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1. Low Energy? This could be why.
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Low Energy? This could be why What is this all about? Sometimes they also feel like they need to drink a coffee in the morning. If you’re that person, maybe you’re having low energy from an adrenal standpoint or you’re unable to produce enough hormones to give you the pick-me-up or to wake up. That’s why you feel the tiredness. The Hormone Imbalance That Makes You Tired It’s basically your anti-stress hormone, which is cortisol. So, the body has to draw from its internal reserves, and this may lead to depletion and low energy. So, if you’re feeling tired in the morning, especially if you have good restful sleep, then adrenal fatigue might be the answer. You see, the body produces a hormone called cortisol. It rises very early in the morning in order for you to even get up from bed. It hits a peak around six to seven o’clock or eight o’clock if you wake up later. Then it starts going downhill through the rest of the day, slowly and gently, like a ski slope, until you get to the evening when you go to sleep. So, that’s a normal cortisol response. But some people can have a higher level in the morning, or a lower level in the morning, or they can have a reverse curve. When the cortisol rhythm, or the circadian rhythm, is disrupted, then you’re going to have this kind of ripple turbulences we call them. Sometimes if the body doesn’t have enough cortisol to wake them up in the morning, they might feel really tired waking up? Then you need food to be an extra boost. But then the cortisol is supposed to last you for the whole day, but it doesn’t. Therefore, you have an afternoon slump when you just run out of steam. Causes of Cortisol Imbalance So, what you’re saying is also if you have stress for a long period of time, then your cortisol starts to run out in your body as well. That is unfortunately very common because cortisol is the anti-stress hormone. If you are exposed to chronic or acute stress, especially on an ongoing basis, the body’s output of cortisol becomes disrupted. When that happens, you can have adrenal fatigue. One of the most common signs of that is feeling tired in the morning and also feeling tired in the afternoon. More Coffee Is Not the Answer So, short-term, if you have this type of rollercoaster swing, sluggish in the morning and slumping in the afternoon, slow down first and try to learn to ask, “Hey, what is really going on? What is my body trying to tell me?" It’s not necessarily it’s broken, it’s the body’s signal, healthy signals to tell you, “Hey, let’s focus on the adrenals a little bit.” © Copyright 2021 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved. Learn more about Adrenal Fatigue
The 9 Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation
It’s torture not being able to sleep. Benefits of sleep include detoxification and the overall rejuvenation of a lot of body chemicals—this is when you heal. Typically, a person needs between 7-9 hours of sleep to feel refreshed. Some people can get by on a lot less. How much sleep do you get a night? Check out these nine symptoms of sleep deprivation.
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The Two Theories of Disease The germ theory The idea that viruses, bacteria, fungus etc are pathogenic (i.e. cause disease) is so incredibly ingrained into our society and our medical establishment that if someone were to question that idea, you might think they were a ‘quack’. The current medical establishment looks at all illness through the lens of the ‘germ theory’ of disease. The germ theory states that illness is caused by specific microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi etc) which ‘infect’ humans and animals, causing disease symptoms. The germ theory of disease was established in the 1800s by a French chemist named Louis Pasteur. Many believe that the evidence shows that the germ theory is highly flawed and is clearly an inadequate explanation for the cause of disease. There were and still are many scientists who question the germ theory. The terrain theory The alternate theory to the germ theory is the ‘terrain theory’ which states that it is the state of one’s inner ‘terrain’ that determines health. The terrain theory states that all illness is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, accumulation of toxins, eating overly acidic foods, and other factors that bring about dis-ease in the body. The terrain theory can be thought of like this — if a fish were ill and swimming around in dirty water, would you give the fish some medicine or would you change the water in the tank? Changing the fish’s water is akin to detoxifying the body of unwanted chemicals and waste and allowing the inner environment to return to a state of balance, free from disease. To end off the discussion on the terrain theory, it seems pertinent to quote the father of modern pathology, Dr. Rudolph Virchow, who said: “If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat — diseased tissue — rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue; e.g., mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant.” Which ever way you look at it, building a healthy body is very important. A healthy terrain, or a body that can fight off germs is what is needed. Remember to educate yourself and take control of your health. Read www.mcvitamins.com
The Difference Between Drugs and Nutrition Supplements for the Treatment of Neuropathy No matter what the cause of your neuropathy, a person has only a few choices about what to do about it.. The Drug Approach What a drug does is it forces the body to do something that it normally wouldn't do.. When it comes to a medication, the body reacts in certain ways to this medication and it is done in order to achieve a desirable effect. For instance, in order to balance itself and handle the effects of a drug, the body has to lower its blood pressure. If this is what you want to happen because its a blood pressure medication, it's a good thing. However, there are also various other ways the body can react to the drug and sometimes this is not such a good thing - this is called a "side effect". It is the reason someone can wind up on 4 blood pressure medications. Each drug is given in an attempt to balance another drug so as not to create the various side effects of the other drugs. It is a balancing act. The Natural Approach What a nutritional supplement does is give the body the actual tools it needs to fix the body. In the case of neuropathy, it is the nerve cell that is damaged. The body needs certain tools (nutritional factors) to build healthy nerves. Drugs don't repair anything; they treat the symptoms. The cause of nerve damage is known - it can be the result of too much sugar in the blood, the chemicals used in cancer treatments, trauma, etc. - but one thing is known, the damage is done to the cell and this causes the pain and other symptoms. You can cover this up with pain killers, or with other drugs that are manufactured to handle this, but the drugs aren't restoring health to the nerves.. They are trying to forces the body to not give you pain, not give you numbness, etc., And sometimes more damage to the nerve cell might happen due to the drug or other drugs you are taking, The Nutritional Approach Nutritional supplements are actually vitamins and minerals that the body needs to build healthy nerves. Another difference is that if you are taking a drug and just covering up symptoms, you have to continue to take the drug to get relief and sometimes even have to increase the drug to get the same relief. For Nerves nutrition
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