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1. Amyloidosis and Neuropathy (nerve damage)
It's almost the New Year 2022 - Start lining up your New Year's Resolution
3. More on what you Can Do to Improve Your Immune Health
4. Improving Memory

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Amyloidosis and Neuropathy (nerve damage)

What is it? what can be done?

Metabolism is the chemical reactions that happen in living organisms to maintain life. These processes allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments.  

Amyloidosis is a metabolic disorder, a defect of metabolism. 

Amyloidosis is where a protein called amyloid is deposited in tissues and organs.  

Amyloidosis diseast can affect the spleen, lymph nodes, kidney & liver. Other organs can also be involved. This typically happens in connection with frequent communicable or inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis or osteomyelitis (bone infection).  Treating the main disease is necessary to stop the amyloidosis. 

Symptoms may be different from person to person but the common symptoms are bone lesions, irregular heartbeat, difficulty swallowing, swollen legs, and/or ankles, tingling in the hands and feet (peripheral neuropathy) enlarged tongue, chronic arthritis, nerve damage (neuropathy), heart damage, weakness, shortness of breath, kidney damage, numbness (neuropathy), diarrhea, chronic fatigue, weight loss, abnormal hair loss, skin changes, and respiratory failure.

Neuropathy & Amyloid Deposits

These amyloid deposits can form on nerves throughout the body, leading to injury and nerve dysfunction. 

Amyloidosis can affect peripheral sensory, motor or autonomic nerves and the deposit of amyloid lead to degeneration and dysfunction in these nerves. 

Treatment for the Nerve Damage

There are many medications, and other remedies to bring relief, you can read it in this article Neuropathy treatments

What can you do?

Take a Quiz: Am I doing everything I can to daily help my neuropathy?

Find out what lifestyle changes will help, take the quiz and get our suggestions and get our assistance on what you can do.

Take Our Quiz

None of the various neuropathy treatments will build healthy nerves.  You can cover up the symptoms and you can increase circulation and you can make a person feel less pain, etc., but if you build healthy nerves, there will not be any symptoms (healthy nerves don't hurt, tingle, burn, are not numb, etc.) and the relief will be lasting.  

Building Healthy Nerves*

Healthy sensory nerves mean that they are not painful. Healthy nerves mean that they communicate and don't send wrong signals such as burning, hot and cold, tingling when there is no reason for it. Healthy motor nerves mean that they relay messages from the brain to the muscle so that they move correctly. Nerves need to be healthy to function properly. 

The body needs specific nutrients (vitamins) to be able to build healthy nerves. 

It may not give immediate relief (although many do feel changes in the first week) as the vitamins are working at a cellular level, but it does address the actual problem, builds healthy nerves and brings lasting relief.  

(For temporary relief while building healthy nerves, go to Pain Relief Formula )

What can be done for lasting relief?

Find out how to Build Healthy Nerves

*Studies & Research on Nerve Health


It's almost the New Year 2022 - Start lining up your New Year's Resolutions

First you have to decide what you need to change. Then you have to change the current things that you have been doing that created the unwanted condition.

Health Resolutions - Decide what you want your health to be like. Then educate yourself on any health problem you have that is non optimum. You can then decide what you can do about it to fulfill your resolution.

MCVitamins is here to give you information to educate yourself so you can take control of your health. See our index for that education Site Index

We also give recommendations of things we found to work and we hope it helps you in your journey.





More on what you Can Do to Improve Your Immune Health


Zinc is very important to immune health. Why? Here is a lectuer on the importance of Zinc

Quercetin helps zinc enter your cells. Zinc, in turn, has potent antiviral activity. Quercetin has many health benefits. It’s been found to reduce replication of many viruses. (This is also why you might want elderberry as it will fight this repleication should a virus get into a cell.)


Quercetin-rich foods include onions and shallots, apples, broccoli, asparagus, green peppers, tomatoes, red leaf lettuce, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, black currants and green tea. You can also get this in supplement form.

For more information about a healthy immune system





Improving Memory

There is much to be said for the combination of supplements alpha lipoic acid & acentyl l-carnitine..It has been known for some time that this combination improves memory.

Acetyl L-Carnitine has been extensively studied and found to have significant cognitive effects as well as it having anti-aging effects. Several clinical trials suggest that acetyl L-carnitine improves overall mental functioning and mood.

Together they help the brain to utilize glucose needed to function optimally.

Acetyl L-carnitine improves aged brain function

 for cognitive enhancement in people without cognitive impairment.
Acetyl-L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid supplementation of aged beagle dogs improves learning 
(There are many more - go to and search)

For all the benefits of this combination go here It includes 8 health benefits and our recommendation of what we have tound to work.




To Your Health 


If you have any questions about our Nerve Support Formula, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590 (US & Canada)  or (818) 252-1038.

We want to make sure you get the results you are looking for.