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Study: Omega-3 linked to lower Alzheimer's risk
There’s a new important study that further emphasizes and supports my advice for utilization of a clean and fresh omega-3 DHA-EPA supplement.
A groundbreaking 6-year study in older adults found that those who reported taking omega-3 supplements had a staggering 64% lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease than those who did not take supplements.
To be clear: supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids is not “magically” protective on its own. There are multiple contributing factors to Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. Many of them are diet-related, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. The standard American diet – with excess animal products and processed foods, low omega-3 intake, and low micronutrient and phytochemical intake – increases the risk of dementia. The ALA in flax, chia, and hemp seed and walnuts is not efficiently converted to DHA and EPA in most people. For a small percentage of the population who follow a healthful, vegan or near-vegan diet, low blood omega-3 fatty acids would be the most common cause of dementia, as they are doing many other things right.
That’s why for vegans, and people who follow healthful diets, the benefits of DHA and EPA supplementation is so profound; because healthful eaters, whose only risk factor is a low omega-3 index, are those who will most strongly benefit from supplementation. The point is that this study, demonstrating a 64% lower risk of dementia with supplementation, underestimates the benefits, because they were not evaluating a vegan population where the benefits would be much stronger. There’s a new important study that further emphasizes and supports my advice for utilization of a clean and fresh omega-3 DHA-EPA supplement.
A groundbreaking 6-year study in older adults found that those who reported taking omega-3 supplements had a staggering 64% lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease than those who did not take supplements.
To be clear: supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids is not “magically” protective on its own. There are multiple contributing factors to Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. Many of them are diet-related, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. The standard American diet – with excess animal products and processed foods, low omega-3 intake, and low micronutrient and phytochemical intake – increases the risk of dementia. The ALA in flax, chia, and hemp seed and walnuts is not efficiently converted to DHA and EPA in most people. For a small percentage of the population who follow a healthful, vegan or near-vegan diet, low blood omega-3 fatty acids would be the most common cause of dementia, as they are doing many other things right.
That’s why for vegans, and people who follow healthful diets, the benefits of DHA and EPA supplementation is so profound; because healthful eaters, whose only risk factor is a low omega-3 index, are those who will most strongly benefit from supplementation. The point is that this study, demonstrating a 64% lower risk of dementia with supplementation, underestimates the benefits, because they were not evaluating a vegan population where the benefits would be much stronger.
Beyond Beef Plant-Based Ground vs Beef: Nutritional Comparison By Michael Joseph Beyond Beef Plant-Based Ground is a product designed as a vegan-friendly alternative to ground beef. However, there are a lot of claims about this product—both positive and negative—and about how it compares to regular beef. This article offers an objective, data-driven nutritional comparison of Beyond Beef Plant-Based Ground and regular ground beef. The one thing that I would like to point out which is not in this article is the "fortified" vitamins are always synthetic and the body doesn't recognize them and these doesn't utilize them well. It can also gum up the works when the body tries to use these synthetic vitamins. Wonder why you blood tests might say high levels of certain vitamins? Perhaps because the body is getting rid of it as it can't really use it. And basically the plant-based substitute is processed food.
What is Histamine and how the Body creates "Allergies". Its allergy season again… Read about Seasonal Allergies Medications with Side Effects of Neuropathy There are many medications which have a side effect of neuropathy. The prescription might not even be the main cause of neuropathy, but taking them for other reasons can increase neuropathy, or be the additional reason that a pre-existing situation can become full blown neuropathy with all its pain, tingling, numbness and other symptoms. Below is a partial list that we have created. If you have a question about the listed drugs or a drug not on this list go to or and read the possible side effects of the drug. You also have to remember that it may not list it as neuropathy. It may use the neuropathy side effect such as numbness and tingling, nerve pain, paresthesia, etc. etc. Take a Quiz: Am I doing everything I can to daily help my neuropathy? Find out what lifestyle changes will help, take the quiz and get our suggestions and get our assistance on what you can do. Medications given for Neuropathy Peripheral Neuropathy By Type of Drug: Antibiotics Anti Alcohol Drug Anti-Anxiety: Anticonvulsants Anti-Depressants Anti-Seizure Blood Pressure or Heart Medications: Chemotherapy Drugs Cholesterol Drugs: Dental Creams: Diabetic Drugs: HIV Drugs: Peripheral neuropathy most often caused by the “d” drugs: d4T (Zerit) Other drugs that can often cause this complication: Flagyl (metronidazole) Infection fighting drugs Skin condition treatment drugs Statin Drugs If you are taking any of these medications, and you have neuropathy, you need to speak to your doctor about getting off of them and replacing them with a natural supplement. Minimally, your doctor should put you on a medication that does not cause neuropathy. If you doctor is not willing to work with you on this, you should find a doctor who will. For information about neuropathy What can be done for relief? * We always recommend you take the approach of building health – and nerves are no different. How can you Relief from Neuropathy? *Studies & Research on Nerve Health STILL HAVE QUESTIONS? EMAIL AND GET YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED
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