
Your Newsletter for Health


1. Toxins in Your Environment - One of the Causes of Bad Health & What you can do.
2. The Truth about Neuropathy & Vitamins
3. Toxins that Cause Nerve Damage (Neuropathy)
4. Risk Factors that Cause Nerve Damage (Neuropathy)

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Toxins in Your Environment - One of the Causes of Bad Health & What you can do

We live in a toxic environment. The air you breathe can be polluted with chemicals (some places more than others), the toxins can come via processed foods and in the household cleaning supplies that you clean with (cleck your labels). Cleaners that you wash your dishes with, cleaners for your bathroom, bedroom and kitchen, and even those you brush your teeth with.

How does it create bad health?

Why do you feel so toxic sometimes and what you can do to ditch the toxic chemicals and switch to something healthy.

Read the Article Toxins and Bad Health

The Truth about Neuropathy & Vitamins

All you have to do is search on the internet for vitamins to take for neuropathy and pages of articles come up regarding what natural method you can use to improve or relieve the neuropathy symptoms. Of course, they are all different. Some of them are similar, but not one agrees on what you should take.

So how to you wade through the confusion of it all and figure out what to take.

Okay, here are the things you need to know.

Neuropathy is nerve damage. 

The nerve tissue is damaged.

The body will build healthy nerves if given the right vitamins.

The body uses vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids in its daily task of energy production and repair. If it doesn’t get these tools, it can’t build health..

Thus, what does the body need to build healthy nerve tissue?

Well, we know we can rule out the use of herbs. Herbs are medications. They force the body to do something it normally wouldn’t do, just like drugs. However, they are superior to drugs as they are natural not made in a laboratory.

When using herbs you do need to know who is creating the herbal remedies as quality of the herb and manufacture of the herbal remedy can vary. But simply put, the body doesn’t use herbs to repair itself.

A lot of articles written by medical doctors and medical professionals will only talk about using vitamins when the cause of the neuropathy was a deficiency of B12.

But the simplicity is that the body uses amino acids, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids to build healthy tissue.

What does the body need for Nerve Health




Toxins that Cause Nerve Damage (Neuropathy)

Nerve damage can be caused by toxins. It occurs when there is exposure to natural or artificial toxic substances.  These toxins are called neurotoxins. 

Neurotoxins alters the normal activity of the nervous system in such a way as to cause damage to nervous tissue. It is a destructive or poisonous effect upon the nerve system.  This can eventually disrupt and damage nerve cells.  

Nerve Damage can result from exposure to substances used in chemotherapy, radiation treatment, drug therapies, drug abuse such as ecstasy, and organ transplants.  It can be caused by exposure to heavy metals, certain foods and food additives, pesticides, industrial and/or cleaning solvents, etc.  See below for a partial list.  

Symptoms of this exposure may appear immediately after or it may be delayed. They may include limb weakness or numbness, loss of memory, vision, and/or intellect, uncontrollable obsessive and/or compulsive behaviors, delusions, headache, cognitive and behavioral problems and sexual dysfunction. Individuals with certain disorders may be especially vulnerable to neurotoxins.

List of Neurotoxins that are commonly in our lives. 

ACETONE found in nail polish remover
 used in gas welders.
AFLATOXINS found in peanuts
ALBUTEROL prescription breathing medicine
weed killer used on corn
found in gasoline
found in lighters
blood pressure medicine
used in prescription cough syrup
the prescription tranquilizer Valium
DIGOXIN heart drug
ETHANOL you drink this alcohol
found in the teeth of many people

This is a partial list.   For a full list go to 

Foods have additives that can also cause nerve damage. 

Another Toxin that Causes Neuropathy - Food Toxins

Food additives tricks your tongue into thinking that it is getting something nutritious when it is getting nothing at all except some very toxic substances.

Following the Second World War food companies discovered monosodium glutamate (MSG), a food ingredient the Japanese had invented in 1908 to enhance food flavors. 

Unfortunately, MSG is extremely toxic, especially to your nervous system!

The fast food industry could not exist without MSG and other artificial meat flavors to make their sauces and spice mixes. The sauces in processed foods are basically MSG, water, thickeners and some caramel coloring.

MSG tricks your tongue into thinking that it is getting something nutritious when it is getting nothing at all except some very toxic substances.

Almost all canned soups and stews contain MSG. Salad dressings, Worcestershire sauce, rice mixes, dehydrated soups, all of these as well as anything that has a meat-like taste has MSG in it.

