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1. Chronic Sinusitis, Environmental Triggers, and Achieving Lasting Relief by Dr. Donald Dennis, MD
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Chronic Sinusitis, Environmental Triggers, and Achieving Lasting Relief by Dr. Donald Dennis, MD
In my almost 40-year career as an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Surgeon, I have treated over 30,000 patients with chronic sinusitis. During that time, I developed a safe, effective sinus protocol that anyone can easily use to gain sinus symptom relief. That protocol is based on information from the groundbreaking 1999 Mayo Clinic study finding that over 93% of chronic sinusitis cases are caused by an immune reaction fungi.
Focusing on the mold/fungus trigger moved the needle dramatically for my chronic sinusitis patients, unlike the repetitive antibiotic and steroid treatment that only offered temporary relief. In fact, when I addressed fungus and environmental mold as the underlying cause of most chronic sinusitis, I was able to help more and more patients recover without surgical intervention. When a patient removed mold exposures (both the environmental exposure and the mold/mycotoxins from the sinuses and body), their sinusitis would improve dramatically along with their overall health and wellbeing. As a matter of fact, the genesis of this very website was based on my desire to share as much of these findings and clinical knowledge about mold and sinusitis with anyone out there looking for help and guidance for better treatment and lasting relief.
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Learn more about the Sinuses and Sinusitis
Best and Worst Belly Bloating Foods
A lot of people have this problem and are unsure what to do about it. Here is Dr. Berg telling you how to get rid of belly bloating.
******************** REAL LIFE STORIES from the Truth About Drugs The best way to convey the truth about drugs is through the words of those who have “been there.” By telling their stories, they can pass on what they have learned so others avoid going down the same path. Watch Now
What is an Autoimmune Reaction & how it leads to Neuropathy (nerve damage) How it happens, what can be done? Autoimmune reaction - Autoimmune means that the body creates an overactive immune response against substances and tissues normally present in the body. In other words, the body actually attacks its own cells. Nerve Damage can occur when the body attacks its own nerve tissue. This occurs in Guillain-Barre syndrome, celiac disease, Crohn's Disease, Fibromyalgia, Grave's Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory bowel disease, and many others. Autoimmune disorders - An antigen is any substance that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against it. An antigen may be a foreign substance from the environment such as chemicals, bacteria, viruses, or pollen. An antigen may also be formed within the body, as with bacterial toxins. An Autoimmune disorder is defined as when the immune system can't tell the difference between healthy body tissue and antigens. It is when specialized cells and antibodies of the immune system attack the body's own tissues. Viral and bacterial infections can cause indirect nerve damage by creating conditions referred to as autoimmune disorders. How does this become neuropathy? The autoimmune attack where the body is attacking its own tissue typically causes destruction of the nerve's myelin sheath of the axon (the long fiber that extends out from the main nerve cell body). The myelin sheath is the outer covering of the axon. This destruction is nerve damage. It is also called Neuropathy. Gluten neuropathy Neuropathy, or peripheral neuropathy, describes a range of disorders characterized by nerve damage to one or more nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord. Often autoimmune diseases and vitamin deficiencies are some of the potential causes, according to the Mayo Clinic. Gluten neuropathy is when the autoimmune response is the root cause of the nerve damage. A study published in Muscle Nerve journal in December 2006 found that participants with neuropathy who followed a gluten-free diet showed significant improvement in symptoms after one year. The control group reported a worsening of symptoms. People who have gluten intolerance do not respond to simple allergy tests like someone with milk or nut allergy might. The gentlest way to figure out if someone is sensitive to gluten is dietary therapy. Avoid gluten for several weeks, then reintroduce it and observe any reactions. Once it is known that a person has a problem with gluten there is only one form of treatment: abstinence. People with any degree of gluten sensitivity or intolerance must completely give it up. This means not only avoiding obvious foods like bread and pasta, but also foods like soy sauce and licorice that contain small amounts of wheat. Fortunately, there are many alternatives. Pastas made with rice flour or quinoa* don't have gluten in them. Rice bread can replace bread made from grains containing gluten. Buckwheat flour contains no gluten and works well for pancakes. Some companies even make soy sauce that doesn't use wheat in the ingredients. It is simply a matter of reading labels and shopping around. * Celiac disease: a digestive disease that damages the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food. * Neurologic: of or having to do with neurology. Neurology is a branch of medicine concerned especially with the structure, functions, and diseases of the nervous system. * Quinoa: a grain-like plant. For complete article Gluten & Nerve Damage
Educational Video on what to do about what causes the Autoimmune Problem
Treatment for Neuropathy from Autoimmune Reaction There are many medications, and other remedies to bring relief, you can read it in this article Neuropathy treatments What can you do? Take a Quiz: Am I doing everything I can to daily help my neuropathy? Find out what lifestyle changes will help, take the quiz and get our suggestions and get our assistance on what you can do. None of the various neuropathy treatments will restore nerve health. You can cover up the symptoms and you can increase circulation and you can make a person feel less pain, etc., but if you build healthy nerves, there will not be any symptoms (healthy nerves don't hurt, tingle, burn, are not numb, etc.) and the relief will be lasting. Healthy sensory nerves mean that they are not painful. Healthy nerves mean that they communicate and don't send wrong signals such as burning, hot and cold, tingling when there is no reason for it. Healthy motor nerves mean that they relay messages from the brain to the muscle so that they move correctly. Nerves need to be healthy to function properly. The body needs specific nutrients (vitamins) to be able to build healthy nerves. It may not give immediate relief (although many do feel changes in the first week) as the vitamins are working at a cellular level, but it does address the actual problem, builds healthy nerves and brings lasting relief. (For temporary relief while building healthy nerves, go to Pain Relief Formula ) What can be done for lasting relief? Find out how to Build Healthy Nerves *Studies & Research on Nerve Health
5 Antifungals in Your Spice Rack
j have had bouts with fungus. Candida infections and others that would pop up from time to time. At that point, my nutritionist would test me and find which supplement I needed to fight it. A number of years ago, I found a show on TV called "Know the Cause" They had plenty to say about fungus and the food we eat, medications we take, etc. etc. The have a website where you can watch there programs, and read their articles. They have a diet that does wonders for your health if you follow it.
To Your Health Nerves Keeping You Awake? Need Help Sleeping? Sometimes the sensation (burning, coldness, numbness, tingling or pain) from your nerves can keep you up at night. If you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, there is a safe and effective way to help your body get the sleep you need on a daily basis, and it's not a drug. The Sleep Support Formula is specifically designed to support physical relaxation and calmness, to help you get a restful night's sleep, and it can be safely used as often as needed. You can order your Sleep Support Formula Or you can find out more here: Sleep Support Information You can always call us at (888) 758-5590 or (818) 252-1038 If you have any questions please email or call us. We want to make sure you get the results you are looking for.