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1. Attacking Indigestion
2 New Cardiovascular Risk Factors Named, Including Worst Toxins
3. Why Are So Many People Mixing Opioids and Stimulants?
4. Again with the Camel Milk?

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Attacking Indigestion

Hey, It’s Dr. Martin here…

I was talking with someone recently who told me they’ve been on a proton pump inhibitor for over ten years.


In case you’re wondering…A proton pump inhibitor is a drug designed to turn off the glands in the lining of your stomach that make acid. They’re a class of drugs used to treat heartburn, GERD, and indigestion.

Prilosec, a popular over-the-counter proton pump inhibitor, spent over 100 million in advertising in the United States alone last year. All of their commercials are the same.

Someone is trying to eat nachos or pizza when suddenly they’re in a lot of discomfort… Until they take Prilosec (or Nexium)… Now the pain is gone, and they’re free to get back to eating the nachos or pizza. Win-win.

The idea behind proton pump inhibitors is simple: You have heartburn…so let’s turn off your ability to make stomach acid. Problem solved.

Sure, turning off acid can give you symptom relief…But it does NOTHING to fix the problem.

It’s like having a leak in your kitchen sink…So the plumber turns off the water to your whole house.
Sure, that will stop the kitchen sink from leaking…but it also means no more showers, washing hands, cooking, brushing your teeth, or even drinking water.

That doesn’t seem like much of a solution.

Yet, that’s exactly what happens when you take an acid-blocking drug to help fix heartburn. It turns out that turning off the acid in your stomach can lead to serious problems…

Even the makers of proton pump inhibitors will tell you not to use them for more than 1-2 months. (Yet, doctors will prescribe them for years at a time.)

An Indiana University researcher uncovered that long-term use of acid-blockers can rob you of your independence in more than one way. People who use acid-blocker prescriptions or over-the-counter medications for more than two years are 2X more likely to suffer from mild to potentially severe dementia.

Researchers believe these types of drugs can suppress a neurotransmitter involved in memory and thinking.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that people who took antacids came down with pneumonia four times as often as people who didn’t and drugs that prevent your body from producing stomach acid increase your risk of breaking a hip.

The Journal of the American Medical Association also found that long-time users of acid-blocking drugs had a 44% greater risk of hip fracture. These drugs make your bones weak.

Also let’s not forget that long-term use of nearly any antacid increases the risk of kidney stones.

The more you learn about long-term use of these types of drugs…the worse it gets.


The real solution? If you want to overcome indigestion problems — such as burping, belching, and heartburn, then you must address the cause.

First, let me ask you a question - What’s the purpose of stomach acid?

First and foremost you NEED stomach acid to digest food. When you turn off your stomach acid you can’t properly break down food into nutrients and amino acids your body needs not only to survive but thrive.

That old saying… “You are what you eat” is wrong. The truth is…you are what you absorb.

Oddly enough Most people get heartburn, NOT because they don’t have too much stomach acid. It’s actually because they don’t have ENOUGH stomach acid.

When you don’t have enough stomach acid, food simply sits in the stomach and ferments. This causes the creation of gasses and other acids that cause indigestion.

Turning the acid off in your stomach only makes things worse…much worse…

Doctors forget you need stomach acid to activate protein-digesting enzymes in your stomach. When you shut off stomach acid, these protein-digesting enzymes don’t work nearly as well.

Most people already don’t eat enough protein.

You can imagine what happens when they also take a proton pump inhibitor that limits their ability to break down protein. That’s one-way people end up with muscle wasting, fatigue, hair loss, weak nails, sore joints, bad skin, etc…

There’s one more thing you should know about the dangers of stopping acid production. Stomach acid kills harmful bacteria and viruses. It’s one of your body’s best defenses against infection.

Everything we eat has bacteria on it. Most of the bugs are harmless, but some can do you deadly harm — like E. Coli and salmonella.

