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1. Relief from Neuropathy
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Relief from Neuropathy
I have had a big response to the neuropathy surveys/quizzes and it is turning up valuable information.
I've known that the healthier you can get your nerves, the less symptoms you have. Some people get relief right away and others don't. So I've been looking into what could be standing in the way.
Two things so far are clear.
You have to have good digestion. You can't assimulate the needed nutrition (food or suplements) without that.
And two, B doesn't always equal B. Knowing that the body needs B vitamins to build healthy nerves doesn't mean that all vitamins sold as B will work. That is something to look into.
There is more, but this is where it is going. To a real Program that you can do that will bring more and more relief to your neuropathy. Stand by
Superfood Benefits of Camel Milk (and good for the lactose intolerant) June is National Dairy Month which recognizes the important contribution dairy products make in providing nutrition to billions of people around the world. Most people understand that dairy foods are an important source of nutrients for growing children and teens. However, milk and other dairy foods offer excellent nutritional value to adults, seniors and athletes, too. Dairy products are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, including carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A, D, B12, riboflavin and niacin. For example, just one 8-ounce serving of real dairy milk can offer up to 8 grams of protein which builds and repairs muscle tissue (an equal serving of almond beverage has only about 1 gram of protein). A superfood is a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being, so milk, with its excellent nutritional profile, is recognized as a superfood, and could be considered the original superfood. All Real Dairy Milks are Not Equal Real dairy milk can come from a variety of animal sources with cow, goat and sheep milk being the better-known forms of real milk. There’s now another real dairy milk gaining popularity in the US – camel milk. Camel milk may be a “new” milk to us in the western world, but it’s been used for centuries by the nomadic people of the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Asia to help them maintain their health despite living in a harsh environment. What's So Special about Camel Milk? Camels are unique animals and produce unique milk. The quality and strength of some of the properties of camel milk are not found in any other milks. Camel milk is loaded with nutrients such as vitamin E, selenium, iron, folate and much more. The overall fat content of camel milk is approximately 50 percent lower than cow milk, while the percentage of healthy unsaturated fatty acids is higher. The monounsaturated fats in camel milk have some of the same benefits of olive oil. The body needs these fatty acids for brain function and cell growth. Camel milk is rich in natural vitamin C – three to five times higher than in cow milk. Vitamin C is needed to grow and repair tissues throughout the body, to form collagen, make skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. Camel milk contains more calcium than other milks. Your body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones and your heart, muscles and nerves also need calcium to function properly. The intake of this natural mineral is important for growing children. Camel milk contains high levels of minerals (sodium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc and magnesium.) Iron is one of the most vital minerals because it plays a vital role in immune system function. Magnesium plays a role in over 300 enzymatic reactions within the body, including the metabolism of food, synthesis of fatty acids and proteins, and the transmission of nerve impulses. It’s also necessary for the optimum absorption of the calcium. Another great benefit is that camel milk doesn’t contain the A1 beta-casein and beta-lactoglobulin proteins found in cow milk. These proteins have been linked to allergic reactions to cow milk, such as bloating, pain, gas, diarrhea, or reflux. The natural probiotic features of camel milk assist healthy bacteria growth in the gut and support healthy digestion. Promoting a healthy digestive tract and a strong immune system are the most widely studied benefits of probiotics. And the cherry on the top -- camel milk contains lanolin, collagen, and other natural moisturizing ingredients, that have a calming and soothing effect on the skin. If you want to include the nutritional benefits of real dairy milk in your diet, it’s not hard to see why camel milk is the smart choice. Try camel milk now with this special offer – 2 packets of Camelicious camel milk powder for 24% Off and Free Shipping for only $10. Go to Camel Milk
Special Needs Children - Many are frustrated in trying to find help - don't give up.
Recent Research suggests that metabolic issues can cause deficits in sociability and communication and increased repetitive and/or restrictive behaviors in children.
Find out more at Spectrum Care+
Can't lower your blood sugar? "All carbohydrates are basically sugar. Various sugar molecules - primarily glucose - hooked together chemically ["bonded"] compose the entire family of carbohydrates. Your body has digestive enzymes that break these chemical bonds and release the sugar molecules into the blood, where they stimulate insulin." "This means that if you follow a 2,200-calorie diet that is 60 percent carbohydrates - the very one most nutritionists recommend - your body will end up having to contend with almost 2 cups of pure sugar per day." excerpted from Protein Power Based on this astounding information, the question is not whether or not a diabetic should be on a low carbohydrate diet, but just what are the foods for a low carbohydrate diet? Without attempting to list every kind and type of food, and for simplicity, I have grouped foods into three general categories below; those that are high carbohydrate content which should be avoided, medium carbohydrate content which can be eaten only in modest or extremely small portions, and low carbohydrate content that can be eaten as much as one likes: High Carbohydrate Content: Medium Carbohydrate Content: Low Carbohydrate Content: For more information see Diabetes
To Your Health If you have any questions about our Nerve Support Formula, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590 (US & Canada) or (818) 252-1038. We want to make sure you get the results you are looking for.