Your Newsletter for Health
1. Why is it So Hard to Stop Eating Sugar?
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Why is it So Hard to Stop Eating Sugar? In her article “13 Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings”, Wendy C. Fries asks, “Does that morning Danish pastry leave you craving another treat 2 hours later? Do you grab a candy bar to cope with your afternoon slump -- and then reach for a cola to get out of your post-slump slump? “If you’ve found that munching sugary snacks just makes you crave more of them, you’re not alone. Eating lots of simple carbohydrates -- without the backup of proteins or fats -- can quickly satisfy hunger and give your body a short-term energy boost. But they almost as quickly leave you famished again and wanting more. “Why Do We Crave Sugar? “There are many reasons why we go for sweet things. “That appetite may be hardwired. "Sweet is the first taste humans prefer from birth," says Christine Gerbstadt, MD. Carbohydrates stimulate the release of the feel-good brain chemical serotonin. Sugar is a carbohydrate, but carbohydrates come in other forms, too, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, which have fiber and nutrients your body needs. “The taste of sugar also releases endorphins that calm and relax us, and offer a natural "high," says Susan Moores, a registered dietitian and nutrition consultant in St. Paul, MN. “Sweets just taste good, too. And that preference gets reinforced when you reward yourself with sweet treats, which can make you crave it even more. With all that going for it, why wouldn’t we crave sugar? “The problem comes not when we indulge in a sweet treat now and then, but when we overdo it. That’s easy to do when sugar is added to many processed foods, including breads, yogurt, juices, and sauces. And Americans do overeat it, averaging 17 teaspoons of added sugars per day, according to the American Heart Association, which recommends limiting added sugars to about 6 teaspoons per day for women and 9 for men.” All that excess sugar has hidden repercussions. What happens to all that excess sugar? As food is eaten, digestion breaks food down into simple glucose molecules which circulate in the blood to the cells where it can be utilized. Glucose, or “blood sugar,” is a simple sugar which functions as the body’s fuel in order to produce energy and heat. Glucose cannot penetrate the cell wall unless it is attached to molecules of insulin. This is where insulin “unlocks” your cell walls so the glucose can enter. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas. Insulin’s job then, is to deliver the blood sugar into the cells. As we eat more sugar and carbohydrates, our body works harder and harder and eventually may not be able to keep up with the overload of sugar. Continual excessive sugar intake means insulin is being pumped into the blood continually. Over time, the cells become resistant to the normal amount of insulin and don’t utilize the sugar. The body’s response to this is to create even more insulin. So, over time there’s more sugar and more insulin in the blood while the cells continue being resistant to utilizing the substance they need to produce energy. The excessive sugar in the bloodstream then turns into fat, cholesterol and triglycerides. The occasional indulgence may be okay, but a constant carbohydrate and sugar laden diet is not. The health repercussions of this insulin resistance can be hidden but devastating. Insulin resistance can develop into Type 2 Diabetes and result in cardiovascular problems. Camel milk is packed with vitamins and minerals. One of the many nutritional benefits of camel milk is that it contains an insulin-like protein that can help better manage the sugar in the body. Find out more about the benefits of Camel Milk here. Ready to try camel milk? For 2 packets of Camelicious camel milk powder for 24% off and free shipping go to Camelicious and scroll down to find the 2 packet offer. (it's on the left)
Are you cooking with one of these harmful oils? Canola oil is the cause of inflammation in our bodies because we are eating it unknowingly everyday. This means that even if you clean up the majority of ingredients you use in your meals, you could still be feeling awful because of the oil you use. Restaurants use canola oil because it’s cheap and doesn’t burn quickly. These oils are one of the reasons why you ordered grilled fish at a restaurant and still feel puffy and gain weight - it’s the oil. Step two: swap to cleaner oils to make your meals clean. You'll start to heal your inflammation levels, making you feel better every day. Inflammatory Oils Corn Oil Canola Oil Cotten seed Oil Safflower Oil Sunflower Oil Soybean Oil Rapeseed Oil Grapeseed Oil Rice Bran Oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil is high in omega 3's and it's anti-inflammatory so you can feel a lot better after a meal.
