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1. Common Food Preservatives Found to Harm Beneficial Gut Microbes Socialize with us - Facebook Twitter
Common Food Preservatives Found to Harm Beneficial Gut Microbes Analysis of a common preservative used to kill pathogens in food shows that it affects beneficial bacteria as well, threatening the healthy balance of the gut microbiome.
Though naturally produced, lantibiotics act almost like an antibiotic for food, killing potentially dangerous pathogens that could make people sick. Alongside synthetic preservatives, lantibiotics have replaced more traditional preservatives like sugar, salt, vinegar, and alcohol. Researchers tested the effects of nisin – a popular type of lantibiotic used in foods like beer, cheese, sausage, and dipping sauces – on both pathogenic and beneficial gut bacteria in a lab setting. They found that nisin had “potent effects” against both, killing bad and good bacteria alike. “Nisin is, in essence, an antibiotic that has been added to our food for a long time, but how it might impact our gut microbes is not well studied,” said Zhenrun “Jerry” Zhang, PhD, study author. “Even though it might be very effective in preventing food contamination, it might also have a greater impact on our human gut microbes.” Article: Study:
Dr. Casimir Funk, the “father of the vitamin” It is such an interesting story as he was isolating vitamins in order to use them as a cure. But, it really advanced the ability to use "food as your medicine", even if it is in tablet form. Although vitamins were isolated, it has now turned around where the supplements we can use are whole food and thus have so much more to give. Here is a except from the story of Dr. Funk and a link below if you want to know more. Dr. Casimir Funk, the “father of the vitamin”, initiated substantial advances in the world of nutrients beginning in 1912, and anticipated many other findings in biochemistry, leading to the establishment of the vitamin industry. Funk’s legacy was the assertion that vitamins are inherent in food, and that have a single action that is relevant to a specific disease. While it is true that some vitamins are amines, most are not; some are effective for multiple diseases, while one does not come primarily from food. A century later, we may realize the limitations of Funk’s theories, but this does not detract from his genius, or his influence on medical thinking, and the founding of the vitamin industry.
Eye Floaters What are eye floaters? Floaters are small dark shapes that float across your vision. They can look like spots, threads, squiggly lines, or even little cobwebs. How to Address Floaters 70% of the population has eye floaters. An eye floater is a strange little cobweb-like piece of something drifting in your eye. It tends to float around, especially if you try to focus on it or if you look away. It’s not dangerous, but it’s very annoying. See article Eye Floaters
Mold & Your Health, can this be your health issue? There are words that you need to know so you can understand mold. Let's define the words Mold a soft green, gray, or black growth that develops especially on food or other organic matter typically in moist warm conditions. Fungus - any of various types of organisms that get their food from decaying material or other living things Yeast: a type of fungus that is used in making alcoholic drinks such as beer and wine, and for making bread swell and become light: Antigen - a toxin or other foreign substance which induces an immune response in the body, especially the production of antibodies Environmental mold is everywhere. It is truly a year-round antigen and is the root cause of many allergic and inflammatory health symptoms. Mold enters the body and can begin to colonize through two main avenues: The Nose: mold spores are present in the air and can be inhaled in every breath. In a healthy environment with normal levels of mold, your body can maintain a general defense, filtering mold and other pathogens. But, when mold levels are elevated, your body’s defense capabilities are overwhelmed. Mold can then invade the body. The sinuses are a perfect, dark, moist, warm, breeding ground! The Mouth and Digestive System: Fungus and bacteria are naturally-occurring organisms in the digestive tract, but problems arise when exposure, dietary sugar consumption, or a compromised immune system prevent the body from keeping fungal levels in check. Yeast and other pathogens can then take hold causing gastrointestinal issues, infections, and disease. Immune System Overreacts to Pathogens How does mold create an Inflammatory Immune Response "Toxic load" describes the burden your body manages from everyday exposures, like air pollution, airborne pathogens (mold, bacteria, viruses), chemicals, and more. When a mold issue in your home or work becomes your toxic tipping point, your immune system can mount an inflammatory defense that spirals out of control, because the exposure is chronic and unrelenting. The chronic inflammation then throws critical body systems out of balance causing compromised immune function, oxidative stress, cognitive issues, and hormonal dysfunction. As a result, health problems are made worse (like allergies and asthma) and autoimmune conditions arise. Unfortunately, if the mold exposure continues, so does the inflammation which leads to more symptoms and failing body systems, the causes of which are difficult to diagnose, especially when mold is not recognized as the compromising influence. Immune Disruption Causes Illness and Disease 1. Chronic Sinusitis: Surgeries and antibiotics offer temporary relief, but symptoms return, because MOLD remains in the sinuses. 2. Fatigue and Body Pain: The overactive immune response causes fatigue and disables cellular repair and maintenance. 3. Gastrointestinal Issues and Food Intolerances: When fungus and yeast overgrow in the digestive tract, intestinal permeability occurs which results in food intolerances, impaired digestion and nutrient absorption, and increased susceptibility to foodborne illnesses. 4. Cognitive and Neurological Issues: When the brain becomes inflamed and trapped in a constant state of flight or fight, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and brain fog often occur. 5. Hormonal Imbalance: When the sinuses are colonized by mold inhaled from the indoor environment, toxins are secreted that can cross the blood-brain barrier affecting the pituitary gland causing the body to stop producing hormones vital for health and healing Important Facts About Chronic Sinusitis & Mold-Triggered Illness: 93% of all chronic sinusitis has a mold component that is unresponsive to traditional antibacterial treatment. There is no magic pill or surgery to cure chronic sinusitis. Unless you remove the antigen (mold), the sinusitis will reoccur. Exposure to mold and mold components is well-known to trigger inflammation, allergies and asthma, oxidative stress, immune system dysfunction, and to aggravate or prolong healing to many chronic illnesses. You CAN test negative for mold allergies and be sick from mold exposure. Mold toxicity from mycotoxins is NOT an allergic reaction. If you suspect mold, ask for an IgG test, instead of the common IgE or skin test. It is possible to see significant, lasting improvement without prescription medicine or antibiotics! The key is to focus on mold, so that you are treating the cause of your sickness. 16-20% of the population have a genetic trait that causes their immune systems to OVEREACT to mold and its mycotoxins. Many of these people also have an impaired ability to naturally detoxify their bodies of mycotoxins. For how to address mold: Mold Testing (an in home test that is easy to do)
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