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1. Gut Bacteria, Viruses And Your Immune System
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Gut Bacteria, Viruses And Your Immune System
There is a really interesting relationship between gut bacteria and your immune system. Gut Bacteria AND reading more on the same page.
How Your Immune System Works Part 2
Your body is a multi-cellular organism made up of perhaps 100 trillion cells. The cells in your body are fairly complicated machines. Each one has a nucleus, energy production equipment, etc. Bacteria are single-celled organisms that are much simpler. For example, they have no nucleus. They are perhaps 1/100th the size of a human cell and might measure 1 micrometer long. Bacteria are completely independent organisms able to eat and reproduce - they are sort of like fish swimming in the ocean of your body. Under the right conditions bacteria reproduce very quickly: One bacteria divides into two separate bacteria perhaps once every 20 or 30 minutes. At that rate, one bacteria can become millions in just a few hours. A virus is a different breed altogether. A virus is not really alive. A virus particle is nothing but a fragment of DNA in a protective coat. The virus comes in contact with a cell, attaches itself to the cell wall and injects its DNA (and perhaps a few enzymes) into the cell. The DNA uses the machinery inside the living cell to reproduce new virus particles. Eventually the hijacked cell dies and bursts, freeing the new virus particles; or the viral particles may bud off of the cell so it remains alive. In either case, the cell is a factory for the virus. Next week Part 3 - What are the components of the Immune System? Want to strengthen your Immune System?
******************** THE WAY TO HAPPINESS We live in a world of immorality and rising criminality. We feel the repercussions of this on a daily basis. Employee theft causes one-third of all bankruptcies and costs employers $1 billion a year. Insurance fraud exceeds $80 billion annually from faked accidents, injuries and illnesses. These are only a sampling of a broader cultural situation—soaring crime, intolerance and hate, corporate greed and corruption, Internet pornography and disintegrating families. At the root of all is a loss of basic morals and values that would make a decent culture possible. Reversing the decline and restoring to Man his integrity and trust is The Way to Happiness—this may be the first moral code based wholly on common sense. Discover how you can use this miraculous yet simple booklet to raise moral standards around you and help others to live better lives. To get a Free THE WAY TO HAPPINGESS DOWNLOAD
What is Maskne (Acne from a Mask) and What Can You Do About It?
Maskne refers to the development of pimples and spots (especially during the hot summer months) after wearing a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These forms of breakouts are readily recognizable because they occur only in the areas of the face (the chin, nose and mouth) covered by a face covering or mask. Superficial whiteheads are most commonly seen in Maskne. How Acne Mechanica Can Affect People Wearing a Face Mask Mask-caused acne is different from normal acne (caused by hormonal changes) since it is a direct result of the skin being physically disturbed. Micro-tears can result from the continuous rubbing of material against the skin, resulting in bacteria, dirt and oil easily entering under the surface and clogging up the pores. The very essence of face masks is that they are meant to restrict airflow, ensuring that certain skin cells that would naturally shed during the day are stuck on the surface and have nowhere to go. With COVID-19 has come the requirement to wear face masks in many areas. However, for two primary reasons, the humid and sticky atmosphere a mask produces around your face, chin and nose can cause breakouts:
The risk of developing Maskne (Acne Mechanica) may be higher for people who already have acne lesions. Why do some people get acne and others don’t?Acne is typically associated with hormonal changes in puberty, but adults may also experience acne. Around 17 million Americans have acne, making it, for both children and adults, one of the most common skin disorders. Why certain individuals are more susceptible to acne than others is not clear. The hormone called androgen, however, has been discovered to play a part. Androgens rise during puberty in both boys and girls. Androgens help the oil glands of the skin get larger and create more sebum. Genetics may also matter; that is, you may have inherited that propensity if your parents had acne. Role of Inflammation in Acne Inflammation refers to the body’s mechanism of protecting against factors that affect it, such as infections, injuries, and toxins, to heal itself. Your body releases chemicals that, when something damages your cells, trigger a response from your immune system. This response includes the release of antibodies and proteins, as well as increased blood flow to the damaged area. The whole process usually lasts for a couple of hours or days in the case of acute inflammation. Unfortunately, many people today suffer from chronic inflammation as a result of diet and lifestyle issues, such as excessive stress, so the body is in a state of continual inflammation. Chronic inflammation has been found to be an underlying cause of non-optimum skin conditions, including acne. In fact, the four factors that directly contribute to acne are: excess oil production, pores becoming clogged by “sticky” skin cells, bacteria, and inflammation. Polyphenols from Olives have been studied to help Acne and other Skin Conditions Polyphenols are natural bioactive compounds known for their anti-inflammatory capacity, capable of reducing and depressing inflammation without side effects. By reducing inflammation, polyphenols can help problem skin conditions, such as acne, including Maskne. People with acne have usually tried many lotions, gels or creams to combat the problem, often with little success. Most people are not aware of the role of inflammation in acne and the necessity to address the internal inflammation to see an improvement in the health of the skin. The secret to handling problem skin is to handle the chronic inflammation from inside the body. Inflammation Relief, a New Way to Combat Maskne (Acne Mechanica) Inflammation Relief is totally natural and derived from the juice of fresh organic olives (Olea europaea). Each capsule of Inflammation Relief delivers a high concentration of polyphenols and oleic acid and sets a new standard for a true bioavailable anti-inflammatory natural formula. In addition, the olive polyphenols in Inflammation Relief deliver one of the highest levels of free radical scavenging activity against the damaging effects of free radicals on cells and body tissues. One capsule contains as much antioxidant polyphenols as 8 to 12 ounces of extra virgin olive oil but without the calories. Inflammation Relief is the result of the latest research* conducted in the field of olive polyphenols. Skin Benefits of Inflammation Relief Inflammation Relief:
Achieve Better Success with Skin Conditions What most people don’t know about skin conditions is that the secret to handling them is to handle the chronic inflammation in the body. Inflammation is at the core of most health issues. Unresolved, chronic inflammation is a feature of a wide range of health conditions, particularly skin conditions. To get the best result with skin conditions you need to address skin from the inside, at the cellular level, as that is where the chronic inflammation occurs. Conclusion With COVID-19 has come the use of facemasks, frequent handwashing, and social distancing. The increased use of facemasks has created the problem of Maskne (Acne Mechanica) for many people. There is a solution! 100% natural, plant-based Inflammation Relief made from organic olive phenol extract can help reduce inflammation within the body to improve problem skin conditions, including Maskne. For more information, go to Maskn Relief
Sensory Neuropathy or Nerve Pain, Nerve Damage, what is it. There are three types of nerves - sensory nerves, motor nerves and autonomic nerves. Nerves carry information to and from the brain. It is the communication system of the body. The brain sends out commands to the body via the nervous system. The brain gets information from the body via the nervous system. Every nerve in your peripheral system has a specific function, so the symptoms will depend on the type of nerves affected. Nerves are classified into: The symptoms you feel with sensory neuropathy depend on which nerve is damaged. It could be in your feet, your hands, arms, legs, back, head, etc.
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