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1.The #1 Worst Ingredient in the World that is hiding in your Food
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The #1 Worst Ingredient in the World that is Hiding in Your Food
Check the nutrition labels on the packaged foods in your refrigerator, freezer, and cupboard! You'll be surprised to see one common ingredient in most foods, and guess what? It is the #1 worst ingredient in the world—Maltodextrin. This ingredient in the world is hiding in many common foods. It s in a lot of our foods, and it’s much higher on the glycemic Maltodextrin is not classified as a sugar, but it behaves like a sugar. When you read a food label on a product that contains maltodextrin, the maltodextrin doesn’t have to be classified as a sugar. Instead, it’s classified under total carbohydrates. This can be misleading because now you don’t know how much sugar is really in the product. Maltodextrin is a man-made synthetic sugar-like carbohydrate. It’s highly processed and is absorbed in the body faster than sugar. Maltodextrin depletes nutrients and spikes insulin—it’s even classified as an insecticide. Maltodextrin could be hiding in certain foods, drinks, and supplements, such as: • Natural flavorings • Herbal extracts • Stevia powders • MCT oil powders • Fish oil powders • Performance gels • Energy drinks • Protein powders • Electrolyte powder • Infant formulas • Baby foods • Weight gain formulas • Beer • Animal feeds • Many "keto" products • Many diet products • Soups • Desserts • Cereals • Sauces • Intravenous nutrition • Certain medications Reference:
Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness? Neuropathy has many symptoms. It may start with a tingling feeling and end up with numbness. It can be a pricking, or burning sensation, loss of reflexes and muscle shrinkage, abnormal sensations, or sensitivity to touch. Its worse symptom is pain, sometimes so excruciating that a person would amputate rather than continue the pain. It is called many names such as paresthesia, neuritis, neuralgia, dysesthensia, hypoesthesia, hypesthesia, hypalgesia, hypealgesia and hyperesthesia due to its many different kinds of symptoms. But, what underlies all these symptoms? They are created by a specific type of nerve damage. This nerve damage can come from too much sugar in the blood (the reason it is a side effect of diabetes). It can be caused by exposure to chemicals such as cancer treatments, poisons, alcoholism, or a side effect of some medications. It can be the result of kidney or liver failure, infectious disease or nutritional deficiencies especially B vitamins. The reasons are many; the damage they produce is the same. What creates the problem is damage done to the outer lining of the nerve cell. Cells have coverings much like an electrical wire has an insulation of plastic. Have you ever seen a wire whose insulation is damaged – the electrical current doesn’t flow correctly. It can send electricity out from the area where it is damaged, it can stop the flow of electricity or it can damage what it's supposed to be supplying electricity to. A damaged nerve covering does the same thing. It can send out “sparks” that cause tingling, it can stop the flow resulting in numbness. It can create feelings of hot or cold or sensitivity due to crossed signals. It can definitely cause pain especially as the damage gets worse. The idea is to fix this outer covering. This is called the myelin sheath. What is needed are specific B vitamins. The only question is how to get these B vitamins in sufficient amounts so that the body can actually build healthy nerves. Isolated B vitamins that are sold at the health food stores or local drug stores get washed out of the system too quickly to fix the damage. It would be hard to take enough of this type of nutrients to make a difference. You can’t get it from vitamins made in a laboratory. What is needed is a whole food supplement with methylcobalamine and benfotiamine and other B vitamins that the body can use to build healthy nerve cells. That is one of the functions of the body, to build health. But it does need specific nutrients to do its job. Nutrients are what a body runs on. A car runs on gas. If you drive the car down the road, it uses up a steady amount of that gas. If you take that same car and speed down the freeway, you will use up a lot of gas. When you take a body “out on the freeway”, or put it under physical stress, it uses up a lot more nutrients. Thus, getting the right supplements in the right amount is important. Just as a car won’t drive without giving it gas a body can’t or function correctly or build health without the proper nutrients it needs to “drive”. In the case of neuropathy, it needs these B vitamins. Neuropathy can be a side effect of many things. Although most often it is caused by too much sugar in the blood - Diabetes - there are many factors. Chemotherapy and some drugs have neuropathy as a side effect and it can be caused by surgery damaging the nerves - there are others. For more information about neuropathy. Success in Handling the Nerve Damage of Neuropathy We got lots of different people who got nerve damage from many different reasons who have written up what happened to them. Go here for their stories Read about getting relief by increasing your nerve health
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Pandemic Flu Can Leave People With Lingering Nerve Damage TUESDAY, March 29, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- For many people, damage from the flu varients continues well beyond the initial infection. A case in point: Pain, tingling and numbness in the hands and feet can occur for weeks or months afterward, a new study reveals. The researchers surveyed more than 1,550 patients who underwent testing at the Washington University Medical Campus in St. Louis over a 10-month period early in the pandemic. Those who tested positive (542) were about three times more likely to report pain, numbness or tingling in their hands and feet (peripheral neuropathy) than those who tested negative, according to the study. "We found that nearly 30% of patients who tested positive also reported neuropathy problems at the time of their diagnosis," said study co-author Simon Haroutounian. "For 6% to 7% of them, the symptoms persisted for at least two weeks, and up to three months, suggesting this virus may have lingering effects on peripheral nerves," he added in a university news release. Some of the patients with neuropathy symptoms sought treatment at the university pain center, but most had mild to moderate symptoms and may not have sought help from a pain specialist, said Haroutounian, who is chief of clinical research at the pain center. "Several viral infections — such as HIV and shingles — are associated with peripheral neuropathy because viruses can damage nerves," he noted. "In the case of HIV, we didn't realize it was causing neuropathy for several years after the AIDS epidemic began. Consequently, many people went undiagnosed with neuropathy and untreated for the pain associated with the problem," explained Haroutounian, who is also an associate professor of anesthesiology. The same may be true for patients with neuropathy following the flu and varients he said. Regardless of the cause, however, treatments for neuropathy are similar. "There is a high likelihood we could still help these patients, even though at the moment there are not clear diagnostic criteria or even a recognized syndrome known as flu peripheral neuropathy," Haroutounian said. Because the study was conducted at a single center, further research is needed to replicate the findings, he pointed out. "We also finished our data collection before vaccinations became widespread and before the Delta or Omicron variants arrived, and it's difficult to say what effects those variables may have," Haroutounian added. The findings were published online March 24 in the journal Pain. More information about viral caused Neuropathy and what you can do SOURCE: Washington University, news release, March 24, 2022
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