
from Your Nutritional Education Site
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1. Why is a Person Diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome Every 5 Seconds?
2. What is ERDS? Optimum Nutrient Absorption
3. Understand Stress – and Learn How You Can Manage it to Protect Your Health
4. Natural Ways to Improve a Fatty Liver

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Why is a Person Diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome Every 5 Seconds?

Irrespective of the socio-economic profile and geographic location of the population, somewhere in the world:

One person is diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome every 5 seconds

Someone dies of a health issue related to Metabolic Syndrome every 10 seconds.

This makes Metabolic Syndrome a global health crisis.

According to WebMD: ”Although the first formal definition of metabolic syndrome entered medical textbooks not so long ago (1998), it is as widespread as pimples and the common cold."

According to the American Heart Association, 47 million Americans have it. That’s almost a staggering one out of every six people. The syndrome runs in families and is more common among African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans. The risks of developing metabolic syndrome increases as you age.

“Metabolic syndrome is not a disease in itself. Instead, it’s a group of risk factors — high blood pressure, high blood sugar, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and abdominal fat.”

Metabolic disorders, aside from predisposing individuals to issues with high blood sugar, are associated with early cardiovascular mortality, kidney dysfunction, deterioration of the retina, nerve damage and cognitive deterioration.

Scientists worldwide are desperately trying to manage the crippling incidence of metabolic disorders because of what metabolic disorders lead to.

So, what is a metabolic disorder?

Metabolic disorders are disorders that result in metabolism problems. Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions taking place in the body to convert or use energy. Metabolic disorders, including Metabolic Syndrome, are occurring at the cellular level.

So how did we get here?

Our body system developed to burn fat as fuel for energy.

Essentially, since World War II, we have bludgeoned our system with:

  • Simple carbohydrates
  • Sugar
  • Processed foods
  • Cans and bottles with known hormone disruptors.

We have been eating ourselves to illness, disease and death by not giving our bodies the nutrition needed for optimal health but instead giving them large quantities of foods that lead to metabolism problems.

Our diet has been affecting our endocrine system, the system that controls our metabolic function and the repair and regeneration cycles of our cells.

So, what is the solution?

To date, there are no medications with FDA indication for use with pre-Metabolic Syndrome.

From 2004 to 2013, none of the 30 new metabolic drugs that came on the market were proven to improve key outcomes, such as reducing heart attacks or strokes, blindness or other complications, an investigation by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel & MedPage Today found.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has substantiated the utilization of plant/herbal remedies for the management of Metabolic Syndrome.

Metabolic issues can be addressed by providing cells with the proper nutrition through diet and supplementation.

The future of nutritional science lies with supporting the major body systems simultaneously. This is done at the cellular level by having ingredients that support processes within the cells but also help to control them.

The best supplements are those formulated with plant-based ingredients to balance and strengthen each of the body’s major systems.

Dr. Robert Weiss states, “Plant based whole foods are the most powerful disease modifying tools available to practitioners – more powerful than any drugs or surgeries.”

Here’s the good news

Every cell has a turnover rate. All the cells in our eyes are replaced in 2 days, the lining in our lungs takes 8 days and our throat takes 2 months.

The good news is that if we start doing something now to positively impact the health of our cells, the new versions of these cells are going to be better than the last ones.

Remember, the body has a powerful self-healing capacity if given the support to do it.

More about the Metabolic Syndrome



ERDS Technology for Optimum Nutrient Absorption

Our body requires a range of nutritional elements to maintain health.

As you probably know, today our food supply cannot be counted on to provide food that is rich in nutrition. For this reason, a majority of people use nutritional supplements to fill the “nutritional gaps” in their diet.

Unfortunately, many supplements do not provide the hoped-for nutritional benefits because the cells cannot absorb the nutrition and the ingredients just pass out of the body – a waste of time and money.

The team of research scientists who worked on the formulations offered by Qgenics found that for ideal health our bodies need high quality, natural whole functional foods and the nutritional extracts that can be derived from them.

Additionally, they believe that the ideal nutrition comes from ancient plant-based food sources as these are genetically compatible with our body.

And, the Nutritional Ingredients Must be Well Absorbed by the Cells.

