From Your Nutritional Education Site
1. Why do we need Probiotics?
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Why do we need Probiotics? How are you feeling today? Around this time of the year, a lot of people start feeling a little sluggish, with less energy. And something just seems "off". Does that sound like you? If it does, there's a reason for it. I want to start talking to you about the friendly bacteria in your guts and the need for probiotics. This is an important subject that can affect you in dozens of ways, which is why we should take some time explaining it to you. Your body is the home of trillions of bacteria, and lucky for you, most of them are friendly and necessary for your good health. But some of those bacteria can be bad. The bad bacteria is why we take antibiotics. They are often prescribed to eliminate the bacterial infections that we get from time to time. But more often than not, the antibiotics (as well as chlorinated water and other medicines) attack the friendly bacteria in your body, rather than the bad bacteria. Candida is actually good bacteria and overgrowth is very common. It is way too easy to get your "internal flora" out of balance. This may not seem like such a big problem but it often is. There are an amazing number of illnesses that are affected by candida overgrowth. There are the obvious: vaginal yeast infection and oral thrush (yours or your baby's). But psoriasis, poor digestion, depression, anxiety, lack of energy, food allergies and more -- are most likely connected to candida over-growth. And you might not ever know it. Again, this is an epidemic because the use of antibiotics kills the bacteria in our digestive systems. So if you have been sick and have been taking antibiotics you might have a harder time recovering. A yeast infection wears out your immune system. A major problem when dealing with candida is the difficulty of getting rid of it. There are many home remedies that will seemingly help with a yeast infection but it is very hard to get rid of the infection completely. I look forward to helping you with this insidious problem. More information: Understanding Probiotics and Friendly Microbes We recommend Dr. Berg's Friendly Bacteria Probiotics
Ingredients in Non-Organic Foods can Hurt You
Read the entire ariticle Non-Organic Food Need more Organic Vegetable in Your Diet? Read about Veggie Solution
******************************** Essential oils have been around for thousands of years and healers have made poultices, salves, and medicinal teas from the raw plants. This plant medicine was the only medicine used for thousands of years until petrochemicals were developed and used to make pharmaceuticals. Learn more about Essential Oils Plant Therapy
1. It’s effective. Your nervous system controls every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body. The primary focus of chiropractic care is the restoration of nervous system integrity. As your nervous system works better, you work better. 2. It’s natural. Chiropractic care doesn’t add chemicals or foreign substances to your body. Nor does chiropractic care remove parts or take things out. Instead, chiropractic care helps restore proper control and regulation of your body so health can return, naturally. 3. It’s safe. Chiropractic care is safe. So safe, even newborns get adjusted to correct the spinal trauma from the birth process. Chiropractic care is tailored to each patient’s age, health problem and goals. 4. No side effects. There are no warning labels required for chiropractic care. In fact, the side effects of chiropractic care are often considered positive effects. They include better balance, more energy, increased vitality, extended endurance and improved coordination. 5. No obligation. Tour our website or schedule a consultation to find out if you’re a good candidate for chiropractic care. If you are, we’ll invite you to begin care. If you’re not, we’ll recommend someone we think can help you. 6. Delighted patients. If those critical of chiropractic had a real basis for their objections, chiropractic would have disappeared 100 years ago. However, it continues to thrive due to high levels of patient satisfaction. It simply works. 7. Smart choice. It makes sense to correct the underlying cause rather than numb the body with drugs. Research shows that those who are more highly educated choose chiropractic care. If you know someone who you think we could help, please send him or her our way. At least share these reasons why chiropractic care makes sense.
