison the body. Calcium is transported through the bloodstream and is found in every cell. According to the National Academy of Medicine, about 99 percent of our body’s calcium is in our teeth and bones. The other 1 percent is in the blood, muscles, fluid outside the cells, and other body tissues. Though many cardiac patients take many drugs, none reverse the calcification of the arteries. Unabsorbed calcium can lodge anywhere in our body. A central question for medical science is why do we find ourselves with calcium in all the wrong places, even when our calcium levels are normal? Why does calcium, an essential mineral, cause us so many problems? Most doctors downplay the toxicity of calcium, and one of the main reasons for this is that they downplay the necessity for magnesium supplementation. Magnesium deficiencies, which are endemic in modern populations, make calcium more toxic. Magnesium controls calcium, making calcium more absorbable and less likely to lodge anywhere in the body. Magnesium increases the solubility of calcium. Magnesium controls the fate of calcium. Calcium will be deposited in the soft tissues (kidneys, arteries, joints, brain, etc.) if magnesium is insufficient. Calcium is essential to health, yet it holds hidden danger. Calcium is the most promoted nutrient by conventional, nutritional, and alternative medicine proponents. This is a tragic mistake. They should have been promoting magnesium. In the face of growing magnesium deficiencies, calcium becomes increasingly more toxic to human physiology. A healthy cell has the right calcium-magnesium balance – high magnesium and low calcium levels. Calcium causes serious harm if not balanced with magnesium, which regulates the action of calcium. For instance, excess calcium buildup around your bones and joints mimics arthritis. Calcification or calcium poisoning can manifest as heart disease, cancer, wrinkled skin, kidney stones, osteoporosis, dental problems, bone spurs, cataracts, and many other health problems. Calcium and magnesium are opposites in their effects on our body structure. As a general rule, the more rigid and inflexible our body structure is, the less calcium and the more magnesium we need. Eat a Balanced Diet – Getting educated in nutrition and how the body works will take you on the road to good health. We found a great science-based program to learn the basics so you know what you should be eating and what you shouldn’t be eating and WHY Go to Eat Well Nutritional Education Course – Learn to Understand Nutrition
Cellular Regeneration, Nutrition, and Optimal Health Often people feel challenged when trying to understand health information. We are hoping to change that by giving you not only simple definitions but understandable concepts. Unhealthy cell regeneration is like hiring a contractor and asking him to build you a perfect replica of the Taj Mahal. He could do it. He is that good. He knows the tools of his trade. But, the only materials you give him are plywood and nails. He would do the best he could, but he wouldn’t build that perfect replica. And it wouldn’t stand up the way the original has. Do you understand what nutrition your body needs? No?
Improving your Diabetic Condition with Exercise I'm posting this article because I recently talked to a friend of mine who had a high blood sugar problem. He had gained a lot of weight and started an exercise program. He was excited by the fact that just the exercise improved his blood glucose readings significantly. So here is the article: "The type 2 diabetic condition is brought about by a diet that is too high in carbohydrates and a lack of nutrients, which results in the insulin the body naturally produces becoming less and less effective in keeping blood sugar levels under control and in a normal range. While change in diet and proper nutritional supplementation have a dramatic effect in bringing blood sugar levels down without the need for drugs or insulin, exercise can greatly contribute to the overall control of the diabetic condition, as can be seen in the following excerpt: "While many people may begin exercising out of a sense of responsibility - the way children eat vegetables they don't like - the main reason they keep exercising is that it feels good." "Overall, people who exercise regularly are better equipped to carry on day-to-day activities as they age." "One of the great benefits is that many people find that when they exercise, they have less desire to overeat." "Even though your fat won't 'melt away,' exercise, particularly if you're a Type II diabetic, is still of value in a weight-reduction program because muscle building reduces insulin resistance." "As you increase your muscle mass, your insulin needs will be reduced - and having less insulin present in your bloodstream will reduce the amount of fat you pack away." "As a result, your own insulin production gradually becomes more effective at lowering blood sugar." excerpted from Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution For more information about Diabetes, including diet and exercise go to Diabetes
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