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1. 10 Pillars of Health
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10 Pillars of Health
Hey, It’s Dr. Martin here… Everyone has something they stand for. Something they truly believe. At Martin Clinic, we’re guided by ten core principles. These aren’t just ideas—they’re the foundation of everything we believe about health. The heart of what we do to help you live your healthiest life. Martin Clinic's 10 Pillars of Health: 1. Genetics loads the gun. Diet pulls the trigger. 2. Metabolic health is true health. 3. Our food is poisoned. 4. Build muscle. 5. Walk daily. 6. Eat protein with every meal. 7. Dangers: • Seed oils 8. Embrace the sun. 9. Healthy gut, healthy life. 10. You are your best doctor. I recently read a study that has to do with #4…Build muscle. New research reveals a powerful connection between muscle strength and mental well-being for older adults. A study by the University of Granada shows that building muscle can boost self-esteem and reduce depression. Keeping both body and mind strong. That’s why I say things like, “Your muscles are your brain.” Did you know your brain naturally shrinks as you age? It’s normal... But when it happens too fast, the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s goes up. Certain factors can speed up this shrinkage, like: • Fatty liver Not having enough muscle accelerates this process. This is why people with lower muscle mass often face more severe Alzheimer’s symptoms. Building muscle isn’t just for strength—it’s for protecting your mind. Think of building muscle like building your retirement savings. The more you invest, the better off you’ll be. Muscle naturally declines with age, so start building early—and keep going. What if you haven’t started yet? The good news: it’s never too late. You can build muscle at any age. Start lifting today. Let’s talk about protein. Most people aren’t getting enough—and many doctors underestimate how much you need. You actually need more protein than you think. Many rely on protein from sources like bread and pasta, which just doesn’t cut it. And don’t count on government guidelines. The RDA of 0.8 grams per kg is just the minimum. For example, a 150-pound (68 kg) woman needs at least 54 grams daily. But if you’re only eating 54 grams, you will get sarcopenia (muscle loss) and osteoporosis. Your brain will also pay the ultimate price. Bottom line: Lift weights Talk soon, Read: Improving Metabolism
High Blood Pressure - Addressing this Health symptom When the heart beats it pumps the blood through the arteries, and creates a pressure within them. It presses the blood against the walls of these blood vessels. High blood pressure (also called hypertension) occurs when too much pressure is placed on the walls of the arteries. Blood Vessel with Pressure against the walls. If you imagine a garden hose with a normal flow of water running through it, there is no problem. Now if you increase the pressure on the hose by drastically turning up the amount of water rushing out. Now imagine pinching off spots of this hose, like constricted blood vessels. A garden hose might endure this wear and tear, but your arteries can become extremely damaged by such constant pressure – especially if you do not provide your body with the needed nutrition to keep those arteries strong and elastic. With increased pressure, the heart must work harder to pump an adequate amount of blood to all the tissues of the body (necessary to keep the body alive as the blood brings oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in the body). One thing that is paramount in handling blood pressure is to realize that it is not a disease. It is a symptom. Understanding that, it is good to lower it with natural remedies and then working out why you have high blood pressure and addressing that health issue. I found that I had insulin resistance and when I remedied it with diet, my blood pressure dropped. There can be different reasons, and it is important to address it. Some of these are listed below. An important thing to know is that High Blood Pressures is part of the Metabolic Syndrome. (Insulin resistance, obesity, etc. are also part of the metabolic syndrome). Also listed below, so just keep reading. Blood Pressure Danger The body can usually tolerate increased blood pressure for months, but eventually there can be damage. This can cause injury to the kidneys, brain, and eyes. Blood pressure is categorized as normal, high normal, mild, moderate, severe, and very severe. Normal pressure low is 110/70 to 140/90. High normal is considered to be 140/90 and hypertension is above 140/90. Any pressure over 180/115 is severely elevated. Blood pressure is usually