The efficacy (the ability to produce a desired or intended result) of natural nutrition depends on how easily the nutritional elements can pass across all cell membranes and access target sites within the cell, be absorbed, and also interact with all of the relevant enzymes and other cellular components.

It’s a complex task because within each cell there are a minimum of 4,000 working enzymes and every cell type utilizes different types of enzymes.

During many years of research, an ingredient formulation was identified, based on necessary fatty acids, that increases absorption at the cellular level by 3.4 times. A study was done at Boston College that confirmed this increased level of absorption.

This formulation is called ERDS. This technology is utilized in the nutraceutical formulas offered by Qgenics to increase their potency and efficacy and deliver the best possible nutritional benefit.



Understand Stress – and Learn How You Can Manage it to Protect Your Health

When it comes to stress, balance is the key. Too little makes us bored and lazy; too much leads to anxiety and can suppress the immune system.

Stress isn’t just unpleasant things like being laid off or going through a divorce, or coping with other difficult situations. It is also exciting things like visiting a new country, having a baby, starting a new job, or getting married.

If you’ve been laid low by a bad cold after the holidays, you’ve already discovered that even the fun kind of stress can lower your immunity.

Why is this?

Stress triggers the production of the stress hormone, cortisol. In short spurts, cortisol can boost your immunity by limiting inflammation. But if you experience continued stress over time, your bloodstream becomes infused with a steady onslaught of cortisol and that alters the immune system response, suppressing its ability to protect you from organisms that cause illness and disease. Too much cortisol decreases the body’s white blood cells. Particularly concerning is the reduction of the cells called “killer T cells” that your body needs to attack and dispose of virus-infected and cancerous cells.

A number of serious health issues can be traced to long-term stress exposure. The National Institutes of Health says continued strain on your body from routine stress is often the hardest to detect but could lead to serious health problems including heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, insomnia and mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.

It’s been said that “stress kills.” It’s hard to determine the full extent of stress-related deaths, but according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the workplace is the number-one cause of life stress. The American Institute of Stress reports 120,000 people die every year as a direct result of work-related stress, and the health care costs due to work-related stress total an average of $190 billion a year.

So, how do you manage stress?

Eating Well

For starters, eating well is very important – that means eating a balanced diet of protein, vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates and some fat. Avoid sugar and simple carbohydrates (white bread, candy, pastries, etc.,) as they turn into sugar which suppresses the immune system. In fact, every time you consume sugar in any form, it compromises your immune system for 6 hours. That means if you eat sugar with breakfast, lunch and dinner, your immune system is compromised for the entire day and would only be functioning optimally for a few hours in the early morning which is not enough to protect you from health problems.

Invest in Supplements

Invest in supplements that are specifically designed to boost your immune system to compensate for the effects of being under stress. This is particularly important for older people who are more prone to stress-related immune system changes. Since many of our food sources today don’t provide us with adequate nutrition, can also contain toxins, and since many people have poor gut health, which limits the nutrition the body absorbs, such supplements help make up for what’s missing.

Exercise regularly

That could mean walking, running, swimming, yoga, biking or working out with weights. Here’s a great way to start exercising regularly: walk for 20 minutes in any direction from your home, and then walk back home. Build up to doing that 4 times per week. After that, increase the amount of time you walk. If you can’t start with 20 minutes, then start with 10 minutes out and 10 minutes back. Do whatever you can start with and build up from there. Exercising has a host of health benefits, including reducing stress.

Get consistent good quality sleep

If you struggle with insomnia, follow these steps to improve your quality of sleep:

1) Keep a consistent sleep schedule

2) Limit drinking liquids, especially alcohol, close to bedtime

3) Turn electronic devices off before you go to sleep

4) Make your sleep environment work for you, whether that means using a weighted blanket, a fan, a white noise machine, aromatherapy, or special lighting

5) Only go to bed when you are tired

6) Limit napping.

Limit Stressful Situations

Try to limit situations you find stressful or have a strategy in place to handle situations you know may be stressful for you. In addition:

1) Recognize the people in your life who make you feel stressed and limit your interaction with them as much as possible.

2) If you find yourself getting stressed when on social media, take a break from it.

3) Make time for activities you really enjoy.

