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1. How to Reverse Cavities Naturally
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How to Reverse Cavities Naturally There is a common belief today about cavities that once you have tooth decay, that cavity can NOT be reversed. Then the only solution to oral wellness is to have part of your tooth drilled out and filled with a synthetic material. However, it’s been proven that there are ways to reverse cavities naturally. In fact, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal, cavities and tooth decay could potentially be reversed with diet. (1) A study was performed on 62 children with cavities, and they were divided into three different diet groups. Group 1 ate a standard diet plus oatmeal (rich in phytic acid). Group 2 consumed a normal diet and supplemented with vitamin D. Group 3 ate a grain-free diet and took vitamin D. The results found that Group 1 who had a diet high in grains and phytic acid had an increase in cavities. Group 2 had improvements in cavities and less form. Group 3, who followed a grain-free diet with nutrient-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, meat, milk and took vitamin D, saw the greatest improvements — nearly all cavities were healed. (2) This study, along with the backing of many doctors and dentists, proves we have been misinformed about what causes cavities and how to reverse cavities naturally. Dental health advocate Ramiel Nagel, who authored the book “Cure Tooth Decay,” encouraged many of his readers to “reverse” their tooth decay and avoid dangerouse amalgam fillings. He believed that you can prevent cavities with nutrient-rich foods. In this article, I am going to go over the causes of tooth decay and how it may be prevented and in many cases even reversed. The Cause of Tooth Decay To understand the link between diet and oral wellness, we must start with one of the most well-respected dentists who ever lived, Weston A. Price. West A. Price lived in the early 1900s and was the chairman of the National Dental Association (1914–1923) and a pioneer for the American Dental Association (ADA). Weston Price traveled the world searching to discover what causes tooth decay. Dr. Price found a common link between eating modern foods and cavities. He witnessed that many indigenous isolated tribes had perfect teeth and little tooth decay. But once they were exposed to a Western diet, they experienced tooth decay, bone loss and chronic illness. According to the ADA, this is the cause of tooth decay: “[Tooth decay] occurs when foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) such as milk, pop, raisins, cakes or candy are frequently left on the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth thrive on these foods, producing acids as a result. Over a period of time, these acids destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay.” But the truth is the ADA is only hitting on one of the four things that can contribute to tooth decay. According to the insights of Dr. Edward Mellanby, Dr. Weston Price and Ramiel Nagel, there are four main things that contribute to tooth decay: (3)
Let’s discuss the four aspects that cause tooth decay and how they can be addressed with diet, along with ways to reverse cavities naturally. How to Reverse Cavities Naturally Don’t be fooled, in addition to brushing and flossing daily, there are several ways you can reverse cavities naturally and maximize your oral health without resorting to taking in fluoride. Here are just a few ways to reverse cavities naturally for you to consider, while also avoiding fluoride. 1. Remove Sugar Probably the worst culprit of them all for anyone who desires healthy, cavity-free teeth, sugar should be avoided like the plague. So kick that sugar addiction stat. Not only does sugar feed oral bacteria that prevents a healthy flow of dental fluids, but it’s highly acidic and can literally decalcify or demineralize the structural content of teeth that create dental decay. (4) This means staying away from soda, candy and baked goods with sugar. Additionally, use raw honey and maple syrup, and drink juices sparingly, as too much sugar can contribute to cavity formation. Be careful of artificial sweeteners because of their health risks as well. Bottom line: Make stevia your new best friend along with raw honey in moderation! 2. Eliminate Phytic Acid Phytic acid (phytate) is a mineral blocker and enzyme inhibitor found in grains, nuts, seeds and beans that can cause serious health problems in our diets. The main reason phytic acid has become an issue today is because we have stopped ancient food preparation techniques, such as sprouting or sourdough fermentation, which kills off the phytic acid. According to research published in the The Lancet, a diet high in phytic acid creates mineral deficiencies and causes osteoporosis. About 80 percent of phosphorus in grains and beans is bound to phytic acid so it’s completely unabsorbable. In addition to blocking phosphorus availability in humans, these molecules bind minerals necessary for oral health, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc — thus causing them to be unavailable for proper utilization. Consuming foods high in phytic acid decreases magnesium absorption by 60 percent and zinc by 20 percent. (5) Phytic acid not only prevents you from absorbing minerals in your food, but it also leaches minerals out of your body, bones and teeth! (6) Subsequently, the powerful anti-nutritional effects of phytic acid have been known to cause digestive disorders, lack of appetite, nutrient deficiencies and tooth decay. A good rule of thumb is to limit your grain consumption and stay completely clear from unfermented soy products. (7) Because phytic acid is much higher in foods grown using modern high-phosphate fertilizers than those grown in natural compost, try to only eat foods that are organic and GMO-free. If you’re aiming to improve your health and reverse cavities naturally, foods high in phytic acid like grains, beans, nuts and soy should be avoided. However, if you soak grains or nuts and then sprout them or do sourdough fermentation, you can reduce phytic acid by around 50 percent to 100 percent. (8) 3. Consume Raw Dairy and Nutrient-Rich Foods Raw dairy is filled with the vitamins and minerals that contribute to a healthy dental fluid flow and help maintain strong teeth and promote oral wellness. Thus, it’s a great way to get cavity-free teeth. Loaded with calcium, vitamin K2, vitamin D3, magnesium, phosphorus and fat-soluble vitamins, it’s a good idea to consume raw dairy products at least weekly. I recommend goat milk kefir, raw cheeses and organic grass-fed butter as great options. Remember, if you’re going to beat tooth decay, you need to increase your fat-soluble vitamin intake and mineral intake. If I were creating an ideal diet to follow, it would look like this:
