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1. How to Bulletproof Your Immune System
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How to Bulletproof Your Immune System Over the last few weeks, you may have seen some of my posts regarding my online course, "How to Bulletproof Your Immune System." This course in the past has been sold for $97. Now, I'm giving it away for FREE until August 22nd! Thousands have already joined, but there's still time! This campaign is to help as many people around the world as possible to build up and strengthen their immune system. I believe this will help us all get through these tough times a little faster, with more confidence, and hopefully with less fear. The course will walk you through everything you need to know about your immune system, how to protect it, and most importantly how to strengthen it! But, to keep the free access you’ve got to share this mission with as many people as you can. Let’s beat the virus at its own game by spreading the word about "How to Bulletproof Your Immune System" far and fast; making it go viral, as they say, on the internet. Take a look at the contest requirements for getting and maintaining access to the course Go to Or Read Immunity & A Healthy Immune System
Is Nerve Damage The Rule, Not the Exception With Cholesterol Meds? A study found treatment with statin cholesterol-lowering drugs caused a clinically silent but still definite damage to peripheral nerves when taken for longer than 2 years At least 88 other studies further link statin drugs to neurotoxicity (nerve damage), including 12 studies on statin-induced peripheral neuropathy A separate study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine revealed statins increase the risk of diabetes for postmenopausal women by 48 percent, adding to an already established body of research on their diabetogenic properties For full article Statin Drugs and Nerve Damage For How do Medications Create Neuropathy The Real Treatment for Neuropathy Relief
******************** Have you taken a "neuropathy formula" in the past and not gotten results? Did it include B9? Take our Quiz. ********************
For Spanish Speaking Friends: La Fundación por Un Mundo Libre de Drogas (Drug Free World Foundation) La Fundación por Un Mundo Libre de Drogas es una corporación para el beneficio público y sin fines lucrativos que proporciona a jóvenes y adultos información basada en hechos acerca de las drogas de modo que puedan tomar decisiones informadas y tener una vida libre de drogas. La Guía del Educador de La Verdad Sobre las Drogas posee herramientas prácticas para enseñar a la gente joven sobre el abuso de estas sustancias. El Paquete de Educación de La Verdad sobre las Drogas se ofrece como ayuda para los educadores que enseñan a alumnos de 11 años de edad en adelante en un salón de clases, instrucción de grupo o en un marco de enseñanza en la comunidad. En el mundo se habla mucho acerca de las drogas: en las calles, en la escuela, en Internet y en la televisión. Algunas cosas son ciertas y otras no lo son. Mucho de lo que escuchas acerca de las drogas viene realmente de los que las venden. Traficantes de drogas reformados han confesado que hubieran dicho cualquier cosa con tal de hacer que otros les compraran drogas. No te dejes engañar. Necesitas los hechos reales para evitar engancharte a las drogas y para ayudar a tus amigos a permanecer lejos de ellas. Tarde o temprano (si no ha sucedido ya), a ti o a alguien cercano a ti, les ofrecerán drogas. La decisión de consumirlas o no podría afectar drásticamente tu vida. Cualquier adicto te dirá que nunca esperó que una droga tomara el control de su vida o quizá que comenzaron “solo con hierba” y que era “solo algo para hacer” con sus amigos. Pensaban que podían manejarlo y cuando descubrieron que no podían, era demasiado tarde. Tienes derecho a saber los HECHOS sobre las drogas..., no opiniones, despliegues publicitarios o tácticas de miedo. Así que, ¿cómo separar los hechos de la ficción? Es por eso que hemos preparado este sitio de Internet..., para ti.
The Diet for Dental Health or What to eat for a Healthier Mouth First you have to remember: Eat for your health, not for your taste buds. That is true in general and also for your teeth and gums. The following is from research done on the de-mineralization of the teeth and unhealthy gums. From Dr. Axe "How to Reverse Cavities Naturally and Heal Tooth Decay". The below incorporates the successes of two other doctors as well and also from Dr. Weston Price, Dentist Pioneer in dental health's website. Make your Diet: Rich in animal foods like meat, fish and eggs and bone broth from pasture-fed animals. Make sure all meats come from grass-fed, grass-finished animals. What I noticed recently is that the diet I have been on "healthy Keto" fits right into this regimen. Well, I didn't eat grains and haven't for a long time even before I found Healthy Keto but what I found was that most of what is recommended in the Dental Diet is gotten from the Keto diet. Here is to a healthier mouth, gums and reversed decay. See Dental Health
To Your Health
NEW Dr.Berg’s Advanced Digestive Formula Relieves symptoms like bloating, gas, and indigestion A new formula with ginger, peppermint, anise and fennel to further support healthy digestion and potentially reduce indigestion, gas and bloating. Betaine hydrochloride and apple cider vinegar in this supplement are natural acidifiers that support normal stomach function. Take Dr. Berg’s Advanced Digestive Formula before or after a meal to help your body digest a healthy diet and more effortlessly extract the nutrients it needs. For more information about Advanced Digestive Formula If you have any questions please email or call us at (888) 758-5590 (US & Canada) or (818) 252-1038. |