divided into two categories, designated primary and secondary in the medical community. Primary hypertension is high blood pressure that is not due to another underlying disease, the cause has not been found. (Often if it isn’t obvious, it is considered primary. Every health condition has a cause and the cause should be found). Secondary hypertension: When persistently elevated blood pressure arises as a result of another underlying health problem, such as a hormonal abnormality or narrowing of the aorta, it is called secondary hypertension as it is secondary to a known health problem. A person may also have secondary hypertension because the blood vessels are chronically constricted, or have lost elasticity. It can be created due to a buildup of fatty plaque on the inside walls of the vessel, a condition known as atheriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis and artherosclerosis are common precursors of hypertension. Plaque builds up when the blood vessels are weak, and damaged. Not having enough of the correct vitamins to make repairs, the body attempts to patch things up with plaque. Not a good substitute, but it can be the only thing available to the body. This narrowing and/or hardening of the arteries make circulation of blood through the vessels difficult. As a result the blood pressure becomes elevated. (For more information about the reason for this calcification, go to Recommended for Osteoporosis – it’s not only the bones that get affected) Secondary hypertension can also be caused by poor kidney function, which results in the retention of excess sodium and fluid in the body. The increase in blood volume within the vessels causes elevated blood pressure levels. Kidneys may also elevate blood pressure by secreting substances that cause blood vessels to constrict. High blood pressure, or Hypertension is called the “quiet killer” because it gives no sign of the undercover damage is may be doing: 1) weakening blood vessel walls 2) aneurysms, abnormal expanding or hazardous ballooning of the artery wall which, if exploded, can bring on a stroke, heart attack and internal bleeding 3) high pressure contributes to congestive heart failure and kidney damage. Warning signs associated with advanced hypertension may include headaches, sweating, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, dizziness, and visual disturbances. Factors that can increase blood pressure: Water and Salt: This information really works if your problem is chronic dehydration. It’s said that 75% of the population is chronically dehydrated. See Our need for Water High Blood Pressure and Hormones Emotional stress is a known contributor to many illnesses including high blood pressure. The hormone cortisol involved in the body’s response to stress acts to increase blood pressure. Stress brings about other physiological changes and imbalances in hormones and substances in the body, which play a role in causing hypertension. Persons experiencing a great deal of stress are also much more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, excess alcohol use, poor diets, and not exercising, all of which further predispose to the development of high blood pressure. All the stress factors involve the body using up large amounts of nutrients which in turn lead to nutritional deficiencies that cause the high blood pressure. For information about Adrenal stress What can you do? One or more of the following major factors can boost blood pressure: cigarette smoking, poor diet, stress, and under exercising. Salt: a generous intake of sodium as is normally found in processed foods actually increases the volume of blood because sodium attracts water to itself, and therefore, contributes to high blood pressure. You need Potassium: the ratio of too much sodium to potassium contributes to high blood pressure. A diet high in potassium-rich foods could lower the risk of stoke by as much as 40 percent regardless of the other risk elements such as age, blood pressure, cholesterol level, smoking and weight. Best sources: banana, fresh broccoli, vegetables and fruits with a high potassium content: avocado, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, potatoes (with skins), cantaloupe, dates, prunes and raisins. Also, beans, parsley, peas, pistachios, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, chickpeas, almonds, sesame seeds and Brazil nuts, peanuts, and pecans. One study showed that when the dietary levels of potassium were high the subjects had a lower risk of stroke, despite their blood pressure level. Other tests showed that individuals with ample amounts of potassium have low blood pressure. Calcium deficiency: numerous studies show that a calcium deficiency has a close relationship with high blood pressure. Calcium supplementation has been shown to reduce blood pressure from an average of 160/94 to 128/81. