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*********************************** "I came across Dental Pro7 while surfing the web looking for a solution to my dental problems. I was having a gum problem and nothing I had used seemed to be working, my gums just kept on receding. In addition the Dentist wanted me to go to a dental surgeon to clean out the bacteria in my gums. What I read about Dental Pro 7 made sense and I started using it. Since using it I have it has done so much for my dental health. It actually eliminates the buildup of plaque in-between my teeth & at the back. The only other time that plaque has been removed is when I visit the dentist for a cleaning. And it eliminates the bacteria. It is such a relief to have found this” https://dentalpro7.com/dentalpro7?afmc=1d%20 Read: Bleeding Gums and Gum Disease Read: Periodontal Disease - Bleeding Gums, Receding Gums Go to Dental Pro 7 Nerve Damage due to Dental Procedures? ***********************************
Calcium Magnesium, Good for Your Nerves Calcium is the most abundant and the most important mineral in the body, yet it is the most difficult to get absorbed and utilized by the cells. Apart from being found in the bones, calcium is also involved in transmitting nerve impulses, maintaining muscle tone, assisting in the function of hormones and enzymes as well as playing an important role in blood clotting. RHP® Calcium & Magnesium contains unique plant forms of calcium and magnesium from Iceland. Proper absorption and utilization of these minerals are extremely important in restoring and maintaining good health. Vitamin D3, vitamin K2, and boron are included in this formulation of calcium and magnesium to support proper mineral assimilation. Find out more Calcium & Magnesium
Lowering Blood Pressure: The Medications and the Natural Treatments The Medications If you take blood pressure medications to address hypertension, you will need to take a blood pressure lowering drug for the rest of your life. These medications do not change the underlying reason that the blood pressure is high and so you have to take the medications continuously for them to work. These drugs are attempting to address the reason for hypertension, which are the small smooth muscles inside your arteries that tense up. When these muscles tense up, the arteries become narrower, more rigid and less flexible. These medications will lower pressure by slowing your heart beat, or interfering with nerve impulses to your arteries, or removing water from your body, or blocking biochemical reactions, or preventing calcium from entering the cells that make up the walls of your arteries. Blood Pressure medications alter basic body functions not only in the blood vessels but other parts of the body as well. Because all of the body’s systems work together, these drugs can create a wide array of side effects. Beta-blockers: Are used to control irregular heartbeats. These drugs limit the ability of the heart to beat faster and as a result they reduce the ability of the person to or to physically respond to "fight or flight" during an emergency. Fatigue is a side effect. Beta Blockers can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. ACE Inhibitors: Lowers blood pressure by decreasing certain substances in the blood that tighten the blood vessels. It will dilate the blood vessels so the blood will flow more smoothly and the heart can pump blood more effectively using less pressure. Common side effects are violent cough, dizziness, fatigue and flu like symptoms. It can also produce a pounding or uneven heartbeat. Diuretics: Stimulates the kidneys to flush excess fluid and sodium out of the body. Less blood volume allows the heart to move the blood easier. Side effects are loss of potassium, dry mouth, dehydration and raised blood sugar levels. Alpha Blockers: stops certain nerve impulses to the blood vessels causing the vessels to relax. Common side effects are low blood pressure, dizziness, headache, pounding heartbeat, nausea, fatigue, fluid retention and an increase of the cholesterol levels in the blood. Vasodilators: Cause the muscles in the blood vessels to relax, preventing the muscles from tightening and the walls of the blood vessels from narrowing. Side effects are headache, nasal congestion, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, pounding heartbeat, fluid retention, fluid retention and dizziness. It is often recommended that two or three of these drugs be used at the same time, which creates even more side effects as a result of the chemical interactions between the medications. Natural Treatments: Addressing the underlying cause of the high blood pressure
Since blood pressure is affected by the small smooth muscles that line the inside walls of your blood vessels, the reason that these muscles tense up needs to be addressed. The Reason: The loss of vital minerals by poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, being overweight, alcohol and caffeine in excess, emotional and physical stress and being diabetic results in these small muscles tensing up. It is the replacement of vital minerals to your body that is essential to the natural and effective control of blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels and making them supple again. Taking the vitamins and minerals your body is deficient in will naturally relax the muscles, relax the blood vessels and lower the blood pressure. Magnesium is a key mineral. The body needs a proper balance of potassium, sodium and calcium. When the body is deficient in magnesium, the balance is disrupted. We can’t get enough magnesium in our food supply as the soil is depleted of magnesium, and other vital minerals. Thus, supplementing our diet with whole food nutrients that will nourish the cells of your arteries will naturally lower blood. RECOMMENDED: For the needed supplements that supports healthy blood pressure levels, we found the Blood Vessel Support Formula
To Your Health MCVitamins.com Nerve Support Story - My Feet Got So Good that I Climbed Toronto's CN Tower The RHP Nerve Support Formula provides nutritional support for your nerves enabling you to live a higher quality of life. These nutritional supplements are specifically formulated to help build healthy nerves for anyone, including those with neuropathy. And, according to our customers: Dr. Rama M. from Canada told us: "I suffered a painful burning sensation in both of my feet since about 2012. I tried several remedial treatments (cold lasers, large doses of B-complex, pain medications) but, to no avail. “A neurologist traced the pain to damaged nerves, possibly due to Lipitor (cholesterol drug) that I took for about 10 years. The pain was so acute that I could not keep my feet inside the blanket while sleeping. “In 2017, I started taking Nerve Support Formula from RHP, 6 capsules a day. My pain has been coming down gradually. After 18 months, I now do not even feel the pain any more. “My feet got so good that in 2018, I climbed Toronto's CN tower (152 floors/1772 steps) twice. I am climbing it again in April 2019 and plan on climbing Empire State Building in New York in May 2019. I am indebted to RHP for offering this remarkable product.” Nerve damage or pain (neuropathy) is often caused by a deficiency of certain vitamins. When you can’t get enough of these vitamins from the foods you eat, it is important to supplement your diet. The RHP Nerve Support Formula supply the exact, precise ingredients needed to help build and maintain healthy nerves. Learn More or Order the RHP Nerve Support Formula If you have any questions about the RHP Nerve Support Formula, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590 (US & Canada) or (818) 252-1038. We want to make sure you get the results you are looking for.