Most processed vegetarian foods contain these flavorings. The list of ingredients in vegetarian hamburgers, hot dogs, bacon, baloney, etc., often includes “hydrolyzed protein” (another name for MSG) and other "natural" flavorings. Almost all soy-based foods contain large amounts of MSG.

In 1957 scientists found that mice became blind and obese when given MSG. In 1969, MSG was found to cause damage in specific regions of the brain. Subsequent studies confirmed this.


MSG is a substance that has a toxic effect on nerves and the nervous system that causes a wide range of reactions, from temporary headaches to permanent brain damage.


We are experiencing today a huge increase in Alzheimer's, brain cancer, seizures, multiple sclerosis, and diseases of the nervous system. One of the chief contributors are these flavorings in our food. Ninety-five percent of processed foods contain MSG!


In the late 1950’s it was added to baby food. After some congressional hearings on this subject, the baby food manufacturers stated they had taken it out of the baby food, but they didn't really remove it. They just called it by another name - “hydrolyzed protein”!


Anything that you buy that says "spices" or "natural flavors" contains MSG! The food industry avoids putting MSG on the label by putting MSG in spice mixes. Legally, if the mix is less than 50% MSG, manufacturers don't have to put it on the label.


The phrase "No MSG" on food labels has virtually disappeared. That's because MSG is in all the spice mixes.


This substance is so harmful to your body that you want to avoid all foods containing MSG!


To do this successfully you must take the time when shopping to read the ingredients labels on the foods you buy!


To help you to determine what foods actually contain MSG we have compiled a list of ingredients (in alphabetical order) that ALWAYS contain MSG!


Autolyzed plant protein
Autolyzed yeast
Calcium caseinate
Glutamate Textured protein
Glutamic acid
Hydrolyzed Plant Protein (HPP)
(any protein that is hydrolyzed)
Hydrolyzed protein
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP)
Monopotassium glutamate
Monosodium glutamate
Natural flavors
Sodium caseinate
Textured protein
Yeast extract
Yeast food
Yeast food nutrient


Terms that frequently indicate hidden MSG additives

Malt extract
Natural Flavoring
Natural Beef or Chicken Flavoring

Additives that may contain MSG or excitotoxins

Soy Protein Concentrate
Soy Protein Isolate
Whey Protein Concentrate
Protease enzymes of various sources can release excitotoxin amino acids from food proteins.

By eliminating as much MSG as possible from your diet, it will result in greatly improved health for you and your family, both now and in the future!

By eliminating as much MSG as possible from your diet, it will result in greatly improved health for you and your family, both now and in the future!


What to do for nerve damage from any of these neurotoxins? 

First get all of these toxins out of your environment.





Risk Factors that Cause Nerve Damage (Neuropathy)

Toxins are only one cause of nerve damage.  

We hear all the time that the cause of someone's neuropathy is idiopathic, no known cause.  It has also been called genetic.   Both sounds like not enough investigation has been done to find the cause of the problem.

It is important to know the cause because otherwise, more damage could be happening.  If you know it was caused by toxins, you can remove them from your environment.  If it is a B vitamin deficiency, you can supplement with the correct B vitamins.

Here is our article on the Causes and Risk Factors of Neuropathy.  We have done our best to find all the possible causes and will add to the list if we find more.  





To Your Health 


Nerve Support Story - Nerve Damage from Pinched Nerves

People who use the RHP Nerve Support Formula to restore their quality of life every day.

Here is another recent success story from someone who is using the Nerve Support products:

“I have dealt with nerve damage from pinched nerves in my back for 15 years.

"When I found this product, I wasn't sure if it would help me or not. To my surprise the Nerve Support Formula has helped a lot. I used it for several years and at one point I decided to save money and cancel.

"Well, that was not a good idea because my pain started getting bad again. I got back on my subscription and couldn't be happier. I just had surgery to correct my issue and I'm doing well, but I'm still using Nerve Support Formula because it's good for me, pain or not.”

From Suzie G. in Washington

The RHP Nerve Support products are nutritional supplements that are specifically formulated to help build healthy nerves for anyone, including those with neuropathy, and they work extremely well.

To learn more or to order the Nerve Support Formula

Or the Advanced Nerve Support Formula

Note: You can now get as many as 6 bottles on the RHP site and start saving with 3 or more bottles!

If you have any questions, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590 or (818) 252-1038.

We're here to help you get the best results possible with the product.