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus is ideally 2 to one. When calcium ratio to phosphorus is low, hypertension results. When calcium supplement is mated with Vitamin D to make sure it is properly absorbed, blood pressure is lowered more than with calcium alone. Dosage: 800 mg. of calcium to 400 I.U. of Vitamin D. Don’t overdue the D. If your body isn’t absorbing the vitamin B, calcium cannot be used by the body and can also remain stuck in the joints or blood vessels. See Information Magnesium: When magnesium supply runs down and the intake of the mineral is low, reversible high blood pressure results. Magnesium is essential to the elasticity of the blood vessels. So, what causes high blood pressure and what are some of the ways to help control it naturally? ‘We do know that blood pressure is controlled by the tiny smooth muscles lining the interior of blood vessels and the nerves that control them.’ ‘These muscles’ ability to dilate [Definition: to make wider or larger] or constrict governs the pressure and blood flow to each organ and tissue, thus allowing the body to adapt to various states such as sleep, digestion, or exercise, as well as to external circumstances such as a hot or cold environment.’ ‘When the muscles throughout the vascular system [Definition: the arteries and veins that carry blood] dilate, blood pressure drops. When the muscles constrict, blood pressure rises. If this constriction occurs continuously, the blood pressure remains abnormally high. This is hypertension.’ ‘What influences the relaxing and tightening of the tiny smooth muscles lining the blood vessels? Many factors, but among the foremost is the mineral magnesium.’ ‘Actually, the balance of magnesium and another mineral, calcium, in and around the muscle cells lining the arteries is a primary determining factor of their state of relaxation and constriction.’ ‘Calcium tends to make muscles constrict, whereas magnesium causes them to relax.’ Excerpted from The Magnesium Solution for High Blood Pressure by Jay S. Cohen, M.D. When the small muscles of the blood vessels tense up, the arteries become narrower, more rigid and less flexible. The Reason The loss of vital minerals by poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, alcohol and caffeine in excess, emotional and physical stress and being diabetic with high blood sugars results in these small muscles tensing up. What are the vital nutrients that the body needs: Magnesium is one of the important nutrients needed and often a magnesium deficiency is hard to fix. It is hard to get enough magnesium in supplement form. Magnesium is an element that is one of the main building blocks of the body. It is involved in hundreds of body and cellular processes. Yet the great majority of Americans are deficient in magnesium. Dr. Jay S. Cohen is nationally renowned for his work on avoiding medication side effects via the use of better and safer natural therapies. Magnesium must be combined with other minerals to be most effective in helping support healthy blood pressure levels. It is essential for cells to maintain proper balances of other minerals such as potassium, sodium, and calcium. When cells are deficient in magnesium, this balance is disrupted. Overweight: overweight is part of the metabolic syndrome Numerous studies states that there is a direct relationship between increased body weight and blood pressure. As one loses excess weight, the blood pressure reduces proportionately. Such weight and blood pressure reduction is independent of how much sodium one eats. But you need to find out why you are overweight as reversing diabetes, and other metabolic disorders will lower blood pressure Sugar: Merely by giving sugar to lab animals and humans, you can raise blood pressure at will. It is believed that sugar contributes to sodium retention, which, in turn, raises blood pressure. Heavy eating: Repetition of starvation followed by overeating has been known to lead to hypertension. Water: numerous studies reveal that soft water contributes to hypertension and heart attacks. Switching to bottled water helps. Celery: Helps Lower Blood Pressure – Celery is a food that helps the Blood Vessel Support Formula (you will see below recommended product) to lower your blood pressure) Eating four (4) stalks a day of this vegetable is sufficient. They can be eaten plain or with some nut butter, cream cheese, humus or many other dips. Choose green (rather than pale) celery whenever possible. Ensure that the stalks are still firm, not limp. To store in the fridge, wrap celery in a sealed container or wrap in a plastic bag or a damp cloth. If left at room temperature for too long, celery tends to wilt. If your celery has wilted, sprinkle it with a little water and put it in the refrigerator for a few hours. It will regain its crispness. The nutrients in the fiber can also be gotten by juicing. The organic sodium in the celery is very safe for consumption. It is not like table salt. Heat does not affect the important nutrients in the celery and celery soup and celery stew is good. High Blood Pressure Natural Treatment High Blood pressure is part of the Metabolic Syndrome Or go to Improving your Metabolism Fixing Insulin Resistance
