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1. 6 Different Types Of Headaches (Signs And How To Recognize)
Socialize with us - Facebook Twitter 6 Different Types Of Headaches (Signs And How To Recognize) Headaches are, unfortunately, quite present in our everyday lives and we all deal with them differently. Usually, people use meds or natural treatments to deal with headaches, but it is good to know that they are not always the same type. Many different forms of headaches can appear and it is good to know all kinds and recognize them by their symptoms. Here is a list of the types of headaches you might experience: Cluster headaches The cause for these headaches is not yet determined, but is often associated with nerve or brain irregularities. Unlike migraines or tensions, these headaches occur constantly over some period. As for symptoms, you might be experiencing exhaustion or intense pain. The pain usually happens on the side of your head and in the eyes area. Neck Headache This pain is persistent and has different intensity. It is also called Cervicogenic headache. It is often mixed up with tension and migraine headache. The cause for this headache is a problem with the cervical spine or an irritation or damage to the first three cervical nerves exiting the spinal cord. Women are more prone to this headache than men. About 15 to 20 percent of patients complaining from a side head pain are dealing with cervicogenic headaches. (See Chiropractic) Migraine Headache Migraine happen as a result of numerous factors, but the biggest one is stress. Migraines often affect people who are emotional and fragile. Often, this headache can happen during the menstrual cycle. Other factors that can cause this headache are irregular eating habits, smoking and insomnia. Sinus Headache Migraines and sinus headaches are usually getting mixed up and they can even happen at the same time. Migraines differ from the sinus headaches by causing eyesight problems, and this is how you distinguish them. if-you-get-one-of-these-6-headaches-eliminate-the-pain-immediately-like-this1 (See Sinuses) TMJ Headache The most common symptoms are: chipped or broken teeth, broken fillings and changing position or shape of the smile. This happens because the muscles contract and cause tension. To fix this, the body sends more blood to the affected area but this elevates the blood pressure. This normally causes tension in the jaw, the neck and shoulders. Other important symptoms are teeth grinding. Tension Headache When people deal with it, they feel tension, tightening and pressure in the head that is unbearable. The pain is, however, moderate but due to certain factors, can become even more intense. Usually, this happens in the mornings or evenings. Meds or natural remedies are recommended for treating this sort of headache. Sources and References:
Charcot Marie Tooth Disease (damaged nerves in the feet) What is it? What can be done Just Tell me What to TakeCharcot-Marie-Tooth disease at first always sounds like a problem with teeth. It is not however, it was named for three neurologists Charcot, Marie and Dr. Howard Tooth who first clinically described in in 1886. It is apparently an inherited neurological disease, and is referred to as a hereditary neuropathy (nerve damage). It affects both motor and sensory nerves. It is referred to as Charcot-Marie Tooth syndrome, CMT, hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy HNSN, and Peroneal Muscular Atrophy, PMA. There is also a condition named Charcot Foot. You can read about it in this article Charcot Foot. It is connected to neuropathy and is talked about on this page Neuropathy. The periphery nerves - the ones affected - are located outside the main central nervous system. Periphery nerves control muscles, as well as relaying data from our arms and legs to our brain, which allow us to sense touch. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) involves muscle weakness and loss of sensation, predominantly in the arms and legs, especially in the calves. This disease affects the periphery nerves, which control muscles and send messages from the legs and arms to the brain. These messages give us our sense of touch. The disorder generally makes itself known in childhood or adolescence, though this can happen at any age. Symptoms of Charcot Marie Tooth Disease: The earliest indicators of CMT are usually clumsiness and weakness in the ankles, feet and legs. The feet may be either extremely arched or extremely flat, and the toes may be curled upwards, into "hammertoes". Walking can be awkward due to the weak ankle muscles. It causes the individual to step higher than normal; the toes may drop forward. As with any neuropathy, arms and feet become numb. Injuries can occur due to lack of sensation. Symptoms are:
Cramping can occur in the lower legs and forearms, and some of the body's reflexes can deteriorate. The hands suffer weakness and atrophy in the muscles and fine motor ability decreases. Balance is affected due to the motor nerves being damaged. The spine may curve, scoliosis. There may be some hearing or sight loss depending on the nerves affected. Symptoms may vary. Some people will have mild symptoms that do not interfere with their ability to live normal lives. Very often though, numbness and weakness will have far-reaching effects. CMT does not affect life expectancy. As with any nerve damage, there can be progressive muscle weakness and other neuropathy symptoms. Progressive signs and symptoms may include:
