
From Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Boosting your Immune System
2. Bullet Proof Your Immune System
3. The Food we Eat is Important
4. Organic vs Inorganic Minerals the Biggest Confusion
Genetically Engineered Foods

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Boosting your Immune System

With all this attention on colds and flus, now is the time to start building up your body’s defenses and nutritionally enhancing your immune system.


Definition of the Immune System: the body systems that protect the body from foreign substances, cells, and tissues by producing the immune response. It includes thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, special deposits of lymphoid tissue (as in the gastrointestinal tract and bone marrow), macrophages, lymphocytes including the B cells and T cells, and antibodies.

It's a great defense system against anything that would harm the body.

There are ways to boost your immune system and protect yourself from illnesses. Here is a link one we recommend Immune Qgenics.




Bullet Proof Your Immune System

Do you want to bullet proof your immune system. Listen to this video by Dr. Eric Berg.


What to do about the Immune System



Reminder - The Best Vitamin C for Colds and Flus

"The position with vitamin C and the common cold is becoming clear.

"Frequent, large nutritional doses can reduce the incidence of colds, their severity and duration.

"Once a cold has taken hold, treatment is much more demanding."

Excerpted from ASCORBATE The Science of Vitamin C
by Dr. Steve Hickey & Dr. Hillary Roberts

Camu camu is one of the highest known sources of natural vitamin C. Research indicates camu camu contains up to 56 times more vitamin C than a lemon and 50 times more vitamin C than an orange.

Most Camu Camu sold on the market today is sold as camu camu powder in bags, or in capsules or tablets. 20 percent of camu camu powder is actual vitamin C.

If you have 500 mg of camu camu powder in a capsule - you are only getting 100 mg of Vitamin C.

If there are 60 capsules in a bottle, then the total amount of Vitamin C you would get in that bottle is 6,000 mg.

Often these bottles are sold at around eighteen to twenty dollars a bottle.

RHP is different.

Each of the RHP camu camu vitamin C tablets contains 200 mg of actual vitamin C. Each tablet contains 1,000mg of camu camu powder.

Our bottle has 120 tablets. The total amount of vitamin C you get in our bottle is 24,000 mg.

A bottle of RHP Vitamin C from Camu Camu is only 32.20

This is far more than twice the amount of Vitamin C, at more than half the cost!

(If we kept the price in line with what others are charging on the market - the RHP Vitamin C from Camu Camu should cost $72.00 a bottle!)

Get your bottle of Vitamin C and start building up your body's defenses today.

Get Vitamin C

You can always call us at (888) 758-5590 or (818) 252-1038


The Food we Eat is Important

Did you know that before the bubonic plague destroyed so many lives in Europe, there was a famine. This created the problem that food like meat and vegetables were considered luxury items and the diet of the time was grains only. You can read more about this here The Diet of the plague, what went wrong?


And here is some information to understand why food is important so you can build health and defend your body from infections.



Organic vs Inorganic Minerals the Biggest Confusion

What are the confusions regarding the word organic as it relates to minerals. Find out what this means.

Organic vs. Inorganic Minerals





Genetically Engineered Foods - Something that doesn't build health

  • Biotech industry promised genetically engineered foods would reduce pesticide use, increase the nutritional content of food, boost farmers’ profits and feed the world by increasing yields
  • In reality, GM crops have turned glyphosate into one of the most widely and recklessly used herbicides in history and monoculture has led to a loss of biodiversity
  • GM crops have also failed to live up to expected increases in crop yields and, nutritionally, GMOs primarily provide cheap, unhealthy ingredients for ultraprocessed ready meals, prepackaged foods and fast food restaurants
  • More than 40,000 people in the U.S. have filed lawsuits alleging exposure to Roundup is the cause of their cancer. Once a rare cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma is now the seventh most common cancer in U.S. men and women
  • The agricultural biotech industry continues to advance with a new suite of genetic engineering technologies known as gene editing, which includes techniques such as CRISPR as well as synthetic biology and gene drives

Read the entire article GMO Food




To Your Health 


Daily MultiVitamin for Your Nerves

There are many vitamins and minerals that can directly influence the function and health of the nervous system, not to mention your general health and well-being.

Most people supplement with vitamins and minerals and take some form of a daily multivitamin.

Here is what one of our customers had to say about using it:

"I've been taking the Life Support Formula for many years (I'm 70 and, to be honest, can't remember how many! LOL). My experience has been good.

"Overall, I'm a healthy person, especially considering that I am not as active as I should be, and don't eat/exercise the way I know I should. I continue with the formula in the hope that it can add to whatever other healthy (or not) habits I may have.

From KLS in Texas

The RHP Life Support Formula is a Daily MultiVitamin that contains a complete balance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is designed to provide your body with complete and balanced nutrition.

The formula includes 7 trace minerals and a super potent fruit and vegetable antioxidant blend. The ingredients used are highly bioavailable and bio-active. Your body can recognize and use them.

Find out more and order the RHP Life Support (daily multivitamin)

Or you can call us at (888) 758-5590 or (818) 252-1038

We're here to help you.