What is Nerve Health? What is Needed for Nerve Health? When nerves are healthy, sensory nerves (such as those in your fingers and toes) communicate well to the environment and receive messages clearly. There is no tingling, no numbness, no burning, and no pain in the feet, hands or anywhere else. Healthy motor nerves communicate to the muscles so that they move on demand. They relay the commands sent to the muscles from the brain. There is no unsteadiness, or being unbalanced, no dropped foot. There is no muscle weakness. When a nerve is healthy, it has a myelin sheath surrounding it. This covering protects the nerve and just like a wire with a protective coating, it will not short circuit or create any uncomfortable feelings such as tingling, burning or pain, etc. etc. What does the body need to build healthy nerves? The body needs specific nutrients (vitamins) that will nourish the nerves and create health in each individual nerve. This, of course, will build a healthy nervous system. It helps to supplement these B vitamins as it is difficult to get enough of these vitamins in food, especially if your nervous system health is fading. B1 (thiamine) Besides being important for energy production, cardiovascular function, brain function, eye health and proper functioning of the muscles and all body cells, It is necessary for nerve function. B1 is used in the development of myelin sheaths: Myelin sheaths are the protective covering of the nerves. Deficiency of vitamin B1 results in weakening of the sheaths. Adequate intake of vitamin B1 ensures the development of myelin sheaths and aids nerve functioning. It is also required for regulating the transmission of particular types of nerve signals along the brain and the spinal cord. A vitamin B1 deficiency can happen due to numerous reasons, such as poor diet, abusing alcohol, or liver and kidney problems. Eating large quantities of sweets, sodas, and processed foods can also create a higher risk of deficiency. A deficiency may result in muscle weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps, and stiffness. A vitamin B1 deficiency can also negatively affect heart function and cause the heart muscles to weaken. Using alcohol results in lower vitamin B1as it uses up B1 and lowers the amount of B1 that can be absorbed by the body. It blocks the B1 absorption but also damages the lining of the small intestine which will disrupt normal absorption of all ingredients. B12 - Vitamin B12's primary use by the body is aiding in the production of red blood cells, and in helping to maintain the health of the central nervous system. It keeps nerve cells healthy and protects against deterioration of the nerves. It is critical for maintaining this myelin sheath around nerves. Nerves are encased in a fatty sheath composed of a protein called myelin which shields nerve fibers from each other. Vitamin B12 Deficiency A deficiency of vitamin B12 can contribute to a wide range of problems. Extended periods of deficiency can eventually result in degeneration of nerves as the body needs it to build the myelin sheath. Those who suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency can have tingling sensations numbness, and burning feelings, weakness in the legs and problems walking. Other B vitamins: B2, B6 and B9: B1 (thiamine) is dependent on the other B vitamins. Absorption of B1 into the body requires adequate supplies of vitamin B6, B12 and B9 (folic acid). A deficiency in vitamin B12 can increase loss of B1 in the urine, and vitamin B6 also appears to help regulate distribution of thiamine throughout the body. B9 (folic acid): Is necessary to activate the absorption of the B12. It also improves circulation, which is particularly important point for diabetics as they tend to be deficient in folic acid and also tend to have impaired circulation. Folic acid is also helpful in restoring healthy nerves for anyone, diabetic or not. B2: The body utilizes vitamin B2 to keep tissue healthy and to help accelerate healing of injuries. B2 protects the nervous system. All these vitamins nourish the nerves and calm the nerve endings. *Reference Harvard Medical School, Harvard Health Publishing Listing of vitamins What type of B1 & B12 should you use: You need to both the Benfotiamine (B1) and Methyl B12. The result is that the blood stream levels of vitamin B1 and vitamin B12 can be greatly increased, providing the nutritional support needed by the body to rapidly and far more effectively nourish the nerves. You might have heard of the new type of vitamin B1 being produced, called Benfotiamine. It is a fat-soluble version of vitamin B1. What does this mean? It means this form of vitamin B1 can be taken orally in large dosages and it will not flush out of the body the way ordinary thiamine (vitamin B1) does. This is due to the fact that this type of B1 will be delivered into the blood stream where it can travel to the cells and be used. It doesn't just flush from the body. B12 from food is absorbed in the intestines and needs a secretion from the stomach called gastric intrinsic factor in order to be effectively absorbed. If you are deficient in gastric intrinsic factor you will absorb much less vitamin B12, and therefore can become deficient.
There is a formula that will give you this type of Nerve Support to build healthy nerves. It contains all these vitamins in the right amounts so they work together. We have been recommending it for over 12 years. You can find out about it here And we want to keep in touch to make sure you get the best possible results. When you order make sure we have the contact information you want McVitamins.com to use. We won't fill your mailbox, but we do want to make sure that you understand the instructions and that nothing is stopping your progress to nerve health. Just email us. As we said, they have lots of great success stories that you can read. Have questions; go to Frequently Asked Questions You can get more information about the RHP® Nerve Support Formula. Take a Quiz: Am I doing everything I can to daily help my neuropathy? Find out what lifestyle changes will help, take the quiz and get our suggestions and get our assistance on what you can do. Take Our Quiz
To Your Health MCVitamins.com Nutritional Support for Nerve Pain Relief Omega-3 fatty acids can provide important nutritional support for those who have nerve pain. Nerve pain (or neuropathic pain) is usually caused by a deterioration of the myelin sheath that surrounds and insulates pain nerves. It then follows that the higher the Omega-3 (EPA & DHA) content of the fish oil, the more it will nutritionally support and help your body to maintain normal nerve function. * Average fish oil has 600 mg (EPA & DHA) Omega-3s. Not all fish oils are the same. The highest quality fish oil comes from wild caught, cold water fish, and the best cold water fish are found in deep cold waters of the sea. RHP Cold Water Fish Oil gel caps are also "enteric coated" so that they do not dissolve until they pass through the stomach and reach the intestines. That way there are no "fishy burps" or aftertaste. Find out more and order the Cold Water Fish Oil If you have any questions, you can always call us at (888) 758-5590 or (818) 252-1038 We're here for you.