How Metabolic Abnormalities and Compromised Gut Health can Result in Cognition, Communication and Behavior Issues in Children Recent decades have brought a staggering increase in children with cognitive, behavioral, and social communication problems, and many more special needs children than at any time in human history. Doctors, researchers, and scientists are focused on discovering the underlying cause of this alarming increase. Recent research reveals that genetic susceptibility and environmental influences, or both, appear to be linked to the 10-fold increase over the past four decades. Over the past three years, research scientists have discovered that many special needs children also suffer from metabolic disorders. A set of metabolic defects have been found in children with cognitive and behavioral issues, and at a far higher rate than in the general population. The good news is that these defects can potentially be addressed through the gut-brain axis and the metabolic signaling pathways. Early diagnosis and therapeutic interventions may significantly improve the long-term outcomes for these children. Children in today’s world are exposed to toxins in the air, water, food, and even in their clothing. The toxic load is unimaginable when measured against earlier times when chemicals were less prevalent. These toxins impact a child’s body, harming the natural metabolic processes and compromising gut health. Research has also discovered that many special needs children have an additional health condition: intestinal dysfunction. The evidence suggests a link between the balance of intestinal microorganisms in the digestive system and cognitive and behavioral challenges. Children with behavioral, cognitive, and communication issues were found to have higher quantities of the less beneficial gut bacteria and less of the bacteria known to be helpful. The research suggests metabolic abnormalities and compromised gut health may trigger the development of behavioral and cognitive issues over time. The neurological system in children develops as a child grows, and optimum metabolic health and gut health is crucial to the development of a healthy, well-functioning neurological system. April is Autism Awareness Month, allowing us all to learn more about the advances being made to help children with special needs through targeted nutrition.
Addressing Your Neuropathy, What Can You Do? \GET EDUCATED TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH What can you do to address the symptoms of neuropathy? 1. Control your Blood Sugars if you are diabetic – it is the high blood sugar that creates nerve damage. 2. Find out what the Cause of Your Neuropathy is – and make sure you eliminate the cause. If you got neuropathy from trauma, it isn’t a problem unless someone is beating you up every week, but there are many causes, and you need to find out what created your neuropathy and eliminate the cause. Don’t eat things that include artificial sweeteners or MSG (watch for the names this ingredient may be hidden – see other names for MSG) It can be toxins to avoid, or medications such as statins or blood pressure medications with a possible side effect of nerve problems. Talk to your doctor about changing the medication. Or you can find a natural solution for High Cholesterol. Not sure what caused your Neuropathy Idiopathic Neuropathy just means someone hasn’t found out yet. There is always a cause and it might even be more than one cause. The combination of risk factors can create the problem that you are now feeling. If you have neuropathy, I’d check all the possible reasons and contributors to neuropathy, and stay away. You don’t want anything that might contribute to your neuropathy 3. Alpha Lipoic Acid & Acetyl l Carnitine will help the body address the condition by getting the nerves to become healthier. 4. Take B12 (methyl B 12 NOT cynocobalamine) The body uses B12 to prevent and correct neurological defects including regeneration of neurons and the myelin sheaths protecting the nerve cells. cynocobalamine isn’t always absorbed by the body and you only get a small amount. 5. Take B1 (benfotiamine) Benfotiamine is fat soluble B-1 and has 360% greater bioavailability than any other form of B-1 which is essential to overall nerve health. It doesn’t wash out of the body like regular B1. Tell us if you get relief and how you are doing? MCVitamins will work with you on an individual-by-individual basis to help you get the results you seek. And don’t be surprised if we contact you so we can check up on how you’re doing and to see if we can help you to get things moving faster!
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