In some types of CMT the axons are directly targeted; also as a result of faulty genes. For some reason the electrical signals are not transmitted at the required strength to activate muscles and senses, resulting in weaker muscles and poorer tactile sensitivity (numbness). Treatments: Treatments are available that can make a difference in quality of life. 1) Physical therapy can stretch and strengthen the weak muscles. 2) Occupational therapy will help. 3) Orthopedic devices, like braces or splints, or special shoes or inserts, can help the individual to walk more easily. 4) Thumb splints can cause a return of some dexterity. A back brace may be in order for those with scoliosis. See also Inherited Neuropathy What can be done for relief? We always recommend you take the approach of building health - and nerves are no different. Find out how to build healthy nerves
What is Behind a Sluggish Thyroid Gland Underlying Causes of a Sluggish Thyroid Gland
Almost everyone has heard about the impact that an underactive thyroid gland can have on a person’s ability to maintain a healthy weight. Hypothyroidism is the underactive production of the thyroid hormone. This hormone directly impacts the body’s metabolism, causing the body to put on weight uncontrollably. What many people don’t realize is that the majority of hypothyroid issues are not primary conditions. What this means is that the condition has an underlying “other” source that causes it. The key to improving the thyroid is to find the real root of the problem. This article will take a brief look at a couple of common causes of an underactive thyroid. The thyroid gland produces an inactive hormone that has 4 iodine molecules attached to it called T4. The hormone then travels through the liver, where enzymes within the liver strip away one of the iodine molecule, activating the hormone to T3. Eighty percent of the thyroid function occurs through the liver. When the liver is damaged it negatively impacts the ability of the liver to strip away the iodine molecule, which leaves the hormone in inactive. Even with a healthy liver, a low production of bile will also make it difficult for the liver to properly process thyroid hormone. One common remedy is using my Gallbladder Support, which has bile salts as this will help the conversion from T4 to T3. High Levels of the hormone estrogen in the body will also interfere with the thyroid’s ability to function properly. Often women who have recently given birth suffer from hypothyroidism because of the estrogen spike that takes place post partum. High levels of estrogen interfere with the thyroid because estrogen competes with the thyroid for the thyroid receptors. Estrogen also can negatively impact the liver’s ability to process the thyroid hormone, as well as block the production of bile, which would also create an underproductive thyroid gland. The hormone produced by the thyroid is extremely important to the body’s metabolic processes. When the thyroid is not functioning properly it can be almost impossible to properly maintain and manage your body’s weight. The key is to understand that in almost every case (except radiation exposure) hypothyroidism is the secondary symptom to a primer or an underlying cause. The remedy for this is to consume more cruciferous vegetables as they are anti-estrogenic. But of course add some sea kelp just to make sure the iodine is available. Cruciferous Vegetables Supplements
Unconventional Medicine — The Revolution to Reinvent Health Care and Reverse Chronic Disease (Here is an article regarding building health instead of managing disease. It is a good model that they are promoting). Half of all Americans now have a chronic disease; 1 in 4 has multiple chronic diseases. Thirty percent of children also struggle with chronic illness. Diet and lifestyle are primary drivers of chronic disease, which means changing behavior is one of the most important steps we can take to prevent and reverse chronic disease. Yet the medical system is not set up to actually deliver that kind of care.
To Your Health Nerve Support Success - Numbing, Tingling and Weakness Have Almost Disappeared Here is another success story from someone who is using our Nerve Support products: "Diagnosed at the Cleveland clinic with small fiber nerve damage. This Advanced Nerve Support product seems to be helping. The numbing, tingling and weakness have almost completely disappeared. "I have combined it with other supplements and exercise. Overall, I believe it has helped considerably.” From Randy W. in Pennsylvania The Nerve Support formula is a nutritional supplement that are specifically formulated to help build healthy nerves for anyone, including those with neuropathy, and they work extremely well. To learn more or order the RHP Nerve Support Formula If you have any questions, please email or call me at (888) 758-2290 or (818) 252-1038. I’m here to help you get the best results possible with the product.