Energy Drinks? Are they good for you? Energy drinks claim to provide people with increased energy levels that will keep them active & alert. People who use them say it is very effective. But are they good for you or even safe to drink? What do you need to know about and Energy Drink before you use it? Do you know what’s in Energy Drinks? Energy drinks can be a deceptive combination of soft drink and nutritional supplements. Most common energy drinks contain at least as much caffeine as a standard eight-ounce cup of coffee (~80mg). In addition to large doses of caffeine, most energy drinks contain excessive amounts of sugar & legal herbal stimulants. Energy drinks will give you a boost of energy, but it usually won’t last. Energy drinks containing these high amounts of sugar and caffeine are in amounts that can be dangerous, but, a common complaint of energy drink users is the same as any other sugar or caffeine-based product: the “crash” they experience after the energy “buzz” wears off. Dangers of Drinking Energy Drinks You can’t substitute energy drinks for water in the system while doing exercise because of the caffeine can leave a dehydrating effect on the body. While many of the ingredients are common among the different drinks, each energy drink has its own little twist to it. And reading the labels of these drinks isn’t going to help the average consumer much if they don’t know what to look for. Caffeine Caffeine acts as both a stimulant and a diuretic. When consumed in large or regular quantities, caffeine can also make you jittery or irritable. As a diuretic, caffeine causes your kidneys to remove extra fluid from your body. If you consume energy drinks while sweating, these effects can be particularly dangerous because you can become severely dehydrated quickly. Many younger people have started mixing energy drinks with alcohol because it makes them feel alert and energetic, even when they are drunk. And because alcohol and caffeine dehydrate our bodies, especially after a night of dancing. There have been many instances, where energy drinks mixed with alcohol have caused severe dehydration. Energy drinks used during exercise or other strenuous activity compounds the problem of dehydration and does nothing to provide the body with any necessary nutrients or fluids. Common Energy Drink Ingredients: Herbs The main concern with the use of the herbs in these drinks is their source. The mass manufacturers of energy drinks are not required by law to list whether or not the herbs they use, have been sprayed with toxic pesticides, irradiated or watered with contaminated water supplies, so there is no telling what other toxins are contained in these drinks and whether or not these herbs will have a negative effect on the body. These drinks must be taken properly because the ingredients used in it are powerful enough to affect your body. With any herb, if you are taking medication, you should check with your pharmacist to see if the herb effects the medication negatively (pharmacists have database programs to check. this). Ginseng – A root that is believed to help reduce stress and increase energy levels. The dosage often used in research studies is 200 mg a day of a standardized ginseng extract. Some traditional herbalists recommend using ginseng for no more than three weeks at a time, followed by a one to two week rest period. Pregnant or nursing women or children should avoid ginseng. People with hormone-dependent illnesses such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or cancers of the breast, ovaries, uterus, or prostate should avoid Panax ginseng because it may have estrogenic effects. Panax ginseng may decrease the rate and force of heartbeats, so it shouldn’t be used by people with heart disease unless under the supervision of healthcare providers. Ginseng may lower blood sugar levels, so it shouldn’t be taken by people with diabetes unless under a doctor’s supervision. Ginseng may worsen insomnia. Side effects of ginseng may include nervousness, agitation, insomnia, diarrhea, headaches, high blood pressure, and heart