Your stomach acid kills off these bacteria and protects you from the diseases they cause.

When you reduce the amount of stomach acid you have, you increase your risk of food poisoning.

Here’s what I think about acid blockers:

The more acid-lowering medications people take…the more digestive problems they have. I have seen it in my clinic over and over again.

So, what’s the solution?

Let me quickly share with you the three steps to fixing bad digestion.

• Food
• Probiotics
• Digestive enzymes

As you can see, it always starts with Food.

People eat too much fake food with crappy carbs, crappy seed oils, and too much sugar. And…people also eat ALL THE TIME. They snack all day. They don’t give their body a chance to “rest and digest.”

People also eat too close to bedtime. They don’t give their body a chance to digest the food before their system TRIES to shut down to rest overnight.

I think if most cut out crappy carbs, seed oils, and sugar and didn’t snack all day, and stopped eating 3 hours before going to bed - Most people wouldn’t need a proton pump inhibitor anymore.


Probiotics are also a MUST. Most people only think probiotics help with their intestines and colon.

But that’s not true. Probiotics can help acid reflux and all the associated problems.

As you may know, I believe that most people need to be taking a daily probiotic.


Digestive enzymes help break down food into nutrition you can actually use.

They also help speed up digestion time and eliminate many of the side effects caused by digestive disorders like heartburn, gas, bloating, and pain.

Any delay…or inability to break down food…causes big problems.

You’ll age faster.
You’ll feel terrible.
You’ll recover slower.

All because you’re deficient in enzymes.

The #1 reason people take digestive enzymes is to eliminate the uncomfortable side effects caused by digestive disorders such as…

Gas, nausea, upset stomach, bloating, pain, grogginess, acid reflux and more…

No matter what you think — those side effects aren’t normal. They are signs something is going wrong with your digestion. And you have to fix it.

Now, there are a few reasons why millions are deficient in digestive enzymes. But one of the biggest reasons is aging.

As you age…You make fewer enzymes — plain and simple. Which is why most need to add digestive enzymes to their daily routine.


New Cardiovascular Risk Factors Named, Including the Worst Toxins

Traditional risk factors for heart disease include high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and smoking but cannot account for at least 15% of heart attacks. As new research indicates, there are likely emerging risk factors operating behind the scenes, referred to by the umbrella term “exposome".

Environmental toxins are increasingly being implicated as a new risk factor for heart disease with air pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution listed as some of the worst offenders. Food and water contaminated by heavy metals or pesticides are also thought to negatively impact heart health.

Mental health issues like chronic stress, depression, social isolation, and loneliness are now believed to significantly contribute to cardiovascular disease as well. Gum diseases recently made it onto the list of infections that can harm the heart, indicating that good oral habits are key throughout life.

“Addressing the exposome to protect the heart is not as straightforward as taking a pill against cholesterol or blood pressure,” said Dr. Rocco A. Montone, lead study author. “Nevertheless, being aware of these risks is vital, and every individual should make every effort to reduce these risk factors concerning both individuals and the society as a whole.”

Why Are So Many People Mixing Opioids and Stimulants?

The use of an opioid along with a stimulant drug is a growing trend among people who use drugs, especially among those who inject drugs. This practice has, for several decades, been calledspeedballing. Speedballing originally referred to injecting heroin and cocaine at the same time, possibly in the same needle. Now, there are many types of opioids and stimulants that may be mixed.

This practice comes with its own set of dangerous physical and mental effects that should be known by any person who has a loved one or friends who are mixing these drugs. Helping someone avoid the risks of these mixed drugs starts with understanding why people do it and what harm can result.

What’s the Reasoning Behind This Mixture? Continue



Again with the Camel Milk?

Yes, in case you didn't read it before 
Why? because I really love the taste and its so good for you.

Its 100% natural premium milk. How can I say that - Read more?

Camel Milk

At least try it. See offer at the bottom of the Camel Milk pages.




To Your Health