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Why Your Muscles Matter More Than You Realize by Dr. Martin The fact is that once you hit 30…You lose 3-8% of your muscle mass per decade and you start to lose even MORE than that once you hit 60. To make matters worse, studies show that as you age and lose muscle you gain fat mass. Lifting weights is the MOST IMPORTANT exercise you can do. If you lift weights regularly, you won’t lose muscle mass, and you won’t end up with bone loss. But lifting weights does more than prevent bone loss, it’s also critical to your metabolic health. Your muscles are one of the central storage units for glucose. Let me explain what that means, EVERYTHING you eat gets broken down into glucose. Some food turns into glucose fast while better foods (eggs, meat, and cheese) take a long time to turn into glucose. Glucose is highly toxic to your health. If your blood sugar levels go too high or get too low it can be deadly. That’s why your blood sugar levels are TIGHTLY regulated by your body. So if you overeat energy and your body doesn’t immediately need that energy, then the extra glucose has to be removed from your blood ASAP and moved into storage. As I mentioned earlier, your muscles are one of the primary storage units of excess energy consumption. If you are losing a significant amount of muscle mass every decade, you’re losing a lot of storage. And that’s a big problem for your metabolic health because you’re losing storage. Your blood sugar levels can start to climb higher. Maybe not high enough to be a diabetic, but high enough to increase your risk of every disease. You also end up secreting a lot more insulin, because your body is desperately trying to get rid of glucose from your blood. Once you start making too much insulin, that’s when all the problems start: High inflammation … to name a few. And since you’ve lost storage space, your body will put more glucose into your liver and fat cells. It will also pack a lot of fat around your organs called visceral fat. One more overlooked benefit of weight lifting, you burn off the glucose stored in your muscles. Essentially, weight lifting helps clean out the storage containers. This opens up more room for future glucose storage. I can’t talk about muscles without talking about PROTEIN. Few are getting enough protein in their diets. I’m amazed at how backward and poorly informed most doctors are about protein. I wish they’d keep up with research. You need MORE protein than you think and to make matters worse most of the protein people consume today is from wheat sources like bread and pasta. And don’t look to the government for advice on how much protein you should eat. The RDA, the BARE MINIMUM, is 0.8 grams per kg. That means that women weighing 150 pounds (68kg) needs to eat a bare minimum of 54 grams per day of protein. If you’re eating only 54 grams of protein per day, you’ll end up with sarcopenia. That’s a certainty. Bottom line: Lift weights By Dr. Martin See also Exercise How do I get it into my busy life? Mitochondial Dysfunction - Why Protein doesn't get digested? LACTOSE Intolerant - Try Camel Milk Ideal for Lactose Intolerance or Cow Milk Protein Allergy Less lactose than cow milk and is well people who are lactose intolerant. "This is the only original Camel Milk. Don't be fooled by other cheaper imitation brands that are not even close to the quality of this camel's milk. The other camel's milk you might as well dump it down the drain or throw it away because it's not 100% real camel's milk, basically garbage." Question? Call 818 252-1038 or Email
Kefir is a yogurt-like drink. It has a tangy, tart taste and is packed with good bacteria and yeast. It contains more friendly probiotics than regular yogurt. Kefir is made by adding kefir culture to a dairy milk and then letting the mixture ferment for about 24 hours. Benefits of Kefir According to Nourish at Web MD, “Historians believe kefir originated centuries ago in the Caucasus Mountains in Eastern Europe near present-day Turkey. The word kefir is derived from the Turkish word “keif,” which translates to “good feeling.” “Kefir is often compared to Greek yogurt, and in some ways, the two products are similar. Like Greek yogurt, kefir has a slightly sour flavor and is created through a fermentation process. However, kefir has a thinner consistency than Greek yogurt drinks. Also, kefir and Greek yogurt contain different types of beneficial bacteria. “It’s no surprise kefir is a popular beverage for supporting digestive health. The product contains around 30 unique species of probiotics “good bacteria” that are known to improve gut health and that may aid the body’s digestive processes.” Importance of Good Gut Health The ‘gut microbiome’ is made up of the trillions of microorganisms and their genetic material that live in the intestinal tract. These microorganisms, mainly comprising bacteria, are involved in functions critical to health and wellbeing. These bacteria live in the digestive system, and they play a key role in digesting food and helping to absorb and synthesize nutrients. These microorganisms are involved in many other important processes that extend beyond the gut, including metabolism, body weight, immune system regulation, as well as brain function and mood. Your gut microbiome weighs about 2kg and is bigger than the average human brain. Studies suggest having a diverse population of gut microbes is directly associated with better health. A healthy gut may help ward off infectious agents like bacteria, viruses and fungi. A healthy gut also communicates with the brain through nerves and hormones, which helps maintain general health and well-being. Lactose Intolerant? Learn about Camel Milk for the Lactose Intolerant How to Make Camel Milk Kefir One of our customers makes kefir with Camelicious camel milk powder and was kind enough to send some pictures showing how she does it. Thank you, Linda! Here’s how Linda makes her kefir: 1. Mix one packet of Camelicious camel milk powder with each 6 oz of water in a saucepan. (Use more than one packet of camel milk powder if you want to make more kefir.) 2. Using a whisk, blend the camel milk powder and water. 3. Heat the camel milk to 92 degrees Fahrenheit (or around that.) 4. Add kefir starter and combine. 5. Pour the mixture into glass jars with a lid. Place the jars in a cool, dry place (such as a cupboard) and let the mixture ferment for 18-24 hours. Enjoy camel milk kefir!
How Mitochondrial Dysfunction Can Cause Low Energy and Degenerative Disease “Nearly every conversation or consultation I had with patients started with some variation of this question: “How’s your ENERGY on a scale of 1-10?” “The answer to this question gave me good insight into what was happening with the patient. Most people are tired (and oddly enough) they don’t sleep well). “When they do have energy, it doesn’t last. They’re dragging their feet most of the day, especially in the evening. “Let’s face it; it is hard to have energy if your hormones, gut, immune system, or metabolic health are a mess. “A few weeks ago, I was driving when the low tire pressure indicator on the dashboard of my truck lit up. I added some air to the tire and didn’t think twice about it. Then, about a week later, the low tire pressure indicator lit up again. When I got home I checked the tire and sure enough there was a tiny screw embedded in it. My tire had a slow leak. When you’re fatigued (or have lower energy) the same thing happens to a critical part of your cells. Your mitochondria have a slow leak.
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If you have any questions about our Nerve Support Formula, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590 (US & Canada) or (818) 252-1038. We want to make sure you get the results you are looking for.