palpitations. As with any herb, if you are taking medication, you should check with your pharmacist to see if the herb affects the medication negatively (pharmacists have database programs to check. Gingko Biloba – Created from the seeds of the gingko biloba tree, it has been shown to enhance memory. Constituents in ginkgo leaves may affect blood clotting, so ginkgo leaf extracts shouldn’t be used by people with bleeding disorders. People with epilepsy (or anyone with a history of seizures) should avoid ginkgo, because it may increase the frequency of seizures. Ginkgo leaf products may affect blood sugar levels, so people with diabetes should only be used under the supervision of a health care provider. The safety of ginkgo in pregnant or nursing women and children isn’t known. Inositol – A member of the B-complex Vitamin that assists in the relaying of messages between cells. Inositol is not a vitamin itself. Guarana Seed Extract – A stimulant that grows in Brazil & Venezuela which contains high levels of caffeine, but which, however, has good effects on the body. Guarana – which is a very popular ingredient in many energy drinks, is a central nervous system stimulant. What you need to know is that consuming these drinks and then mixing them with drinks containing ephedrine or diet pills can be very dangerous. However, Guaraná reduces fatigue, sharpens perceptions, reduces appetite and relieves muscle tension and hangover effects. Amino Acids: Taurine Taurine is a free form amino acid contained in foods and manufactured in the body from the amino acid cysteine. It was first discovered in the bile of bulls, and now produced synthetically by the truckload. Studies have implicated synthetic taurine in illnesses ranging from high blood pressure to strokes and seizures to heart disease. Any ingredient in an energy drink needs to be natural. Carnitine – An amino acid that helps to metabolize fatty acids. Again, you need to know that it is natural. Low Carb Energy Drinks Some energy drinks use artificial sweeteners and call themselves “low carb”. The sweeteners used are Splenda and Ace-K or acesulfate potassium. Splenda – A study published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, found even further disturbing news besides weight gain. Splenda reduces the amount of good bacteria in your intestines by 50 percent increases the pH level in your intestines, and affects a glycoprotein in your body that can have crucial health effects, particularly if you’re on certain medications It’s truly disturbing that Splenda can destroy up to 50 percent of your healthy intestinal bacteria, as these bacteria help maintain your body’s overall balance of friendly versus unfriendly micro-organisms, and support your general health. Many people are already deficient in healthy bacteria due to choosing highly processed foods. Ace-K: acetoacetamide, a breakdown product, has been shown to affect the thyroid in rats, rabbits, and dogs. Administration of 1% and 5% acetoacetamide in the diet for three months caused benign thyroid tumors in rats. The rapid appearance of tumors raises serious questions about the chemical’s carcinogenic potency.” Both don’t seem like something you’d want to ingest. RECOMMENDED: Healthy Energy Drink – support the body’s natural energy production at the cellular level.
How prevalent is osteoporosis? In the U.S., approximately 10 million women and men have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and 18 million have been found to have low bone mass. In the U.S., approximately 1.5 million fractures occur annually as a result of osteoporosis. Although thought otherwise by some, osteoporosis is not a normal part of aging. It is a normal part of degeneration, which comes about for several reasons. Many seniors in their sixties, seventies and eighties still have solid bones. Who is at risk to get Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis affects men and women of all races. White and Asian women, especially those who are past menopause, are at highest risk. You may be more likely to get it, if you: Are over age 50 Symptoms of Osteoporosis Back pain which is caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra If you diet is low in calcium, the body robs from other parts of the body – teeth, bones, spine. This creates the porous bones in osteoporosis. Robbery on a steady basis results in loss of bone mass with collapse or fracture. Treatment for Healthy Bones The body needs specific vitamins to make sure that the body has enough of what it needs in order to maintain health. Bones are no different. Bone, composed primarily of calcium, is a living tissue which contains cells, collagen, and other substances. The body is constantly breaking down and