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1. Flu Shots - What you need to know about Vaccine Effectiveness and Alternatives
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Flu Shots - What you need to know about Vaccine Effectiveness and Alternatives
Interim estimates from the CDC suggest the overall adjusted vaccine effectiveness against influenza for the 2017/2018 seasonal flu vaccines is 36 percent While health officials claim flu vaccination will lessen your symptoms should you contract type A or B influenza, French research shows vaccination resulted in insignificant lessening of symptoms — limited to a reduction in initial headache complaints among those who had been vaccinated A 2014 meta-analysis concluded the number needed to treat (NNT) for the influenza vaccine is 71. This means 71 people have to be vaccinated in order for a single case of influenza to be avoided A 2017 meta-review found the NNT for vitamin D is 33, meaning one person is spared from acute respiratory infection for every 33 people taking a vitamin D supplement. For people with severe vitamin D deficiency, the NNT is 4
When is the Best Time to Take Supplements How to help your body absorb your supplements. Find out from Dr. Berg Best Time to Take Supplements
Agent Orange and Nerve Damage (and other problems) Almost 20 million gallons of herbicides were dumped on Vietnam between 1962 and 1971 to kill jungle foliage with the aim of exposing enemy targets. It was used to prevent the communist forces from using the jungle for cover, to destroy their food supply and to clear areas of the jungle for U.S. occupation. The U.S. Army heavily sprayed areas of inland forest in the demarcation zone, along the borders of Cambodia, Laos and South Vietnam and areas north and northwest of Saigon. There was also heavy spraying in the mangrove forests on the southernmost peninsula of Vietnam and along the major shipping channels southeast of Saigon. Shortly following their military service in Vietnam, some veterans reported a variety of health problems and concerns which some of them attributed to exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides. Agent Orange contains dioxin, which has known biological and physical effects. Both Vietnamese citizens and war veterans have experienced health problems as a result of Agent Orange exposure. Health problems include birth defects, skin diseases and peripheral neuropathy. Agent Orange may also be responsible for some instances of Parkinson's and heart diseases. Physical and Neurological Effects of Agent Orange According to the World Health Organization, short-term exposure to high levels of dioxins causes skin damage and altered liver function. Long-term exposure causes immune system impairment and damage to the nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems in developing fetuses. Dioxin is also a known carcinogen. Acute and Subacute Peripheral Neuropathy Peripheral neuropathy is damage to the peripheral nervous system, which consists of the nerves that transmit information from the central nervous system to the rest of the body. The peripheral nervous system carries sensory messages and motor impulses. When this system is damaged, it can cause numbness and weakness in the limbs and nerve pain. The peripheral nervous system also controls the heartbeat, and damage to this system could result in heart rate irregularities. There are many Agent Orange Support Groups If you do have Neuropathy from Agent Orange. For more information go to Neuropathy For Relief? We always recommend you take the approach of building health - and nerves are no different. The information on this comes from a Viet Nam vet who was very sick when he got back. He was exposed to Agent Orange but didn't have any adverse reaction to it. He started researching and found that fungus was the cause of his problem. He was exposed to fungus in Viet Nam. Here is his website and the Science of Fungus
How to Lower Toxins in Your House? Houseplants The best houseplants that remove pollution. You may find this hard to believe, but chances are your indoor air is worse than the outdoor air you breathe. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, it’s often 2 to 5 times worse. (Sometimes, it’s 100 times worse. Yikes!) But take a deep breath, because expensive air filtration and ventilation systems aren’t your only options when it comes to mediating the problem. Scientists are finding another proven, practical (and quite frankly, way more eye-appealing and affordable) way to clean the air inside your home and office: the best houseplants the remove pollution. Read the article Houseplants & Pollution
To Your Health Nerve Support Success - NO Pins and Needles or Burning People who use the Nerve Support products to get nutritional support for their nerves are restoring their quality of life every day. Here is another success story from someone who is using our Nerve Support products: "I have unexplained neuropathy in the bottom of my feet. I don't remember where I found Real Health Products, but I started taking Extra Strength Nerve and Nerve & Energy Booster supplements and the burning and pins and needles gradually subsided. "I still have some numbness in the soles of the feet but NO pins and needles or burning. I have been on this regimen and am quite satisfied with these results." From Marie K. in Arizona Our Nerve Support products are nutritional supplements that are specifically formulated to help build healthy nerves for anyone, including those with neuropathy, and they work extremely well. If you want to learn more and if you want to order the RHP Nerve Support Formula, you can use this secure link: Nerve Support If you have any questions, please email or call me at (888) 758-5590 or (818) 252-1038 I’m here to help you get the best results possible with the product. |