4. Use Mineralizing Toothpaste First of all, I know it can get expensive, but there are several brands of fluoride-free toothpaste that you won’t have to pay a small fortune to get your hands on. Second, if you’re looking to save a buck or two and also want to remineralize your teeth in a particularly powerful way, try making your own Homade Remineralizing Toothpaste. Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste
5. Try Oil Pulling Used for centuries by Ayurvedic medicine, oil pulling is a fantastic oral detoxification procedure that has gained some popularity in the U.S. the last several years. Simply done by swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for 20 minutes, this simple oral detoxification procedure has been praised to cure everything from gingivitis to headaches to systemic diseases like diabetes. If you can’t do 20 minutes, three to five minutes is still good. I recommend using coconut oil or MCT oil and a drop or two of clove and/or tea tree essential oils for maximal antiseptic and antifungal power. Here are some tips:
Note: This should be a relatively relaxing process, so don’t feel compelled to vigorously swish your mouth with oil for the entire time or else you’re bound to get sore jaw muscles. Simply and gently move the oil in your mouth and through your teeth without swallowing any of it. Takeaways on How to Reverse Cavities Naturally
In a nutshell, these are the best ways to naturally reverse cavities. Take charge of your oral wellness today, and show off your new, healthy smile with pride! See also: Gum Disease See: Periodontal Disease
Trouble Sleeping?
There are different reasons for this, and thus different formulas that can be used. For pain of neuropathy, for adrenal exhaustion and stress, for digestive problems, etc. Sometimes the sensation (burning, coldness, numbness, tingling or pain) from your nerves can keep you up at night. If you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, there is a safe and effective way to help your body get the sleep you need on a daily basis.
The Sleep Support Formula uses multiple nutritional approaches which are safe and non-habit forming to help you maintain a normal sleep cycle. Here is what one of our customers had to say about using it: "I started using the Sleep Support Formula, and my sleep has been more restful, solid and when I do wake up, I can go back to sleep more easily." From L.H. in California The RHP Sleep Support Formula is specifically designed to support physical relaxation and calmness, to help you get a restful night's sleep, and it can be safely used as often as needed.
To get more information and order the RHP Sleep Support Formula Lack of Sleep due to Adrenal Problem and Stress? How to Test for Adrenal Fatigue by Dr. Eric Berg This is not a diagnosis for adrenal diseases. You this so that you will have clues on potential symptoms from your adrenals, but go to your health care professional to confirm it. Severe Symptoms that Go with Adrenal Function Severe symptoms with adrenal functions are: You can’t sleep: Maybe you exhausted at 9pm and then if you don’t go to between 9 and 10, you miss that cut off, you start waking up and you really can’t get back to sleep. Now, it takes 90 minutes because you missed the wave. Then you get up at 2am you are very wide awake. You will also feel like you need a nap. Sinus: can get congested and allergy problems. Do you get dizzy when you stand up? If you are lying down for a few minutes, then take your blood pressure and then you take it again after you stand up – this is a test to measure adrenal function called the Ragland’s Test. Normal blood pressure is 120 over 80. When you stand up the systolic (the first number – “120”) should go up 6 to 10 points, normally. With adrenal fatigue, it will go down or it goes excessively too high. The adrenal is a survival gland that helps you to cope with stress. Standing up is a little bit of gravity stress. Your body will then adapt and raise the blood pressure to adapt to that position changed. If you didn’t adapt to that gravity stress, there wouldn’t be enough blood flow to the brain and you will pass out, thus the symptom of dizzy when you stand up too fast. Another way you check your body, you can run up the stairs and if you run out of breath or have heavy legs then that is an adrenal issue. What happens is the adrenal gland has an outside soft gland tissue and it also has an inside. The inside is all gland tissue; the outside is all nerve tissue which produces hormone-like messages called neuro transmitters. Adrenaline is there to activate certain things like if you are being chased by the tiger; the artery has to open up to the heart and the lungs. The adrenal tissue is part of the adrenal system of a stress response. The sympathetic nervous system or the flight or fight mode. Flight or fight is a survival mode that we all have in our bodies. We are being stressed out by: The News With Adrenal fatigue you start over thinking and over analyzing everything. I know it’s hard to turn it off, but really you have to realize what is happening, you’re losing or you have lost your SPACE. The best thing you can do is create space by going on a walk or a hike. Get outside and get your attention on something else. Do this for an hour or longer because what this will do is, chill out the adrenals and allow it to heal better versus going to the gym behind the treadmill. You really have to balance out the entire day of activity. For Lack of Sleep Due to Adrenals see Sleep Aid
Magnesium — One of the Most Important Nutrients for Heart Health
See the entire Article Magnesium See also: Blood Pressure Support Formula - magnesium for healthy blood vessels, blood pressure levels and a Healthy Cardiovascular system
Amino Acids and Neuropathy Amino acids are the chemical units, or "building blocks" that make up protein. In its various forms protein participates in the vital chemical processes that sustain life. These two supplements can allow faster results when taken along with the supplements that build healthy nerves. .See Nerve Health
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