rebuilding bones. How does a bone lose mass and become porous. Lack of Calcium (1) Diet low in calcium. Some nutrition oriented doctors feel that the cholesterol phobia has reduced the intake of one of the best sources of calcium: milk and other dairy products without replacing them with calcium food sources of similar value. There are lots of sources for calcium – peas and beans, collards, beat, broccoli, turnip, spinach (most dark, leafy greens), mackerel, ocean perch, salmon, tofu, almonds, blackstrap molasses, Chinese cabbage, green cabbage, cauliflower, figs, oranges, sesame seeds, raisins, chick peas, kelp, rhubarb, carrots. Adequate calcium throughout life may reduce the risk of osteoporosis. (2) Eating man-made foods – virtually “foodless” food (fast food and other processed foods) have deprived many of calcium and other minerals and vitamins that team with calcium to make strong bones and teeth. (Are you getting the idea that it’s the nutritional deficiencies created from the “normal” fast food lifestyle? Read on) Calcium is also stolen from the body by the following: (they deplete the body of calcium) (1) Caffeine in coffee and soft drinks can deplete the body of calcium. (2) Refined Sugar (not lactose, milk sugar) interferes with calcium entering the bones. (3) Alcohol, as a sugar, limits the making of the stomach’s hydrochloric acid and also encourages the loss of magnesium and calcium. (4) A deficiency of hydrochloric acid in the stomach blocks calcium absorption and increases excretion of calcium in the urine. (5) A deficiency in Vitamin B-6, closely associated with magnesium, can also cause the departure of calcium. (6) Smoking causes excessive loss of calcium. (7) Other enemies of calcium use or retention are antacids, aspirin, mineral oil, cortisone (the natural kind brought on by stress, or the prescribed hormone replacement), drugs for epilepsy, excessive sweating and – nursing an infant. (8) Use of certain medications including steroids, anticonvulsants, loop diuretics (furosemide), long-term use of heparin, and GnRH analogs (estrogen-suppressing medications). Always check your medications to make sure that this isn’t a side effect – use or talk to your pharmacist who has a database. If you find a problem, talk to your doctor to see what you can do. (9) Exercise: Lack of physical exercise will actually pull calcium from our bones. Numerous experiments have established that non-nutritional factor of exercise can preserve bone mass and volume, and even re-build bone. Regular exercising of weight-bearing bones, in particular, helps retain, and frequently builds bone volume and density. Examples of good weight-bearing exercises include: walking, jogging, stair climbing, back strengthening, and weight lifting. (10) Excess Sodium: can decrease calcium absorption. Processed foods are full of sodium which is used to preserve these foods. (11) Magnesium: At a ratio of one part magnesium to two parts calcium – calcium is lost. You need magnesium. (12) Decreasing testosterone levels (don’t take the “replacement” vitamins, find out why your body is low on testosterone and support that part of your body do your testosterone is adequate) (13) Excessive consumption of protein can cause the needed calcium to be flushed out of the body, although the correct allowance of protein – 40-60 grams – does not. A protein deficient diet – less than 40 grams daily – can also deplete calcium stores. RECOMMENDED: Vitamins to Prevent Osteoporosis What can you do? Above are things to avoid because they deplete the body of calcium. In order to help your bones maintain their strength Dr. Berg’s Electrolytes It contains the vitamins the body needs. Also: Vitamin F In order for calcium to be used by the body, it needs vitamin D to absorb it and Vitamin F to move it around. If Vitamin F is not present, the calcium remains in the joints, blood vessels (plaque), etc. Where can you get Vitamin F? Essential fatty acids – Vitamins F, an essential fatty acid, is composed of two fatty acids—linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linoleic acid (LNA)—with linoleic acid being the most complete fatty acid. There are two basic categories of EFA’s (essential fatty acids)—omega-3 and omega-6—which include linoleic acid and gamma-linoleic acid. Omega 6 is commonly gotten from the food we eat including vegetable oil, salad dressing, mayonnaise, nuts & seed, chicken, beef, pork, dairy products, eggs, even fast food has Omega 6. But for Omega 3, we suggest Omega 3 Fish Oil. For more information about Cold Water Fish Oil Along with physical exercise. Exercise is needed for optional help as that’s how calcium and vitamin D reduces risk
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