Beta-glucan is a soluble fiber found naturally in the cell walls of baker’s yeast. Beta-glucan has been found to be one of the most effective natural substances to boost the immune system.

More than 1,600 clinical studies have been conducted using beta-glucan with a wide range of health conditions and these studies show that beta-glucan is helpful for a range of health issues.

Many studies can be found on the website This is a wonderful resource for people to find out the scientific results for ingredients in supplements.



Natural Ways to Improve a Fatty Liver

80-100 million people in the United States have a fatty liver.

A fatty liver usually has no symptoms, so diagnosis often occurs by accident when an imaging study (such as an abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI) is requested for another reason. A fatty liver may also be identified on an imaging test as a part of investigating abnormal liver blood tests.

There are 2 types of fatty liver disease:

When fatty liver develops in someone who drinks a lot of alcohol, it is known as Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD)

In someone who doesn’t drink a lot of alcohol, it is known as Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease affects up to 25-30% of people in the United States and Europe.

Fatty liver happens when too much fat builds up in your liver. Although it is normal to have a tiny amount of fat in these cells, the liver is considered fatty if more than 5% of it is fat.

Remember, your liver is the second largest organ in your body. It helps process nutrients from food and beverages and filters harmful substances from your blood. Too much fat in your liver can cause inflammation and create scarring, and in severe cases, this can lead to liver failure.

The exact causes of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease aren’t well understood but there does appear to be a connection between the disease and insulin resistance.

Insulin is a hormone. When your muscles and tissues need glucose (or sugar) for energy, insulin helps unlock the cells to take in and burn the glucose from your blood. Insulin also helps your liver in the storage of excess glucose.

When your body develops insulin resistance, it means your cells don’t respond to insulin the way that they should. As a result, too much fat ends up in the liver which leads to inflammation and liver scarring.

Risk factors for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Risk factors for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease include:

– Diabetes (insulin resistance)

– High cholesterol levels

– High triglycerides

– Use of corticosteroids

– Pregnancy

– Non-optimum diet

– Limited physical activity

– Excess weight, particularly weight around the stomach.

Ways to Improve a Fatty Liver

Here are some tips to improve a fatty liver naturally:

Safely Lose Weight

The best way to lose weight is to reduce weight slowly and keep the weight off.

a. Eat a balanced, healthy diet

Remove as many processed foods from your diet as possible, especially calorie-dense ones like desserts, chips, fried foods, pizza, processed meats, frozen meals.

Replace these foods with more fruits and vegetables. Try eating mostly things that are one or two ingredients and free of added sugar, preservatives, fat and flavors. A little fruit is great, but don’t overdo it, and favor fruit such as blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.

b. Reduce sugar beverage consumption

Sugar sweetened beverages like soda and energy drinks are high in fructose, which has been shown to drive liver fat accumulation in children and adults.

Increase Your Physical Activity

Exercise will help support weight loss and improvement in liver health.

Suggested exercise is:

Low-intensity cardio workouts such as walking, cycling, jogging, recreational sports, or swimming

Strength training exercises such as weightlifting (fewer reps with lighter weights).

If you are not doing a lot of physical activity now, then start slowly and build up your time spent exercising. Aim to build up to exercising for 30 minutes at least 5 days per week.

Lower Your Triglycerides Through Diet & Exercise

Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in your blood. When you eat, your body converts any calories it doesn’t need to use right away into triglycerides and this can cause a build up of fat in the liver. Improving one’s diet and doing more exercise can lower triglycerides.

Avoid Alcohol

Your liver breaks down most of the alcohol you drink, so it can be removed from your body. But the process of breaking it down can generate harmful substances. These substances can damage liver cells, promote inflammation, and weaken your body’s natural defenses.

The more alcohol that you drink, the more you damage your liver. Alcoholic fatty liver disease is the earliest stage of alcohol-related liver disease. The next stages are alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Control Insulin Resistance and Diabetes

Improvements in diet and increased physical activity will support your metabolism and help reduce insulin resistance. This will result in less accumulated fat in the liver.

For extra help, there are natural supplements that can help provide your body with the comprehensive nutrition it needs to correct your metabolism and lower insulin resistance.

There is a new formula to help a fatty liver and it includes ERDS as gone over above. read about PureLife Care+




To Your Health