
Your Newsletter for Health


1. Are the Elderly Really Taking Too Many Vitamins?
2. Eliminate decay?
3. What is the Ketogenic Diet?
4. Are you confused about what you’ve been told about Neuropathy?
5. Plant Medicine, natural and it works


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Are the Elderly Really Taking Too Many Vitamins

According to The New York Times, studies have linked high-dose vitamin E with a higher risk of prostate cancer. In reality, a single study found a very small increase in prostate cancer among those using synthetic vitamin E

Studies looking at natural vitamin E show tocotrienols — specifically gamma tocotrienol — prevent prostate cancer and even kill prostate cancer stem cells. Gamma-tocotrienol may also be effective against existing prostate tumors.

Your body’s ability to absorb B12 diminishes significantly with age, and Alzheimer’s symptoms are extremely similar to the symptoms of B12 deficiency.

The New York Times also claims beta-carotene causes cancer. This myth is based on research showing smokers given a low dose of synthetic beta-carotene had a slightly increased risk of cancer. However, the treatment group had been smoking a year longer than the controls.

When properly prescribed, and taken as directed, the death toll from drugs is between 85,000 to 135,000 Americans per year. There’s no evidence of dietary supplements having caused a single death in over 30 years.

Read Article Too Many Vitamins?

For Whole Food Vitamins




Eliminate decay?

I started my quest to find out what else I could be doing for healthy gums and teeth when I realized that it was completely unnatural to have to go to a dentist every six months and have someone scrape plaque off my teeth.


My question was why? What was causing the plaque and what could be done about it.

Well, I found out and a great deal more. It has a lot to do with diet. I even found out that decay can be reversed. Now that was another question, why would you want ot drill holes in teeth and fill it with foreign material.

Here is a page that gives you information. Dental Health Care


And here is another on the Dental Health Diet




What is the Ketogenic Diet?

We talked about this diet but didn't give you more about it so here you go Ketogenic Diet

More Information - See Dr. Bergs Many Educational Videos on Ketogenic Diet All your questions answered.






Are you confused about what you’ve been told about Neuropathy?

This is an important subject for anyone with neuropathy, understand all the terms that are used when talking to you about your condition.  Confusing?


Here is an article regarding the terms used and what they mean


Confused about Neuropathy?


If you still have questions Email and get your questions answered.





Plant Medicine, Natural and it Works


It was only in 1880s that petrochemicals started to be used to make "medicine" Earlier it was derived from natural sources.


If a plant were not to have defenses against disease (bacteria, fungus, etc. etc.) and predators, etc. then it wouldn't survive. That defense is in the "essense" of the plant and it is distilled to make the plant oil, now called "essential oils".

Now don't get essential oils mixed up with the aroma of the flower. You only get that and perfumes when you distill it many times (4 to be exact) Not the pure medicinal oil that you get when it is distilled once.

I found a brand that is really distilled once and pure.

I find plant medicine very exciting and I have found it to work in so many ways. Hey, I've tried it and wasa amazed. Don't have trouble with sleep after using lavendar and when I ate somethng that didn't agree with me, I tried the lavender behind my ears (okay, that is what they said to do), it went quickly from about to throw up to a little discomfort - yes, I was impressed. There are so many oils and so many combinates, and if you have read about Thieves - so many products using these oils that you can use to eliminate toxins out of your environment. (remember the two things that create bad health is not getting the right nutrients in your food and allowing toxins to come into your body.

Find out more at Essential Oils McVItamins Endorsed to be sure.


Here is the website I got and want to share with you

Essential Oils.






To Your Health 


What Can Glucose Support Do For Glucose Metabolism?

The Glucose Support Formula has been updated and the biggest thing you'll notice is that we are now using Chromax* Chromium.

Chromax is a perfect nutrient included to address many of the health and lifestyle needs that are of increasing concern to the population. These unmet needs include: weight management, food cravings, mood, and support for healthy glucose metabolism.

Learn more about the clinical research that has been done on this ingredient. (There is also a video that explains how this chromium works!)

Chromax Chromium

Another added benefit is that the capsules in this new formula are smaller.

Find out more and order the Glucose Support Formula

If you have any questions at all, please email or call me at (888) 758-5590 or (818) 252-1038

We want to make sure you get the results you are looking for.